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Alejandro Amenábar is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter, Associate Producer, Editor and Sound Chilien born on 31 march 1972 at Santiago (Chili)

Alejandro Amenábar

Alejandro Amenábar
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Birth name Alejandro Fernando Amenábar Cantos
Nationality Chili
Birth 31 march 1972 (52 years) at Santiago (Chili)

Alejandro Fernando Amenábar Cantos, commonly known as Alejandro Amenábar (born March 31, 1972), is a Spanish-Chilean writer, composer and director. He has won 9 Goyas and one Academy Award. He has written the screenplays to all five of his movies and made almost all of the sound tracks.


Jeunesse et révélation critique en Espagne
Alejandro Amenábar naît au Chili en 1972 d'une mère espagnole, et d'un père chilien. Un an après sa naissance, ses parents fuient le pays à la suite du coup d'État d'Augusto Pinochet. Amenábar grandit à Madrid, où il s'inscrit à la faculté de sciences. Mais il abandonne ses études, et se consacre à sa plus grande passion : le cinéma.

En 1996, son premier long métrage Tesis, qui prend l'univers des snuff movies en toile de fond, remporte un premier grand succès commercial. Le film fait sensation au Festival de Berlin dont il fait l'ouverture et remporte l'année suivante sept Goyas du cinéma espagnol dont ceux du meilleur film, du meilleur « nouveau metteur en scène » et du meilleur scénario original.

En 1997, il réalise Ouvre les yeux, un film d'anticipation porté par une intrigue psychologique. L'œuvre est saluée par la critique et par plusieurs prix dans des festivals internationaux, notamment Berlin et Tokyo. Impressionné par le film, Tom Cruise acquiert les droits d'adaptation et produit un remake, Vanilla Sky, dans lequel il joue le rôle principal. Il produit aussi son prochain film en tant que réalisateur.

Progression internationale
En 2001, le cinéaste dévoile Les Autres, son troisième long-métrage, une coproduction hispano-américaine : l'œuvre marque le grand retour de son actrice principale, Nicole Kidman, alors encore mariée à Cruise. Le film est un succès mondial au box-office, et reçoit une poignée de nominations et récompenses. Parmi les premières, une au BAFTA du meilleur scénario. Une rareté pour un film d'horreur.

En février 2004, Amenábar révèle son homosexualité dans un magazine espagnol.

En 2005, il retourne en Espagne pour son drame Mar adentro qui relate le parcours du marin et écrivain tétraplégique Ramón Sampedro, reçoit l'Oscar du meilleur film étranger après avoir été couronné à Venise, aux Golden Globes et au Goyas où il a obtenu 14 trophées (sur 15 nominations).

En 2009, il tente un projet ambitieux : Agora est une co-production internationale, retraçant la vie de la mathématicienne et philosophe grecque Hypatie, avec l'oscarisée Rachel Weisz, dans le rôle principal. Ce drame historique divise la critique, et échoue commercialement.

Il faut ainsi attendre six ans pour qu'il dévoile sa nouvelle œuvre. En 2015, il présente une nouvelle co-production – hispano-canado-américaine –, au festival de San Sebastian : le thriller psychologique d'horreur Régression. Ce retour au genre ne lui porte pas chance. Malgré les présences du chevronné Ethan Hawke et de la valeur montante Emma Watson en tête d'affiche, le film est un échec critique cuisant, et ne parvient pas à rembourser son budget.

