Suggestions of similar film to Now You See Me
There are 215 films with the same actors, 8 films with the same director, 24047 with the same cinematographic genres (including 5994 with exactly the same 2 genres than
Now You See Me), 3211 films with the same themes (including 2 films with the same 4 themes than
Now You See Me), to have finally
70 suggestions of similar films.
If you liked
Now You See Me, you will probably like those similar films :

, 2h9
Directed by Jon ChuOrigin USAGenres Thriller,
CrimeThemes Films about magic and magicians,
Heist films,
Gangster films,
EscroquerieActors Mark Ruffalo,
Woody Harrelson,
Jesse Eisenberg,
Dave Franco,
Morgan Freeman,
Michael CaineRating64%

Three years after the events of the first film, Arthur Tressler's son, Walter (Daniel Radcliffe), seeks to bring "The Four Horsemen" to justice, after his father's imprisonment.
, 1h46
Directed by Louis LeterrierOrigin USAGenres Fantastic,
PeplumThemes Films about magic and magicians,
Films based on mythology,
Films based on Greco-Roman mythology,
Dans la Grèce mythologique,
Films based on Greco-Roman mythologyActors Sam Worthington,
Gemma Arterton,
Mads Mikkelsen,
Alexa Davalos,
Ralph Fiennes,
Liam NeesonRating58%

In ancient times after defeating their predecessors, the Titans, the gods divided the Universe among themselves. Zeus took the skies, Poseidon took the seas, and Hades was left with the Underworld upon being tricked by Zeus. The gods created the mortals, whose faith and prayers assured the gods' immortality. As time passed, however, mortals began to question them and soon resist their creators, angering the Olympians.
, 1h40
Directed by Brian Goodman,
Rand RavichOrigin USAGenres Drama,
CrimeThemes Medical-themed films,
Films about drugs,
Heist films,
Gangster films,
EscroquerieActors Ethan Hawke,
Mark Ruffalo,
Amanda Peet,
Donnie Wahlberg,
Angela Featherstone,
Brian GoodmanRating64%

Hawke and Ruffalo play childhood friends Paulie and Brian, who are forced to survive on the tough streets of South Boston through a life of petty thievery. They join a local gang of criminals, but Brian finds it hard to reconcile his work and friendship with Paulie and his relationship with his wife (Amanda Peet) and sons.
, 1h50
Directed by Joseph RubenOrigin USAGenres Drama,
CrimeThemes Transport films,
Rail transport films,
Buddy films,
Heist films,
Gangster films,
EscroquerieActors Wesley Snipes,
Woody Harrelson,
Robert Blake,
Jennifer Lopez,
Chris Cooper,
Joe GrifasiRating57%

On Christmas, we meet foster brothers John and Charlie. They work as transit cops patrolling the New York City subway. When a mugging occurs, John and Charlie chase the mugger into a subway tunnel, and all trains traveling in their direction are halted. But their harsh transit captain Donald Patterson, allows the money train to continue. John and Charlie avoid getting hit by the train; however, when transit police at the next station witness the mugger running toward the money train, they shoot him dead. The mugger is revealed to be a young teenage boy, which triggers a brawl between John, Charlie, and the other transit officers. Patterson blames the two for causing his money train to arrive late.
, 1h38
Directed by Brett RatnerOrigin USAGenres Drama,
CrimeThemes Seafaring films,
Transport films,
Heist films,
Gangster films,
EscroquerieActors Pierce Brosnan,
Salma Hayek,
Woody Harrelson,
Don Cheadle,
Chris Penn,
Naomie HarrisRating61%

Master thief Max Burdett (Pierce Brosnan) and his beautiful accomplice, Lola Cirillo (Salma Hayek), steal the second of three famous diamonds, known as the Napoleon diamonds, from FBI Agent Stanley P. Lloyd (Woody Harrelson). But Lloyd shoots Max before passing out from being gassed by the thieves. Max survives and tells Lola to get the diamond. She does, leaving in its place the one-dollar bill that she had received as a tip for washing the agents' windshield (while in disguise). Max and Lola then fly to Paradise Island in The Bahamas. 
, 1h55
Directed by John HillcoatOrigin USAGenres Drama,
CrimeThemes Mafia films,
Heist films,
Gangster films,
EscroquerieActors Christoph Waltz,
Aaron Paul,
Woody Harrelson,
Cate Blanchett,
Kate Winslet,
Norman ReedusRating62%

