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George A. Romero is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter, Executive Producer, Director of Photography, Editor and Cinematography American born on 4 february 1940 at New York City (USA)

George A. Romero

George A. Romero
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Birth name George Andrew Romero
Nationality USA
Birth 4 february 1940 at New York City (USA)
Death 16 july 2017 (at 77 years)

George Andrew Romero (/rəˈmɛroʊ/; born February 4, 1940) is an American-Canadian film director, film producer, screenwriter and editor, best known for his series of gruesome and satirical horror films about a hypothetical zombie apocalypse, beginning with Night of the Living Dead (1968).


George A. Romero naît dans le quartier du Bronx à New York. Il est le fils d'Ann (Dvorsky) et de George Romero. Sa mère était lituanienne et son père d'origine espagnole.

Romero grandit dans la ville de New York où il est né. Il tourne ses premiers films à l'âge de 14 ans et connaît d'ailleurs quelques déboires avec la police après la chute depuis une fenêtre d'un mannequin en feu. Il s'inscrit à l'université Carnegie-Mellon de Pittsburgh. Après son diplôme, il commence à tourner, principalement des courts métrages et des publicités. À la fin des années 1960, il fonde avec des amis la société Image Ten Productions. Ils regroupent 114 000 $, dont 60 000 de leurs poches, pour produire en 1968 La Nuit des morts-vivants. Écrit en collaboration avec John A. Russo, le film deviendra culte les années suivantes et rapportera entre quatre et cinq millions de dollars.

Ses films suivants sont moins populaires : There's Always Vanilla (1971), La Nuit des fous vivants (1973), Season of the Witch (1973) et Martin (1976). Bien que n'étant pas aussi acclamés que La Nuit des morts-vivants ou d'autres de ses films plus récents, ceux-ci portent sa marque : un commentaire social généralement sur fond de terreur. Comme la plupart de ses films, ceux-ci furent tournés dans sa ville favorite, Pittsburgh, ou dans ses environs.

En 1978, Romero revient au film de zombies avec Dawn of the Dead. Sorti sous ce titre aux États-Unis, il est remonté par Dario Argento et sorti sous le titre Zombie en Europe. Tourné avec un budget de 1,5 million de dollars, le film en rapporte 40 et Entertainment Weekly le choisit pour sa liste des plus grands films culte en 2003.

À la fin des années 1970, Romero est pressenti pour réaliser Les Vampires de Salem, d'après le roman de Stephen King. Il finit par abandonner le projet quand celui-ci passe du statut de film à celui de mini-série, mais sympathise à cette occasion avec l'écrivain. Les deux hommes bâtissent ensemble le projet du film à sketches Creepshow (1982), qui connaît un certain succès. Par la suite, Romero passe un an à travailler sur l'adaptation de Simetierre (1989) mais quitte le film quand les producteurs décident d'en modifier la fin. Il réalise ensuite une autre adaptation d'un roman de King, La Part des ténèbres (1992), mais le film est un échec.

Parallèlement, Romero continue sa saga des zombies avec Le Jour des morts-vivants (Day of the Dead) en 1985, Le Territoire des morts (Land of the Dead) en 2005, Chroniques des morts-vivants (Diary of the Dead) en 2008 et Survival of the Dead en 2010.

Il entreprend ensuite de mettre en scène un remake de l'un des meilleurs films de son ami Dario Argento, Les Frissons de l'angoisse. Prévu en 3D, le film n'est finalement pas tourné à cause du mécontentement d'Argento.

Romero est pressenti pour écrire et réaliser le film Resident Evil, mais il quitte le projet en 1999 à la suite de divergences artistiques avec la production car Capcom a refusé le scénario de Romero. Le script est néanmoins disponible sur le net, on constate que le film reprenait le scénario des deux premiers jeux Resident Evil. En effet, Romero avait demandé à un de ses assistants de jouer aux deux premiers Resident Evil et d'enregistrer ses parties sur cassette pour qu'il puisse écrire le scénario. Néanmoins, Romero a réalisé deux spots télévisés pour la télévision japonaise pour la publicité de Resident Evil 2.

Du 11 au 18 septembre 2011, George A. Romero préside le festival européen du film fantastique de Strasbourg.

En 2014, il fait paraître directement en bande dessinée le nouvel opus de sa saga zombiesque. Paru à un rythme régulier depuis janvier 2014 aux États-Unis, Empire of the Dead se déroule à New York et met en scène pour la première fois dans la saga des vampires en plus des zombies.

