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George Rigaud is a Actor and Sound French born on 9 august 1905 at Buenos Aires (Argentine)

George Rigaud

George Rigaud
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Birth name Pedro Jorge Rigato Delissetche
Nationality France
Birth 9 august 1905 at Buenos Aires (Argentine)
Death 17 january 1984 (at 78 years)

George Rigaud (11 August 1905 – 17 January 1984) was an Argentine film actor. He appeared in 194 films between 1932 and 1981. He was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina and was killed in a road accident in Madrid, Spain.


Pedro Jorge Rigato Delissetche quitte tôt l'Argentine avec sa famille pour la France et il fait ses premiers bouts d’essai au cinéma, au début des années trente, sous le pseudonyme de Georges Rigaud. Il obtient son premier grand rôle en 1933 avec Quatorze juillet, durant les années 1930, on retrouve Rigaud dans Une histoire d'amour ou encore Nitchevo. Georges Rigaud retourne en Argentine en 1941, ou il joue dans Eclipse de sol puis il partira pour Hollywood. En 1956, il décide de revenir en Europe et plus précisément en Espagne où il finit par se fixer. Georges Rigaud continue d'enchaîner les rôles même si à partir des années 1960 ses rôles sont plus secondaires. Il fit une longue et fructueuse carrière internationale aux États-Unis, en Grande-Bretagne, en Italie, en Allemagne, en Argentine et en Espagne. Il décède des suites d'un accident à Leganés où il est renversé par une motocyclette.

Usually with

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Filmography of George Rigaud (121 films)