The film follows a group of criminals and corrupt cops who find themselves in serious trouble. The Russian mafia is blackmailing them, and the only way to deal with them is to perform what is believed to be an extremely challenging heist. Impossible as it may seem, however, they eventually hatch a plan: on one side of town, half of the crew will plan the murder of a rookie cop named Chris Allen (Casey Affleck), and while the rest of the force is distracted by a 999 call ("officer down"), the other half of the corrupt cops will pull off the job. This all seems like it's going to work until Allen winds up surviving the attack and fights back.
, 1h56
Directed by Scott CooperOrigin USAGenres Drama,
CrimeThemes Prison films,
Gangster filmsActors Christian Bale,
Zoe Saldana,
Willem Dafoe,
Woody Harrelson,
Forest Whitaker,
Casey AffleckRating66%

After getting off work at a North Braddock, Pennsylvania steel mill, Russell Baze (Christian Bale) catches his brother Rodney (Casey Affleck) at a horse racing simulcast where Rodney had just bet on a losing horse. Rodney reveals John Petty (Willem Dafoe) loaned the money to him. Petty owns a bar and runs several illegal games. Russell offers to pay off some of Rodney's debt, promising to pay Petty the rest with his next paycheck. Driving home intoxicated, Russell hits another car, killing its occupants, including a little boy. He is incarcerated for vehicular manslaughter. While in prison he is informed that his father has died, and that his girlfriend Lena (Zoë Saldana) has left him for the small town police chief, Wesley Barnes (Forest Whitaker).
, 2h2
Directed by Frères CoenOrigin USAGenres Drama,
Mob film,
CrimeThemes Medical-themed films,
Serial killer films,
Films about psychiatry,
Gangster filmsActors Tommy Lee Jones,
Javier Bardem,
Josh Brolin,
Woody Harrelson,
Kelly Macdonald,
Garret DillahuntRating79%

In West Texas, 1980, Ed Tom Bell laments the increasing violence in a region where, like his father and grandfather before him, he has become sheriff. Anton Chigurh, a hitman, strangles a sheriff's deputy to escape custody and steals a car by using a captive bolt pistol to kill the driver.
, 1h38
Directed by Scott FrankOrigin USAGenres Drama,
CrimeThemes Medical-themed films,
Films about psychiatry,
Films about disabilities,
Heist filmsActors Joseph Gordon-Levitt,
Jeff Daniels,
Matthew Goode,
Isla Fisher,
Bruce McGill,
Carla GuginoRating68%

While driving his car with the lights off, high school sports star Chris Pratt crashes into a combine stalled on the road. Two occupants of the car are killed while Chris and his girlfriend Kelly survive. However, the crash leaves Chris with lasting mental impairments, including anterograde amnesia, along with some anger management issues.
, 1h36
Directed by Henry Joost,
Ariel SchulmanOrigin USAGenres Thriller,
CrimeThemes Films about computing,
Films about television,
Transport films,
L'usurpation d'identité,
Films about automobiles,
La téléréalité,
Films about video games,
Road movies,
Chase films,
EscroquerieActors Emma Roberts,
Dave Franco,
Juliette Lewis,
Emily Meade,
Miles Heizer,
Kimiko GlennRating65%

Nerve est un jeu en ligne sur mobile qui propose deux options : être « voyeur » : payer pour regarder les joueurs accomplir leurs défis et leur en proposer d’autres ou « joueur » : gagner de l’argent en accomplissant des missions. Les joueurs doivent réaliser des défis, de plus en plus dangereux. Vee, une adolescente new-yorkaise timide et effacée, est poussée par ses amis à jouer au jeu pour prendre plus de risques dans sa vie. Son premier défi, un baiser de 5 secondes, va lui faire rencontrer Ian, un autre joueur et gagner 100$. À la suite de multiples demandes de voyeurs, les deux jeunes vont devoir faire équipe pour réaliser leurs défis suivants. Mais plus le jeu avance, plus les défis sont dangereux et louches. Vee et Ian n'auront aucun autre choix que celui de mettre leurs vies en danger, sous les regards de la communauté de spectateurs de Nerve.