George A. Romero meurt dans son sommeil le 16 juillet 2017 à Toronto, à l'âge de 77 ans, après une courte lutte contre un cancer du poumon. Il aurait passé ses dernières heures auprès de sa femme et de sa fille, à écouter la bande originale de L'Homme tranquille, un de ses films préférés.

Best films

Dawn of the Dead (2004)
(Original Film Writer)

Usually with

Tom Savini
Tom Savini
(15 films)
Bill Hinzman
Bill Hinzman
(6 films)
John Russo
John Russo
(6 films)
John Amplas
John Amplas
(7 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of George A. Romero (35 films)

Display filmography as list


Doc of the Dead, 1h21
Origin USA
Genres Documentary, Horror
Themes Medical-themed films, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Disaster films
Actors Simon Pegg, Alex Cox, Bruce Campbell, Fran Kranz, George A. Romero, Tom Savini
Roles Self
Rating63% 3.195233.195233.195233.195233.19523
Doc of the Dead takes a look at the zombie genre in film, literature, and in pop culture as a whole. Several entertainers from various fields such as film and literature are brought in and interviewed on how zombies have changed not only them, but how they entertain others and how the genre has influenced and impacted society at large.
Why Horror?
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry
Actors John Carpenter, Eli Roth, Alexandre Aja, Rodrigo Gudiño, Simon Barrett, George A. Romero
Roles Self
Rating61% 3.09593.09593.09593.09593.0959
The documentary follows horror movie fan and journalist Tal Zimerman as he tries to look at the reasons why people enjoy the horror genre. The genre is globally popular and is present in a wide variety of formats such as films, books, music, graphic novels, artwork, and video games, yet reactions to it can sometimes be polarized and in some instances Tal feels that the genre's fans are misunderstood. At the same time, Tal is conflicted over how he can be "disturbed by gruesome imagery showcased in the news, but thrives on blood and guts found in movies, books, music, graphic novels and video games" and as such sets out to try to find how horror affects his mind. For his research Tal interviews several different people, from genre filmmakers and writers to scientists and psychologists, to uncover why people enjoy horror and how perception, traditions, and beliefs help impact how horror is perceived and displayed in various countries and globally as a whole.
Birth of the Living Dead, 1h16
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about films, Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films set in the future, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Documentary films about films, Disaster films
Actors George A. Romero, Gale Anne Hurd, Larry Fessenden
Roles Himself
Rating69% 3.490383.490383.490383.490383.49038
Rob Kuhns interviews a range of authors, critics, and filmmakers about the impact, legacy, and enduring popularity of Night of the Living Dead. Romero describes the film's background, production, and distribution, including how it accidentally fell into the public domain. Fessenden describes Night of the Living Dead‍ '​s aspects of postmodernist film, including an early commentary on horror films inside of a horror film – Johnny's taunting of his sister, Barbra, in the opening graveyard scene. Hurd cites the film as an influence on her own work as executive producer of The Walking Dead. Mitchell, among other things, describes how the film presents a strong Black male as the protagonist of a film without resorting to racial commentary. The final scene, in which Duane Jones' character, Ben, is killed by a posse is compared to historical footage of 1960s lynch mobs and police brutality, and scenes of violent zombie attacks are compared to footage from Vietnam broadcast on television.
Nightmares in Red, White and Blue, 1h36
Origin USA
Genres Documentary, Horror, Historical
Themes Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentary films about historical events
Actors Lance Henriksen, Larry Cohen, Joe Dante, John Carpenter, Darren Lynn Bousman, Mick Garris
Roles Self
Rating70% 3.5419253.5419253.5419253.5419253.541925
The documentary mainly focuses on the connection between events in the United States during the last century and the attraction that horror films have to moviegoing audiences. Filmmakers, producers, and historians such as John Carpenter, George A. Romero, Tom McLoughlin, and Mick Garris examine and give their opinions on such links between occurring events and horror movie themes. The discussion first begins with the connections found between World War I and films featuring human-like monsters and ideas, such as Dracula, Frankenstein, and The Seventh Victim. The topic then moves on to World War II and the Holocaust, and the widespread atomic paranoia associated with B movies of the 1950s like Tarantula and Creature with the Atom Brain.
Dead On: The Life and Cinema of George A. Romero
Directed by Rusty Nails
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry, Documentaire sur une personnalité
Actors George A. Romero, Dario Argento, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodríguez, Stephen King, John Landis
Roles Himself
Rating61% 3.0864153.0864153.0864153.0864153.086415
