Suggestions of similar film to How Much Do You Love Me?
There are 337 films with the same actors, 20 films with the same director, 89669 with the same cinematographic genres (including 1147 with exactly the same 4 genres than
How Much Do You Love Me?), 10124 films with the same themes (including 40 films with the same 5 themes than
How Much Do You Love Me?), to have finally
70 suggestions of similar films.
If you liked
How Much Do You Love Me?, you will probably like those similar films :

, 1h24
Directed by Bertrand Blier,
Bertrand ArthuysOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
RomanceThemes Films about sexuality,
Erotic films,
LGBT-related films,
Films about prostitution,
Transgender in film,
Erotic thriller films,
LGBT-related films,
LGBT-related film,
Cross-dressing in filmActors Gérard Depardieu,
Michel Blanc,
Michel Creton,
Mylène Demongeot,
Jean-Pierre MarielleRating68%

Antoine (Michel Blanc) et Monique (Miou-Miou) forment un couple à la dérive malgré l'amour qu'Antoine porte à Monique. Un soir alors qu'ils se trouvent dans un bal, Monique houspille violemment Antoine en lui reprochant sa situation désastreuse, ceux-ci en étant désormais réduits à vivre été comme hiver dans une caravane vétuste.
, 1h48
Directed by Bertrand Blier,
Jean-Jacques AublancOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
Romantic comedy,
RomanceThemes L'adolescence,
Films about children,
Films about sexuality,
Le thème des vacances,
Erotic films,
La sexualité des mineursActors Carole Laure,
Gérard Depardieu,
Patrick Dewaere,
Michel Serrault,
Eléonore Hirt,
Jean RougerieRating69%

Raoul (Gérard Depardieu) and his wife Solange (Carole Laure) are eating in a restaurant when Raoul expresses concern with Solange's apparent depression, as she eats little, suffers migraines and insomnia and also sometimes faints. He finds another man in the room, Stéphane (Patrick Dewaere), to be her lover and hopefully enliven her again. Stéphane is puzzled by Raoul's plan but gives in to his desperate appeals for help. The two men take turns sleeping with Solange, and both try to impregnate her without success, believing a lack of a child to be the source of her depression.
, 1h59
Directed by Bertrand Blier,
Bertrand ArthuysOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
RomanceThemes Films about alcoholism,
Medical-themed films,
Films about drugs,
Transport films,
Rail transport films,
Musical films,
Film se déroulant dans un trainActors Alain Delon,
Nathalie Baye,
Michel Galabru,
Geneviève Fontanel,
Gérard Darmon,
Michel PeyrelonRating63%

Abordé dans un compartiment de première classe d'un train par une jeune femme désemparée qui s'offre à lui, un garagiste s'installe dans la vie de celle-ci contre son gré.
, 1h57
Directed by Bertrand BlierOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
CrimeThemes La banlieue française,
Films about sexuality,
Films about suicide,
Transport films,
Erotic films,
Films about automobiles,
Rail transport films,
Road movies,
Buddy films,
Film se déroulant dans un trainActors Gérard Depardieu,
Patrick Dewaere,
Jeanne Moreau,
Isabelle Huppert,
Jacques ChailleuxRating70%

Jean-Claude (25) and Pierrot (23) are young sociopathic men who travel around France, committing petty crimes and running from the law. After they get in trouble with a hairdresser in Valence for stealing his car, they grab his pistol and kidnap his assistant Marie-Ange, an apathetic girl. When they are bored with unorgasmic Marie-Ange, they decide to find a passionate woman and meet Jeanne Pirolle, a deranged woman in her forties who is just released from prison and had spent ten years in a cell. After a threesome, Jeanne commits suicide and the men return to Marie-Ange. They find Jeanne's psychopathic son Jacques who had been incarcerated as well. Then, the four consider founding a crime family but at their first crime, an attempted robbery, Jacques commits a revenge killing and the others flee. While on the run, they meet a family having a picnic near Col d'Izoard and the delinquent teenage daughter Jacqueline wants to join them. They take Jacqueline and on learning that she is still a virgin, they decide to deflower her. After dropping Jacqueline, the three ride away aimlessly.
, 1h39
Directed by Bertrand BlierOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
RomanceThemes Films about sexuality,
Erotic films,
Films about prostitution,
Erotic thriller filmsActors Anouk Grinberg,
Gérard Lanvin,
Valeria Bruni Tedeschi,
Olivier Martinez,
Dominique Valadié,
Jacques FrançoisRating61%

