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Friday the 13th is a american film of genre Thriller directed by Marcus Nispel released in USA on 13 february 2009 with Jared Padalecki

Friday the 13th (2009)

Friday the 13th
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Facebook Share this quote on facebook Hey Mikey, wear a condom! An extra small one.


Facebook Share this quote on facebook There's something in there. Looks like some kind of a doll.


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Oh my God, babies have more space in the uterus.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Fine. To all the felching, welching, pussies of the world!

Facebook Share this quote on facebook [looking at a stuffed bobcat] That is a fierce pussy.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook In my next life, I want to come back as one of the buttons on the asspocket of her jeansshorts.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Hey! Here's to daddy issues and fucking douchebags. Let's just all be one big happy cliché!

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Hi, my name is Trent. My daddy bent me over this chair and beat me when I was little, so you need to fix it.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Are you looking for this? Because, uh, it completes your outfit.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Hey. Now, this is a real man's sport. You're even curved to the left, like my penis.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook They don't call me the "wood wizard" because I masturbate a lot.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Are you kidding? I have a better shot at fucking a penguin than that girl.


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Jesus Christ! Fuckin' lucky there, Stretch! You came about that close to hittin' the start button on the whup-ass machine, boy!

Facebook Share this quote on facebook I forgot, did you want to buy some weed? Seriously, I sprung a fucking shit-ton of it growing out there, a little bushel. Sell you some.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook It's your fuckin' loss, dude! It'll fuck your shit up, boy. Good times. Fucker.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook [to mannequin] It's been a long time, Gina. You remember that special night we had? You remember when you took my virginity? You're sexy. You're still tight as ever. I wanna fuckin' pound you so hard.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook [sees Jason unmasked] What the fu-? That shit ain't fuckin' right dude!


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Oh, you like that? You like the balls in your hand, huh?

Facebook Share this quote on facebook I don't care about your damn lip, this is a family heirloom!

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Your tits are Supendous!


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Did you forget how to drink that? Just put it to your lips, blow, and suck.


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Pamela Voorhees: Come here! Come here now. You're the last one. I've killed all the others. It'll be easier for you than it was for Jason.
Camp Counselor: Why are you doing this?
Pamela Voorhees: You need to be punished for what you did to him. You let him drown. Jason was my son.
Camp Counselor: No! No, please!
Pamela Voorhees: You should've been watching him. Every minute!
[Camp Counselor decapitates Pamela. Young Jason approaches the body, picks up the photo-locket.]
Voice of Pamela Voorhees: Jason. My special, special boy. They must be punished, Jason. For what they did to you. For what they did to me.
[Young Jason picks up the machete, walks away.]
Voice of Pamela Voorhees: Kill for mother.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Richie: How's that beer treatin' ya, beer snob?
Mike: Better than my own piss.
Wade: You can drink that by the way. Yours, hers, hers, mine, yours.
Whitney: What?
Wade: Swear to God, piss is sterile.
Amanda: For the record, you will never drink my piss.
Wade: That's what you think.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Richie: I get it though, dude, you do what you've got to do to survive, you know? If we were all out here starving to death, and you were, and you were dead, I'd eat your leg.
Amanda: Really sweet. Yeah.
Richie: Thank you.
Wade: Why would you eat my leg, man? I can teach you how to fish, just go fishing.
Richie: I don't eat fish.
Amanda: That's not what you told me.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Trent: Nolan! How about I pay, you pump?
Nolan: Sure, man. Hey, I give a wicked blowjob too.
Trent: Okay, well, uhm, we'll try it out later.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Clay Miller: I wanted to ask you if maybe you've seen somebody. It's my sister. She came camping up around here with some friends. And she's gone missing.
Old Lady: She ain't missing. She's dead.
Clay Miller: What?
Old Lady: Folk go missing ‘round here, they're gone for good. Outsiders come, they don't know where to walk. They bring trouble. We just want to be left alone! And so does he.
Clay: So does who?

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Lawrence: Just go up and talk to her.
Chewie: Are you kidding me? I have a better shot at fucking a penguin than that girl.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Trent: You better pull some MacGyver shit. Go to the toolshed, it's down the path.
Chewie: Yeah, okay. Trent, I'm sorry, man. You won't be disappointed. They don't call me the wood wizard 'cause I masturbate a lot.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Whitney Miller: Jason!,...
[Jason turns to Whitney]
Whitney Miller: Say hi to mommy. [stabs Jason in the chest with his own machete.] ... in hell!


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Welcome to Crystal Lake.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Jason lives. Many will die.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook Prepare for the day everyone fears...

Facebook Share this quote on facebook You know his name. You know the story. On Friday the 13th, witness his resurrection...