Nails' documentary, Dead On: The Life and Cinema of George A. Romero will go over Romero’s body of film work as it stands to date. The film will also examine a number of aspects of George's work, working method, and association with the independent and Hollywood film communities. Among the interviewees are Dennis Hopper, Ed Harris, Stephen King, John Carpenter, Dario Argento, Danny Boyle, John Waters, Quentin Tarantino, Richard Linklater, Penn Jillette, Roger Ebert and Tom Savini. Dead On will investigate Romero's lifelong fascination with making films.
Diary of the Dead, 1h35
Directed by George A. Romero
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Action, Horror
Themes Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Films set in the future, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Political films, Dystopian films, Disaster films
Actors Shawn Roberts, Joshua Close, Michelle Morgan, Joe Dinicol, Scott Wentworth, Tatiana Maslany
Roles Police Chief Arthur Katz (uncredited)
Rating55% 2.750892.750892.750892.750892.75089
The film begins with footage from a news cameraman and reporter, who are covering a story about an immigrant man killing his wife and son before committing suicide. The son and wife turn into zombies and kill several medical personnel and police officers but leave one medic and a reporter bitten before being killed. The narrator, Debra, explains most of the footage was never broadcast, but was recorded by the cameraman.
Midnight Movies: From the Margin to the Mainstream, 1h28
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes Documentary films about business, Documentary films about the film industry
Actors John Waters, Alejandro Jodorowsky, David Lynch, George A. Romero, Robert Shaye, Perry Henzell
Roles Himself
Rating72% 3.622313.622313.622313.622313.62231
Midnight Movies est un documentaire qui explore le parcours méconnu de six grands films cultes des années 70 : La Nuit des morts vivants, Pink Flamingos, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Eraserhead, El Topo, The Harder They Come. Ces six films à petit budget, montrés aux séances de minuit, ont influencé la manière de faire et voir les films, ils ont réinventé le médium en dépassant les frontières du mauvais goût et des tabous sociaux. Avec les interviews originales des réalisateurs John Waters, David Lynch, George A. Romero et Alejandro Jodorowsky.
Land of the Dead, 1h33
Directed by George A. Romero
Origin Canada
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Horror, Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction
Themes Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Films set in the future, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Political films, Dystopian films, Disaster films
Actors Simon Baker, Dennis Hopper, Asia Argento, Robert Joy, John Leguizamo, Eugene Clark
Roles Puppeteer (voice) (uncredited)
Rating61% 3.0999853.0999853.0999853.0999853.099985
Years after a zombie apocalypse, survivors have set up outposts across the United States, one of which, in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, contains a feudal-like government. Bordered on two sides by rivers and on the third by an electric fence, the city has become a sanctuary, with the rich and powerful living in a luxury high-rise called Fiddler's Green while the rest of the population subsists in squalor. The city's ruler Paul Kaufman (Dennis Hopper) has sponsored Dead Reckoning, a heavily armored vehicle that can travel through the zombie-infested areas with ease. Armed with remote-controlled heavy machine guns and video cameras, Dead Reckoning functions as a moving fireworks launch base, on the premise that zombies are fascinated by fireworks and will stare at them, ignoring their environment. Riley Denbo (Simon Baker), designer and commander of Dead Reckoning, has recently retired. Unlike Kaufman, Riley is respected for his work in protecting the city from danger, as well as for bringing critical food and medical supplies which the citizens can no longer acquire safely themselves.
The Dark Half, 1h56
Directed by George A. Romero
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror, Slasher
Themes Films about writers, Serial killer films
Actors Timothy Hutton, Amy Madigan, Michael Rooker, Julie Harris, Rutanya Alda, Chelsea Field
Roles Customer (uncredited)
Rating59% 2.999892.999892.999892.999892.99989
The author of highbrow literary novels under his own name, Thad Beaumont (Timothy Hutton) is better known for the bestselling suspense-thrillers he writes under the pen name "George Stark". Beaumont wishes to retire the Stark name and symbolically buries Stark in a mock grave.
The Silence of the Lambs, 1h58
Directed by Jonathan Demme
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror, Crime
Themes Assassinat, Medical-themed films, Prison films, Psychologie, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Transgender in film, Serial killer films, Films about psychiatry, Évasion, Tiré d'une œuvre de Thomas Harris, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Jodie Foster, Anthony Hopkins, Scott Glenn, Ted Levine, Charles Napier, Anthony Heald
Roles FBI Agent in Memphis (uncredited)
Rating83% 4.1829354.1829354.1829354.1829354.182935
Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) is pulled from her training at the FBI Academy at Quantico, Virginia by Jack Crawford (Scott Glenn) of the Bureau's Behavioral Science Unit. He assigns her to interview Hannibal Lecter, a former psychiatrist and incarcerated cannibalistic serial killer, whose insight might prove useful in the pursuit of a serial killer nicknamed "Buffalo Bill", who skins his female victims' corpses.