Une prostituée « indépendante » invite, un soir, un sans-logis à dîner, puis à dormir chez elle. Sous son charme viril, elle couche avec lui et, devenue amoureuse, lui propose de devenir son maquereau.
, 2h
Directed by Bertrand Blier,
Denys Granier-Deferre,
Bertrand ArthuysOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
RomanceThemes Films about families,
Films about sexualityActors Patrick Dewaere,
Maurice Ronet,
Nathalie Baye,
Ariel Besse,
Macha Méril,
Geneviève MnichRating68%

Rémi (Patrick Dewaere) is a struggling pianist with a wife named Martine (Nicole Garcia), a model who is getting too old to find desirable work, and a 14-year-old stepdaughter Marion (Ariel Besse). When Martine is killed in a car crash, Marion expresses her desire to stay with Rémi in their apartment, but is taken away by her father Charly (Maurice Ronet), an alcoholic who dislikes Rémi. Marion comes back, much to her father's disapproval, and takes up babysitting to help make ends meet while Rémi gives piano lessons. Soon, Marion tells Rémi she is physically attracted to him, but he resists her advances because of her young age.
, 1h26
Directed by Bertrand BlierOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
Comedy-dramaThemes Medical-themed films,
Films about cancer,
Films based on playsActors Philippe Noiret,
Michel Bouquet,
Catherine Hiegel,
Farida Rahouadj,
Jérôme Hardelay,
Hammou GraïaRating51%

Un homme âgé débarque un soir chez Léonce, son fils et sa nouvelle compagne, et annonce qu'il vient « pour l'emmerder ». Il questionne en particulier Léonce sur ses relations avec Nacifa, sa femme de ménage, dont il révèle qu'elle vient également chez lui, et qu'elle a bouleversé sa vie. Ils parlent de leur rapport aux femmes, à cette femme en particulier, au trouble, à la féminité.
, 1h27
Directed by Bertrand BlierOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
Black comedyThemes Films about alcoholism,
Medical-themed films,
Films about drugs,
Films about cancerActors Jean Dujardin,
Albert Dupontel,
Anne Alvaro,
Myriam Boyer,
Christa Theret,
Audrey DanaRating61%

Charles Faulque, écrivain alcoolique, en dépression et en perdition, reçoit la visite impromptue de son cancer. Mais, malgré la dérive totale de sa vie, l'écrivain ne tient pas vraiment à la quitter.
, 1h47
Directed by Bertrand Blier,
Michel LeroyOrigin FranceGenres ComedyThemes Cooking films,
Films about sexuality,
Transport films,
Erotic films,
Rail transport films,
Film se déroulant dans un trainActors Jean-Pierre Marielle,
Jean Rochefort,
Bernard Blier,
Brigitte Fossey,
Claude Piéplu,
Gérard JugnotRating63%

Two men, fortyish, worn out by their wives, abandon everything to go and live in the back of beyond. There they meet a truculent priest, a boozer, Émile (Bernard Blier) who recalls them to life's simple pleasures. Calm is what they want. But soon their example inspires thousands of disorientated males, fleeing the feminist 1970s. Soon, too, there arrives a squadron of nymphomaniac Amazons.
, 1h31
Directed by Bertrand BlierOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
RomanceThemes La provenceActors Gérard Depardieu,
Carole Bouquet,
Josiane Balasko,
Roland Blanche,
François Cluzet,
Didier BénureauRating66%

Barthélémy Bernard, owner of a BMW car dealership, is married to a beautiful woman, Florence, but he falls in love with a very plain-looking woman, Colette, who has been hired as an interim secretary to his store. This relationship will change his life, as much as Schubert's music.