The film focuses on the troubled lives of several people living in the same building. Soup vendor Ah Gu is having a hard time dealing with his money-hungry wife Lily. Nearby, young children are forced to raise their even younger siblings due to parental neglect.
Set in 1960s Singapore, Sabariah Mansoor is a young woman who is fascinated with the music of Kassim Selamat, a small-time musician with great talent playing the saxophone. After one of his radio performances, Sabariah calls in to the studio to talk to him personally and express her admiration. They arrange to meet and it is love at first sight.
Sultan Mahmud Shah, ruler of Malacca, dreams of a woman with unnatural beauty. Plagued by the dream, he asks the court magician their meaning. The court magician tells him that his dream is that of an extraordinary princess who lives on the peak of Mount Ledang. Sultan Mahmud becomes obsessed with the Puteri, and orders his Bendahara to cancel his scheduled wedding to a local princess.
Ali Baba (Aziz Sattar) is a poor man who cannot succeed in life. He constantly sends his wife to his brother Kassim Baba's house to borrow flour so they can eat, but the stingy Kassim Baba (S. Shamsuddin) is frustrated at his brother and constantly reminds his wife, Aloyah, of Ali Baba's uselessness. When Aloyah comes to ask for flour for the umpteenth time, Kassim Baba loses his temper and lashes out at her sending her home in tears. She blames Ali Baba for putting her in the situation and blames him for not making an effort to seek a job. Ali Baba finally relents and goes out into the woods to gather firewood where he chances upon a group of 40 thieves marching through the woods carrying loot and treasures. He hides in a tree and watches their leader (P. Ramlee) stand in front of a cave and sings a verse of seemingly nonsensical words (niat ingsun matek aji semar ngising, actually a Javanese language poem) which causes an entrance to the cave to open. Ali Baba waits until the thieves have all left the cave before coming out of the tree and using the magic words to open the cave. Inside, he discovers a variety of riches and wealth, but only takes a box of gold coins.
Ramli, Ajis and Sudin are a trio of bujang lapok (worn-out bachelors) waiting at a jetty for a boat to arrive and lead them across the river. The boat company is owned by a rich man named Ahmad Nisfu, who employs thugs to run the business and keep the passengers "in line". The thugs only allow certain people to take the boats early, while others have to wait a long time. An old man called Pendekar (meaning "master" or "warrior") Mustar wants to cross the river, but he is ill-treated by the thugs. When he continues to insist to be allowed to cross the river, he is dragged away to be beaten up, but he defeats all the thugs thereby scaring the rest into letting him ride the boat he wants. After bearing witness to the damage done by the pendekar, the trio decide to follow him and become his students. They proceed to create chaos at the jetty so that the thugs may get distracted and they then use the boats to sail their way to Kampung Pinang Sebatang.
Tun Nila Utama, the adopted prince in the kingdom Pura Cendana, is told by the King that it is time for him to choose a bride. However, Tun Nila refuses to marry any of the women in the kingdom, claiming that they not true "females" because they have no honour. The King is angered by his claim and orders him to find a true woman, if such a person exists. Tun Nila accepts the command and swears that he will not return to Pura Chendana or shave any hair on his face until he finds her.
Hamzah (S. Kadarisman), a factory manager, is having an affair with his boss's wife and is also planning a strike in the factory. Two of his colleagues, initially co-conspirators, decide to put an end to his plan.
Hang Tuah and four of his best friends, Hang Jebat, Hang Kasturi, Hang Lekir and Hang Lekiu, while still teenagers have shown their heroism beating the pirates at sea. And as adults, as proposed by Hang Tuah, they went to Mount Ledang to study with Tok Guru Adi.
Hassan is an orphan who works with a rich family. The rich man has two children, Mansor (a boy)) and Mahani (a girl). Hassan developed an interest in music to the point that he is willing to spend whatever money he has earned to buy a violin. Once Hassan purchases the violin, he starts studying music from a violin teacher.
The film follows the career of Yoshihiro Tatsumi, as he begins to work as a comics artist in post-war occupied Japan, meets his idol Osamu Tezuka, and invents the gekiga genre of Japanese comics for adults. Interweaved with the biographical material are segments based on Tatsumi's short stories "Hell", "Beloved Monkey", "Just a Man", "Good-Bye" and "Occupied".
The films follows Pak Belalang, a lazy man who loathes hard work. He has a young son named Belalang, who is smarter and more hardworking than his father. During his way home from work one day, Belalang encounters two thieves, Badan and Nyawa, who were just on their way back from stealing two cows. Using his wits, he scares them away and takes the cows back with him. He tells his father about it who panics and tells him to return the cows to their rightful owners. Belalang retorts that without knowing who they were, they couldn't do the right thing even if they wanted to. He then suggests that he would go to the mayor's house to seek out the rightful owners who would presumably go to report the loss of their cows to the mayor. Belalang could then tell them to come and see Pak Belalang who could pretend to be psychic and tell them the cows' whereabouts. Pak Belalang agrees and all goes as planned with a reward in place for both of them.
ORCHID VILLA now: The movie opens during a thunderstorm in a house called Orchid Villa. The house has been empty for a long time and sets the setting for a couple on their honeymoon. The couple, Tengku Mukri and Tengku Zaleha are accompanied by the former's good friend, Dr. Tengku Aziz. The night is interrupted when Tengku Zaleha is awoken by a voice calling out her name and upon searching, she encounters a dark figure by the window. Startled, she screams and faints, awaking her husband and Dr. Tengku Aziz. Both men search the premises but find nothing to explain Tengku Zaleha's situation. The dark figure walks home and is confronted by his cousin. His name is Ghazali and as explained in the conversation with his cousin, he has made numerous trips to Orchid Villa. That was the home of Tengku Zaleha, who we now learn, is dead. As he looks on in the rain, he tells the story.
Ramlee, célèbre compositeur et directeur d’orchestre, retourne dans son village natal après cinq ans d'absence. Choqué de découvrir que sa fiancée Juwita est devenue aveugle, il promet de l'aider à payer l'opération qui lui rendra la vue. Entre-temps, Hassan, son meilleur ami, qui a des sentiments amoureuse pour Juwita et Rohani, une chanteuse de l'orchestre, et qui est également amoureux de Ramlee, se promettent de tout faire pour séparer le couple.
Sur l'île d’Hawaï, une grande fête est célébrée avec des danses, chants et courses de bateaux. Parmi les visiteurs de l’île, un marchand, Magoya, et son assistant Moku. Ils rencontrent Makali et Mariyo. Makali a une très belle fille, Aloha. Bien qu'elle soit la petite amie de Mariyo, Magoya est attiré vers elle.