7 Minutes is a 2014 American crime thriller drama film, written and directed by Jay Martin. The film stars Luke Mitchell, Jason Ritter, Leven Rambin, Zane Holtz, Kevin Gage, Brandon Hardesty, Joel Murray and Kris Kristofferson. The film received its world premiere on October 26, 2014 at the Austin Film Festival. The film then premiered at the Sarasota Film Festival on April 16, 2015. The film received a limited release and through video-on-demand on June 26, 2015 by Starz Distribution.Synopsis
Three friends, Sam (Luke Mitchell), Mike (Jason Ritter) and Owen (Zane Holtz), are forced by circumstance to commit a brazen robbery. What begins as a simple plan - 'in and out in seven minutes' - quickly becomes a dangerous game of life and death. As each minute of the robbery unfolds, the stakes are pushed higher and higher. In the final act, Sam's pregnant girlfriend Kate (Leven Rambin) is kidnapped, escalating the situation even further and pressing our heroes to do whatever they can to make it out alive.