High School Musical 3: Senior Year is a 2008 American teen romantic comedy musical film and the third and final installment in the High School Musical trilogy. Produced and released on October 24, 2008 by Walt Disney Pictures, it was the only film in the series to be released theatrically. Kenny Ortega returned as director and choreographer, as did all six primary actors.
The sequel follows the main six high school seniors: Troy, Gabriella, Sharpay, Ryan, Chad, and Taylor as they are faced with the challenging prospect of being separated after graduating from high school. Joined by the rest of their East High Wildcat classmates, they stage an elaborate spring musical reflecting their experiences, hopes, and fears about the future.
The film received positive reviews, relatively better than the first installment of the series, and, in its first three days of release, High School Musical 3: Senior Year grossed $50 million in North America and an additional $40 million overseas, setting a new record for the largest opening weekend for a musical film.Synopsis
The movie begins with the Wildcats trailing the West High Knights, with the Wildcats entering the locker room for the final quarter feeling bitter. Team captain Troy rallies the team's spirit ("Now or Never") and, thanks to new transfer Jimmie "The Rocket" Zara, the Wildcats win the championship game which is the last one for the seniors on the squad at East High. Later, at Troy's after-match party at his house, Troy and Gabriella are seen thinking about their future and wishing that their last few months at East High would not end ("Right Here, Right Now").