Best films

The Others (2001)
Vanilla Sky (2001)
(Original Film Writer)
The Sea Inside (2004)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Alejandro Amenábar (13 films)

Display filmography as list


Spanish Movie, 1h25
Origin Espagne
Genres Comedy
Actors Joaquín Reyes, Alexandra Jiménez, Silvia Abril, Leslie Nielsen, Carlos Areces, Juan Antonio Bayona
Roles Reflejo espejo
Rating43% 2.169122.169122.169122.169122.16912
Ramira (Alexandra Jiménez) works in Laura's house (Silvia Abril) as maid and nanny of her kids: Simeón and Ofendia (Óscar Lara & Laia Alda). Unfortunately, Ramira kills the child because he saw the sun despite suffering from photodermatitis. The woman tries to hide and lies to the mother about the death of her son.
Spectre (2006)
, 1h11
Directed by Mateo Gil
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror
Actors Jordi Dauder, Juan José Ballesta, Natalia Millán, Eduardo Noriega, Alejandro Amenábar
Roles Man Looking at Statue (uncredited)
Rating56% 2.845622.845622.845622.845622.84562
Tomás (Jordi Dauder) un homme en deuil après que sa femme se soit suicidée, retourne dans son village natal en Espagne. À peine arrivé, les souvenirs de sa jeunesse affluent, où il se rappelle ses amis, Carlos (David Arnaiz) et Vincent (Adrián Marín), et sa mère fanatique religieuse. Il se souvient notamment du jours où un de ses amis commence à décrire la femme qui vient d'emménager en ville, Moira (Natalia Millán).
Nobody Knows Anybody, 1h48
Directed by Mateo Gil
Genres Thriller
Actors Eduardo Noriega, Paz Vega, Natalia Verbeke, Jordi Mollá, José Manuel Seda, Alejandro Amenábar
Rating58% 2.948082.948082.948082.948082.94808
Amid the spectacular festivities of Holy Week in Seville, an aspiring novelist struggles with his work and pays his bills by composing crossword puzzles. A cryptic recording left on his answering machine demands that he include a certain word in a future puzzle and he becomes drawn into a spiraling tangle of mystery, danger, and confusion. Soon he's forced into participating in a real-life version of a computer game on the narrow streets of Seville with extremely high stakes for the entire city.


