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Metropolis is a Allemand film of genre Drama directed by Fritz Lang released in USA on 13 march 1927 with Alfred Abel

Metropolis (1927)

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Facebook Share this quote on facebook There can be no understanding between the hand and the brain unless the heart acts as mediator.

Facebook Share this quote on facebook "We shall build a tower that will reach to the stars!" Having conceived Babel, yet unable to build it themselves, they had thousands to build it for them. But those who toiled knew nothing of the dreams of those who planned. And the minds that planned the Tower of Babel cared nothing for the workers who built it. The hymns of praise of the few became the curses of the many - BABEL! BABEL! BABEL! - Between the mind that plans and the hands that build there must be a Mediator, and this must be the heart.


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Man at Nightclub: For her, all seven deadly sins!

Facebook Share this quote on facebook The Machine Man: DEATH TO THE MACHINES!


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Freder: Your magnificent city, Father - and you the brain of this city - and all of us in the city's light...And where are the people, Father, whose hands built your city--?
Joh Fredersen: Where they belong...
Freder: In the depths...? What if one day, those in the depths rise up against you?


Facebook Share this quote on facebook Erwin Biswanger - Georgy (or 11811)