Sam Lowry
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Mr. Helpmann, I'm keen to get into Information Retrieval. Mr. Helpmann, I'm dying to get at this woman... no, no, no.
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[to Jill] You won't believe this, I know it's going to sound incredible, but I've been dreaming about you. No, not like that. I mean, I love you - in my dreams - I love you. And, uh...Extraordinary, isn't it?
Archibald 'Harry' Tuttle
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Listen, this whole system of yours could be on fire and I couldn't even turn on the kitchen tap without filling out a twenty-seven B stroke six... bloody paperwork.
Mr. Helpmann
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Jill? Yes... Sam I think I ought to tell you. I'm afraid she's upped stumps and retired to the pavilion. Thrown in the towel.
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All I can say is don't fall at the last fence. The finishing post's in sight. See you in the paddock... keep your eye on the ball.
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Mr. Warrenn: There you are, your own number on your very own door. And behind that door, your very own office! Welcome to the team, DZ-015.
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Mr. Warrenn: And what the hell is this mess. An empty desk is an efficient desk...I don't know what's going on here, Lowry, but don't think you can intimidate us with your friends and relatives in high places. NOW SHAPE UP!
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Kurtzmann: It's been confusion from the word go! He's been overcharged for Information Retrieval Procedures and someone somewhere is trying to make us carry the can.
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Jack Lint: We've always been close, haven't we? Well, until this whole thing blows over, just stay away from me.
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Dr. Lewis Jaffe: Can you believe it? Just me and my little knife. Snip, snip, slice, slice...But this is just the beginning...You've seen her with her clothes off. Faces are a doddle compared to tits and ass. No hairlines.
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Dr. Chapman: That technique...I've tried it. A nice effect, but highly unstable. In six months, she'll look like Grandma Moses.
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Mrs. Terrain: My complication had a little complication. But Dr. Jaffe says I'll soon be up and bounding about like a young gazelle.
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Interviewer: What do you believe is behind this recent increase in terrorist bombings?
Mr. Helpmann: Bad sportsmanship. A ruthless minority of people seems to have forgotten certain good old-fashioned virtues. They just can't stand seeing the other fellow win. If these people would just play the game, they'd get a lot more out of life.
Interviewer: Nevertheless, Mr. Helpmann, there are those who maintain that the Ministry of Information has become too large and unwieldy...And the cost of it all, Deputy Minister? Seven percent of the gross national product.
Mr. Helpmann: I understand this concern on behalf of the tax payers. People want value for money. That's why we always insist on the principle of Information Retrieval charges. It's absolutely right and fair that those found guilty should pay for their periods of detention and for the Information Retrieval Procedures used in their interrogation.
Interviewer: Do you believe that the government is winning the battle against terrorists?
Mr. Helpmann: Oh, yes. Our morale is much higher than theirs. We're fielding all their strokes, running a lot of them out, and pretty consistently knocking them for six. I'd say they're nearly out of the game.
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Sam Lowry: I don't want dessert. I don't want a promotion. I don't want anything.
Mrs. Lowry: Of course you want something. You must have hopes, wishes, dreams.
Sam Lowry: No, nothing. Not even dreams!
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Harry Tuttle: Bloody paperwork. Huh!
Sam Lowry: I suppose one has to expect a certain amount.
Harry Tuttle: Why? I came into this game for the action, the excitement. Go anywhere, travel light, get in, get out, wherever there's trouble, a man alone. Now they've got the whole country sectioned off. You can't move without a form.
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Sam Lowry: Better still, send it to Buttle, after all it's his cheque.
Kurtzmann: I've tried that. Look at this/
[shows Sam a file] You see? The population census has got him down as dormanted. The Central Collective Storehouse computer has got him down as deleted...
Sam Lowry: Hang on.
[goes to computer terminal and begins typing]
Kurtzman: ...Information Retrieval has got him down as inoperative. And there's another one - Security has got him down as excised. Administration's got him down as completed...
Sam Lowry: He's dead.
Kurtzman: L...
[pause] Dead? Well, that's awful!
[Kurtzman sits down and looks at refund cheque]
[desperately] We'll never get rid of the damn thing now! What are we going to do Sam?
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Sam Lowry: It's a refund, actually. There was a mistake.
Mrs. Buttle: Mistake?
Sam Lowry: Yes, they don't usually make mistakes, but, uh, well, I suppose we're all human...Actually, you know, my coming here is rather unorthodox, bringing you this check as any payments are normally made through central computer, but, uhm, well, as there were certain difficulties, we thought, well, rather than cause delay, uh, we'd let you have it now - you know, it being Christmas and all.
Mrs. Buttle: My husband's dead, isn't he?
Sam Lowry: Uhm, I do assure you, Mrs. Buttle, the Ministry is very scrupulous about following up and eradicating any error. But if you do have any complaints you wish to make, I'd be, well, only too happy to send you the appropriate forms.
Mrs. Buttle: What have you done with his body?...
Sam Lowry: Uhmm, I don't know anything about that, Mrs. Buttle. I'm really just delivering the check. So if, uhm, look, if you wouldn't mind just signing these two receipts, I'd be only too happy to, uh, to leave you in peace...
Mrs. Buttle: He hadn't done anything. He was good! What have you done with his body?
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Harvey Lime:
[bragging] Computers are my forte.
Sam Lowry: Let me see.
[He grabs the page] Gillian Layton. Coloring white. Hair blonde. Eyes blue. Height, five-foot, four. Distinguishing marks, scar on left...Is this all you got?
Harvey Lime: Best to take things slowly where some women are concerned.
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Sam Lowry: My name's Lowry. Sam Lowry. I've been told to report to Mr. Warrenn.
Porter - Information Retrieval: Thirtieth floor, sir. You're expected.
Sam Lowry: Um... don't you want to search me?
Porter - Information Retrieval: No sir.
Sam Lowry: Do you want to see my ID?
Porter - Information Retrieval: No need, sir.
Sam Lowry: But I could be anybody.
Porter - Information Retrieval: No you couldn't sir. This is Information Retrieval.
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Sam Lowry: Anyway, if I want you to trust me, it's only fair that I should trust you, right?
Jill Layton: Doesn't it bother you the sort of things you do at Information Retrieval?
Sam Lowry: What? I suppose you'd rather have terrorists?
Jill Layton: How many terrorists have you met, Sam? Actual terrorists?
Sam Lowry: Actual terrorists?
Jill Layton: Yeah.
Sam Lowry: Well, it's only my first day.
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Jill Layton: What do you think? Is it me? Well?
Sam Lowry: You don't exist anymore. I've killed you.
[(Shows picture of Jill Layton's file with the words "DELETE" on it] Jill Layton is dead.
Jill Layton:
[smiles] Care for a little necrophilia? Hmmm?
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It's about flights of fantasy. And the nightmare of reality. Terrorist bombings. And late night shopping. True Love. And creative plumbing.