While at War, 1h47
Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Actors Karra Elejalde, Eduard Fernández, Patricia López Arnaiz, Inma Cuevas, Itziar Aizpuru, Mikel Iglesias
Rating69% 3.4528853.4528853.4528853.4528853.452885
Salamanque, été 1936. Lorsque éclate la guerre civile espagnole, le prestigieux écrivain, philosophe et recteur de l'Université Miguel de Unamuno s'exprime en faveur du coup d'État de Francisco Franco. Mais devant les dérives fascisantes des nationalistes, il questionne peu à peu sa position initiale.
Regression (2015)
, 1h46
Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror, Crime
Themes Psychologie
Actors Emma Watson, Ethan Hawke, Aaron Ashmore, David Dencik, Devon Bostick, David Thewlis
Rating56% 2.8001052.8001052.8001052.8001052.800105
The film takes place in Minnesota, in the year of 1990. Detective Bruce Kenner (Ethan Hawke) investigates the case of John Gray (David Dencik) who admits to sexually abuse his 17-year-old daughter, Angela (Emma Watson), but has no recollection of it.
Agora (2009)
, 2h6
Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Adventure, Historical, Peplum
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about mathematics, Films about religion
Actors Rachel Weisz, Max Minghella, Michael Lonsdale, Oscar Isaac, Ashraf Barhom, Rupert Evans
Rating70% 3.548923.548923.548923.548923.54892
In 391 AD, Alexandria is part of the Roman Empire, and Greek philosopher Hypatia (Rachel Weisz) is a teacher at the Platonic school, where future leaders are educated. Hypatia is the daughter of Theon (Michael Lonsdale), the director of the Musaeum of Alexandria. Hypatia, her father's slave, Davus (Max Minghella), and two of her pupils, Orestes (Oscar Isaac) and Synesius (Rupert Evans), are immersed in the changing political and social landscape. She rejects Orestes's love (she offers him her bloody menstrual towel, to show him that love has its drawbacks, while studying has none): she prefers to devote herself to science. Davus assists Hypatia in her classes and is interested in science, and is also secretly in love with her.
The Sea Inside, 2h5
Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Biography
Themes Films about euthanasia, Medical-themed films, Films about suicide, Films about disabilities
Actors Javier Bardem, Belén Rueda, Lola Dueñas, María Isabel Rivera Torres, Marta Larralde
Rating79% 3.9974853.9974853.9974853.9974853.997485
This is the life story of Spaniard Ramón Sampedro, who fought a 28-year campaign to win the right to end his own life with dignity. The film explores Ramón's relationships with two women: Julia, a lawyer suffering from Cadasil syndrome, who supports his cause, and Rosa, a local woman who wants to convince him that life is worth living. Through the gift of his love, these two women are inspired to accomplish things they never previously thought possible.
The Others
The Others (2001)
, 1h44
Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Thriller, Fantastic, Horror
Themes Films about children, Ghost films
Actors Nicole Kidman, Fionnula Flanagan, Christopher Eccleston, Elaine Cassidy, Eric Sykes, Alakina Mann
Rating76% 3.8000453.8000453.8000453.8000453.800045
Grace Stewart (Nicole Kidman) is a devout Roman Catholic mother who lives with her two small children in a remote country house in the British Crown Dependency of Jersey in the immediate aftermath of World War II. The children, Anne (Alakina Mann) and Nicholas (James Bentley), have an uncommon disease, characterized by photosensitivity, so their lives are structured around a series of complex rules to protect them from inadvertent exposure to sunlight. The arrival of three servants at the house — aging Mrs. Bertha Mills (Fionnula Flanagan), elderly gardener Edmund Tuttle (Eric Sykes), and a mute girl named Lydia (Elaine Cassidy) — coincides with a number of odd events, and Grace begins to fear they are not alone.
Open Your Eyes, 1h57
Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Romance
Themes Films about suicide, Films set in the future
Actors Eduardo Noriega, Penélope Cruz, Fele Martínez, Najwa Nimri, Gérard Barray, Fanny Gautier
Rating76% 3.847723.847723.847723.847723.84772
A young, handsome man wakes up to a female voice telling him to open his eyes. He drives to an empty city. He wakes up again, this time to a woman in his bed. He tells her not to leave messages on his alarm.
Thesis (1996)
, 2h5
Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
Origin Espagne
Genres Thriller, Horror
Themes Films about films, Medical-themed films, Psychologie, Snuff films in fiction, Films about television, Films about psychiatry
Actors Fele Martínez, Eduardo Noriega, Ana Torrent, Xabier Elorriaga, Miguel Picazo, José Luis Cuerda
Rating74% 3.700633.700633.700633.700633.70063
The film starts as Angela sits on a subway. The train halts and passengers are told to evacuate, as a man has just stepped in front of the tracks and died. While being led out of the station, Angela begins to move towards the tracks to see the man's remains. She is warded away at the last instant. Angela is a university student in Madrid, writing a thesis on audiovisual violence in the family. At a thesis meeting, she asks her thesis director, Figueroa, to help her find the most violent videos in the school's library. After class, Angela seeks out the help of a fellow student, Chema, who is known for his collection of violent and pornographic videos. As Angela begins to watch violent films with Chema, Professor Figueroa finds a tape in a hidden hallway of the school's audiovisual archives. The next day, Angela finds Figueroa dead of apparent heart failure in the university's viewing room, a video tape in the player. Angela takes the tape and leaves for class. She later learns that Figueroa died of an asthma attack, and that a younger professor, Castro, will now be directing her thesis project. Angela goes to Chema's house to watch the stolen film, and Chema realizes that this is a snuff film, or a film of someone actually being murdered. As they watch the women being tortured, killed and disemboweled, Chema realizes that the women in the film was named Vanessa, a girl who attended their university and went missing two years ago. Chema and Angela are also able to determine which kind of camera the killer used, and XT 500, based on the quality of its digital zoom, and that the film was shot in someone's garage.