Night of the Living Dead, 1h25
Directed by Tom Savini
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Horror
Themes Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Films set in the future, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Political films, Dystopian films, Disaster films
Actors Tony Todd, Patricia Tallman, Tom Towles, Bill Moseley, Heather Mazur, McKee Anderson
Roles Passenger
Rating68% 3.400323.400323.400323.400323.40032
Siblings Barbara and Johnnie visit their mother's grave in a remote Pennsylvania cemetery. During their visit, Barbara is attacked by a zombie. Her brother comes to her defense but is killed. Barbara flees the cemetery and discovers what at first seems to be an abandoned farmhouse. She seeks shelter there, only to find another pack of zombies. Shortly after, a man named Ben arrives, and the two clear the house of the dead and begin the process of barricading the doors and windows.
Day of the Dead, 1h42
Directed by George A. Romero
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Action, Horror
Themes Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Films set in the future, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Political films, Dystopian films, Disaster films
Actors Lori Cardille, Joseph Pilato, Terry Alexander, Richard Liberty, Jarlath Conroy, Sherman Howard
Roles Zombie with Scarf (uncredited)
Rating70% 3.549873.549873.549873.549873.54987
Cannibalistic zombies have overrun the entire world. The remaining fragments of the U.S. government and military hide out in fortified military bases and colonies, attempting to find a solution to the zombie pandemic. Sarah, Private Miguel Salazar, radio operator William "Bill" McDermott, and helicopter pilot John fly from their base to Fort Myers, Florida, in an attempt to locate additional survivors. They encounter a large horde of the undead, and return to their army base in the Everglades, where a small group of scientists, supported by a skeleton crew of soldiers, is searching for a way to stop or reverse the re-animation process.
Document of the Dead, 1h6
Origin USA
Genres Documentary, Horror
Themes Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Films set in the future, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Political films, Dystopian films, Disaster films
Actors George A. Romero, John Amplas, Ken Foree, Susan Tyrrell, David Emge, Tom Savini
Roles Himself
Rating66% 3.345543.345543.345543.345543.34554
Taking a look back from Romero's first television commercials onward, the documentary chronicles the career and stylistic techniques of Dawn of the Dead's director, George A. Romero.
Dawn of the Dead, 1h57
Directed by George A. Romero, Dario Argento
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Action, Horror, Apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction
Themes Medical-themed films, Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Transport films, Motocyclette, Films set in the future, Zombie films, Films about viral outbreaks, Political films, Dystopian films, Disaster films
Actors David Emge, Ken Foree, Scott Reiniger, Gaylen Ross, James A. Baffico, David Early
Roles TV Director / Biker (uncredited)
Rating77% 3.897543.897543.897543.897543.89754
The United States is devastated by a mysterious phenomenon which reanimates recently deceased unburied human beings as flesh-eating zombies. Despite the best efforts by the U.S. government and local authorities to control the situation, society is beginning to collapse and the remaining survivors are given to chaos. Some rural communities and the military have been effective in fighting the zombies in open country, but cities are helpless and largely overrun. Confusion reigns at the WGON television studio in Philadelphia by the phenomenon's third week, where staff members Stephen Andrews and Francine Parker are planning to steal the station's traffic helicopter to escape the zombies. Meanwhile, police SWAT officer Roger DiMarco and his team raid an apartment building where the residents are defying the martial law of delivering their dead to National Guardsmen. Some residents fight back with handguns and rifles, and are killed by both the overzealous SWAT team and their own reanimated dead. During the raid, Roger meets Peter Washington, part of another SWAT team, and they partner up together. Roger tells Peter that his friend Stephen intends to take his network's helicopter, and suggests that Peter come with them. The matter is decided when they are informed of a group of zombies sheltered in the basement, which they execute with grim determination.
Martin (1978)
, 1h35
Directed by George A. Romero
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Horror
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Serial killer films, Vampires in film
Actors John Amplas, Tom Savini, Lincoln Maazel, George A. Romero, Richard P. Rubinstein
Roles Father Howard
Rating69% 3.4973553.4973553.4973553.4973553.497355
As the film opens, a young man (John Amplas), travelling on an overnight train from Indianapolis to Pittsburgh, sedates a young woman with a syringe full of narcotics, slices her wrist with a razor blade, and drinks her blood. The next morning, he is met at the Pittsburgh train station by a mysterious man in white (Lincoln Maazel) who escorts him away, whereupon the pair board a local train destined for Braddock.