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Maravillas (1981)
, 1h36
Directed by Manuel Gutiérrez Aragón
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama
Actors Cristina Marcos, Fernando Fernán Gómez, León Klimovsky, Gerard Tichy, George Rigaud
Roles Tomás
Rating63% 3.1705753.1705753.1705753.1705753.170575
Maravillas, une adolescente madrilène vit avec son père, un photographe veuf et sans travail. Afin d'assouvir ses fantasmes sexuels, ce dernier lui dérobe son argent. Fort heureusement, la jeune fille peut compter sur la protection de ses parrains - trois Juifs séfarades - qui ne cessent de la gâter. Mais, celui qu'elle préfère est l'oncle Salomon qui, « comme dans un conte de fées, l'a délivrée de la peur en lui remettant un anneau le jour de sa première communion, et en lui demandant d'oser marcher sur le bord de la terrasse qui surplombe la rue. » C'est, précisément, lors d'une des démonstrations de l'oncle Salomon qu'elle fait la connaissance de Chessman, un garçon dont elle s'amourache. Celui-ci lui présente sa bande de copains avec qui elle va commettre de petits méfaits. Plus tard, Maravillas est impliquée dans le vol d'une émeraude et de complicité criminelle.
Paco the Infallible, 1h25
Directed by Didier Haudepin
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Alfredo Landa, Patrick Dewaere, Jean Bouise, Christine Pascal, José Lifante, Ismael Merlo
Roles Octavio
Rating55% 2.7622952.7622952.7622952.7622952.762295
L'histoire se déroule dans l'Espagne des années 1920. Paco, jeune homme pauvre et ouvrier dont la femme ne peut pas avoir d'enfants, arrondit ses fins de mois en mettant enceintes des nourrices. Employées par de riches familles, elles peuvent ainsi être rémunérées en nourrissant de leur lait, les bébés privilégiés dont les mères refusent d'abîmer leur poitrine. Paco obtient rapidement la réputation d'être « infaillible » dans sa besogne.
Jaguar Lives!, 1h36
Directed by Ernest Pintoff
Origin USA
Genres Martial arts, Comedy, Action, Spy, Martial arts
Themes Spy films, Sports films, Martial arts films
Actors Christopher Lee, Donald Pleasence, Barbara Bach, Capucine, Joseph Wiseman, Woody Strode
Roles French party guest (as Jorge Regaud)
Rating42% 2.123642.123642.123642.123642.12364
After his partner is killed, a secret agent and karate expert (Joe Lewis) sets out to defeat an international drug cartel.
Journey to the Centre of the Earth, 1h30
Origin Espagne
Genres Science fiction, Fantastic, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Dinosaur films, La préhistoire, Films based on science fiction novels, Animaux préhistoriques
Actors Kenneth More, Frank Braña, Jack Taylor, Emiliano Redondo, José María Caffarel, Ricardo Palacios
Roles Professor
Rating48% 2.416442.416442.416442.416442.41644
Whilst visiting a book shop, Professor Otto Lindenbrock (Moore) buys an old book containing undisclosed knowledge of the center of the earth from a mysterious gentleman. Eager to know more, he enlists, his niece Glauben and her lover Axel. Upon arriving in Iceland, they hire shepherd and mountaineer, Hans. Together, the four of them set off for an adventure of their lifetime...
A Long Return, 1h56
Directed by Pedro Lazaga
Origin Espagne
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Romance
Themes Medical-themed films, Films set in the future
Actors Mark Burns, Lynne Frederick, Charo López, George Rigaud, Adriano Domínguez, Fernando Hilbeck
Roles Doctor Vals
Rating64% 3.2217953.2217953.2217953.2217953.221795
A young vibrant college student, Anna (Lynne Frederick), catches eye of architect, David Ortega (Mark Burns), at an orchestra show. She quickly falls in love with him and eventually wins his love. The two become inseparable and fall madly in love with each other and marry. Soon after, Anna begins acting strange and begins experiencing sudden fatigue and memory loss (even forgetting her best friend). It is then her husband learns that she has a rare and deadly disease of the nervous system that is quickly killing her. While in the hospital, with her husband by her bed side, Anna suddenly goes into a state of a coma. Doctors tell David she has less than days to live. He pleads to the Doctor for help of any kind and they inform David that Anna's only chance of survival is to put her in a state of perpetual deep sedation, which would shut down her body and practically freeze her in time and prevent her from aging, until a cure can be found for her disease. With great optimism, David accepts and his wife is put in a state of sedation. For forty agonizing and heart acing years, David remains faithful to Anna and waits for a cure to be found while Anna’s friends and family move on with their lives, even as going as far as wanting to pull the plug on her and bury her, as she remains sedated. A cure is finally found in 2014, forty years later, and she is successfully taken out of sedation and fully cured. When Anna awakens she is kept at the hospital for observations. She repetitively asks to see her husband, not knowing he is now middle aged and that she has been in sedation for forty years, but the doctor keeps denying her request. The ice is broken when her best friend, Irene (now well past her 60s), visits her and informs her of what has happened in the last forty years (such events like Anna’s parents dying and the changes David has succumb to with age). When she is released from the hospital Irene takes her to David, and much to his delight, Anna greets him with overflowing love and affection as he welcomes her back with open arms. Later that night David expresses his trepidation and guilt of the age difference in their relationship. Anna reassures David that her love for him is still in there and tells him she loves him even more for him remaining faithful to her all those years. The couple has only a short time together as David dies (possibly of heart failure or old age) a few days later. After David’s death, Anna’s doctor comes by the house, asking the grief-stricken widow, where she will go from here. She replies, in a sorrowful manner, “Go on living.” Anna then has a flash back to her first date with David when he gave Anna her motto (“Today is the first day of the rest of your life”). She then tearfully glances at the doctor and utters to him “Today is the first day of the rest of my life,” knowing David would want her to go on living her life.
Cry, Onion!, 1h31
Directed by Enzo G. Castellari
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Western