While at War, 1h47
Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Actors Karra Elejalde, Eduard Fernández, Patricia López Arnaiz, Inma Cuevas, Itziar Aizpuru, Mikel Iglesias
Rating69% 3.4528853.4528853.4528853.4528853.452885
Salamanque, été 1936. Lorsque éclate la guerre civile espagnole, le prestigieux écrivain, philosophe et recteur de l'Université Miguel de Unamuno s'exprime en faveur du coup d'État de Francisco Franco. Mais devant les dérives fascisantes des nationalistes, il questionne peu à peu sa position initiale.
Regression (2015)
, 1h46
Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror, Crime
Themes Psychologie
Actors Emma Watson, Ethan Hawke, Aaron Ashmore, David Dencik, Devon Bostick, David Thewlis
Rating56% 2.8001052.8001052.8001052.8001052.800105
The film takes place in Minnesota, in the year of 1990. Detective Bruce Kenner (Ethan Hawke) investigates the case of John Gray (David Dencik) who admits to sexually abuse his 17-year-old daughter, Angela (Emma Watson), but has no recollection of it.
Agora (2009)
, 2h6
Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Adventure, Historical, Peplum
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about mathematics, Films about religion
Actors Rachel Weisz, Max Minghella, Michael Lonsdale, Oscar Isaac, Ashraf Barhom, Rupert Evans
Roles Writer
Rating70% 3.548923.548923.548923.548923.54892
In 391 AD, Alexandria is part of the Roman Empire, and Greek philosopher Hypatia (Rachel Weisz) is a teacher at the Platonic school, where future leaders are educated. Hypatia is the daughter of Theon (Michael Lonsdale), the director of the Musaeum of Alexandria. Hypatia, her father's slave, Davus (Max Minghella), and two of her pupils, Orestes (Oscar Isaac) and Synesius (Rupert Evans), are immersed in the changing political and social landscape. She rejects Orestes's love (she offers him her bloody menstrual towel, to show him that love has its drawbacks, while studying has none): she prefers to devote herself to science. Davus assists Hypatia in her classes and is interested in science, and is also secretly in love with her.
The Sea Inside, 2h5
Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Biography
Themes Films about euthanasia, Medical-themed films, Films about suicide, Films about disabilities
Actors Javier Bardem, Belén Rueda, Lola Dueñas, María Isabel Rivera Torres, Marta Larralde
Rating79% 3.9974853.9974853.9974853.9974853.997485
This is the life story of Spaniard Ramón Sampedro, who fought a 28-year campaign to win the right to end his own life with dignity. The film explores Ramón's relationships with two women: Julia, a lawyer suffering from Cadasil syndrome, who supports his cause, and Rosa, a local woman who wants to convince him that life is worth living. Through the gift of his love, these two women are inspired to accomplish things they never previously thought possible.
The Others
The Others (2001)
, 1h44
Directed by Alejandro Amenábar
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Thriller, Fantastic, Horror
Themes Films about children, Ghost films
Actors Nicole Kidman, Fionnula Flanagan, Christopher Eccleston, Elaine Cassidy, Eric Sykes, Alakina Mann
Roles Writer
Rating76% 3.8000453.8000453.8000453.8000453.800045
Grace Stewart (Nicole Kidman) is a devout Roman Catholic mother who lives with her two small children in a remote country house in the British Crown Dependency of Jersey in the immediate aftermath of World War II. The children, Anne (Alakina Mann) and Nicholas (James Bentley), have an uncommon disease, characterized by photosensitivity, so their lives are structured around a series of complex rules to protect them from inadvertent exposure to sunlight. The arrival of three servants at the house — aging Mrs. Bertha Mills (Fionnula Flanagan), elderly gardener Edmund Tuttle (Eric Sykes), and a mute girl named Lydia (Elaine Cassidy) — coincides with a number of odd events, and Grace begins to fear they are not alone.