Actors Franco Nero, Martin Balsam, Sterling Hayden, Leo Anchóriz, Romano Puppo, Helmut Brasch
Roles Terrateniente (uncredited)
Rating54% 2.7026552.7026552.7026552.7026552.702655
Onion, un gentil aventurier arrive dans la ville de Paradise City. Il a acheté un terrain à un certain Foster, mystérieusement mort dans un accident, afin d'y planter des oignons. Onion découvre que Foster a été tué par les sbires de Petrus Lamb, propriétaire de la Oil Company, une compagnie pétrolière prête à tout pour obtenir les terres nécessaires à l'extraction du pétrole brut.
Mistress of the Devil
Directed by Juan Luis Buñuel
Origin France
Genres Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Vampires in film
Actors Michel Piccoli, Liv Ullmann, Ornella Muti, George Rigaud, Antonio Ferrandis, Carmen Maura
Roles Catherine's Father
Rating57% 2.853422.853422.853422.853422.85342
Lorsque sa femme Léonor meurt des suites d'une chute de cheval provoquée par des brigands, Richard est inconsolable. Il se marie par dépit avec la jeune Catherine, mais est tourmenté par des visions de la défunte. Arrivé à son tombeau, il rencontre un vieux sorcier qui lui propose de la revoir. Léonor revient à la vie, mais les enfants de la région sont alors assassinés un par un ...
Take a Hard Ride, 1h43
Directed by Antonio Margheriti, Hal Needham
Origin Italie
Genres Action, Western
Actors Lee Van Cleef, Fred Williamson, Catherine Spaak, Jim Kelly, Barry Sullivan, Dana Andrews
Roles Horse Dealer (uncredited)
Rating56% 2.848252.848252.848252.848252.84825
Pike (Jim Brown), the right-hand man of cattle rancher Bob Morgan (Dana Andrews), is entrusted with a mission to deliver $86,000 across the border to the Morgan Ranch in Sonora, Mexico after his boss dies. Pike teams up with dishonest gambler Tyree (Fred Williamson) and they are forced to trust each other while being pursued by various outlaws and gunmen trying to possess the money, including the ruthless bounty hunter Kiefer (Lee Van Cleef) and corrupt sheriff Kane (Barry Sullivan).
Eyeball (1975)
, 1h29
Directed by Umberto Lenzi
Origin Espagne
Genres Thriller, Horror
Themes Serial killer films
Actors Martine Brochard, John Richardson, Ines Pellegrini, Mirta Miller, George Rigaud, Raf Baldassarre
Roles Rev. Bronson
Rating58% 2.9494752.9494752.9494752.9494752.949475
A maniac Killer in red cape and hood is killing off American tourists on a tour bus by gouging out their eyeballs.
The Stranger and the Gunfighter, 1h45
Directed by Lee Van Cleef, Antonio Margheriti
Origin Italie
Genres Martial arts, Comedy, Action, Western, Spaghetti Western, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Lee Van Cleef, Lo Lieh, Patty Shepard, Femi Benussi, Lionel Stander, Erika Blanc
Roles Lord Barclay
Rating57% 2.8987852.8987852.8987852.8987852.898785
Martial arts expert Ho Chiang journeys to America's Wild West in order to retrieve his late uncle Wang's missing fortune. Ho must free his uncle's murderer, Dakota (frequent Spaghetti Western star Lee Van Cleef), the only man who knows Wang's final resting place. Upon recovering the body, the pair discovers clues pointing to buried treasure. Notes on the dead man's body promise that the location of the treasure will be illuminated by a map, divided for security into four segments, each one tattooed on the buttocks of one of the uncle's four mistresses. Armed with photographs of the women, Ho and Dakota form an uneasy alliance and set out in search of the map tattoos and the promised riches.
Even Angels Eat Beans, 1h58
Directed by Enzo Barboni, Bernard Farrel
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Action, Crime
Themes Mafia films, Buddy films, Gangster films
Actors Giuliano Gemma, Bud Spencer, Robert Middleton, Franca Scagnetti, Luigi Bonos, Giovanni Cianfriglia
Roles O'Riordan
Rating62% 3.10543.10543.10543.10543.1054
Charlie and Sonny are two bungling friends, but they can not be so smart. Charlie is too gruff, while Sonny is too narcissistic and womanizer. One day the two accidentally hit a US Senator, mistaking him for a gambler. Senator but does not make them incarcerated; indeed he recommends them to a boxwood mobster who sends the two friends to ask for protection money to workers of little Italy. Charlie and Sonny perform the work, however, will turn against their master and against his henchmen with blows and punches.
Counselor at Crime, 1h44
Directed by Alberto De Martino
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Crime
Themes Mafia films, Gangster films
Actors Martin Balsam, Tomás Milián, Francisco Rabal, Dagmar Lassander, Perla Cristal, Carlo Tamberlani
Roles Priest
Rating61% 3.0921253.0921253.0921253.0921253.092125
Lorsque le filleul du seigneur du crime de San Francisco demande la permission de quitter "l'entreprise", Don Antonio accepte, mais à contrecœur. Un tel comportement de la part de l'un ou de l'autre est une violation du code et une guerre de foule sanglante éclate. Ce n'est que grâce au solide soutien de ses relations familiales en Sicile que Don Antonio peut survivre à la mêlée et s'imposer. Consterné par la situation qu'il a provoquée, le filleul devient le "consigliere" de son chef, ou conseiller au crime.
Ben & Charlie
Directed by Michele Lupo
Genres Comedy, Western
Actors Giuliano Gemma, George Eastman, Vittorio Congia, Giacomo Rossi Stuart, Remo Capitani, Marisa Mell
Rating60% 3.044563.044563.044563.044563.04456
Lors d'un hold-up, Charlie est arrêté et va être pendu. Ben, son complice, lui sauve la vie en tuant le shérif. Les deux hommes sont traqués par toutes les polices. Ben et Charlie s'associent à trois bandits, emportent le butin du hold-up qu'ils viennent de commettre et s'enfuient dans le désert...
All the Colors of the Dark, 1h28
Directed by Sergio Martino
Origin Italie
Genres Thriller, Horror
Themes Serial killer films
Actors George Hilton, Edwige Fenech, Ivan Rassimov, George Rigaud, Nieves Navarro, Marina Malfatti
Roles Dr. Burton
Rating65% 3.2989653.2989653.2989653.2989653.298965
Jane lives in London with Richard, her boyfriend. When she was five, her mother was murdered, and she recently lost a baby in a car crash. She's plagued by nightmares of a knife-wielding, blue-eyed man. Richard, a pharmaceutical salesman, thinks the cure is vitamins; Jane's sister Barbara, who works for a psychiatrist, recommends analysis; a neighbor Jane's just met promises that if Jane participates in a Black Mass, all her fears will disappear. Jane tries the Mass, but it seems to bring her nightmares to life. Is there any way out for her short of death or a living hell?