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Gustaf Hammarsten is a Actor Suédois born on 2 september 1967 at Stockholm (Suede)

Gustaf Hammarsten

Gustaf Hammarsten
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Birth name Carl Gustaf Hammarsten
Nationality Suede
Birth 2 september 1967 (57 years) at Stockholm (Suede)

Gustaf Hammarsten (born 2 September 1967) is a Swedish film, television and theatre actor.

Best films

Brüno (2009)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Gustaf Hammarsten (13 films)

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Stockholm (2019)
, 1h32
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama, Crime
Actors Noomi Rapace, Ethan Hawke, Mark Strong, Christopher Heyerdahl, Bea Santos, Thorbjørn Harr
Roles Taxi Driver
Rating60% 3.0462553.0462553.0462553.0462553.046255
Le film est basé sur l’histoire vraie du braquage de banque en 1973 et de la crise des otages à Stockholm.
Lords of Chaos, 1h58
Directed by Jonas Åkerlund
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Thriller, Comedy, Horror, Musical
Actors Rory Culkin, Emory Cohen, Sky Ferreira, Jack Kilmer, Valter Skarsgård, Gustaf Hammarsten
Roles Finn Tender
Rating66% 3.302083.302083.302083.302083.30208
Dans les années 1980, Øystein Aarseth, jeune guitariste novateur, fonde son groupe nommé Mayhem. Rapidement, le succès du groupe deviendra central sur la scène black metal en Norvège. Sa rencontre avec Varg Vikernes dit Count Grishnackh, homme solitaire et mystérieux derrière le projet musical Burzum, les amènera à commettre l’irréparable.
Kursk (2018)
, 1h57
Directed by Thomas Vinterberg
Origin France
Genres Drama, War, Thriller, Action, Historical
Actors Matthias Schoenaerts, Colin Firth, Léa Seydoux, Michael Nyqvist, Max von Sydow, August Diehl
Roles Lesser Admiral Mikhail Denisov (Peter the Great)
Rating66% 3.300413.300413.300413.300413.30041
Le sous-marin nucléaire lanceur d'engins russe K-141 Koursk (Курск en russe) appartenait à la classe Projet 949A "Antei" ("Oscar II" pour l'OTAN). Ce navire récent (il avait été lancé en décembre 1994) et très performant illustrait la résurrection des forces navales russes après les années de déliquescence qui ont suivi la fin du régime soviétique. Le 12 août 2000, le Koursk fait naufrage en mer de Barents alors qu'il participe à d'importantes manœuvres de la Flotte du Nord. Lors de ces manœuvres, deux explosions successives sont en effet enregistrées mais personne n'en identifie l'origine, personne ne sait encore que cela provient d'un sous-marin et que tout l'avant du Koursk (de l'étrave au massif) a été entièrement ravagé alors qu'il était en plongée. Le Koursk a coulé aussitôt et repose désormais par 90 mètres de fond seulement (le sous-marin mesure 154 mètres de long). À bord, 23 marins réfugiés à l'arrière du sous-marin se débattent pour survivre. Les graves avaries subies par le bâtiment ne leur permettent pas de communiquer avec la surface ni d'émettre le moindre signal de détresse, si ce n'est des coups de marteau sur la coque. À terre, les familles font face aux obstacles et aux lourdeurs bureaucratiques qui compromettent le sauvetage, et l'absence de toute information fiable rend l'attente insupportable. Les jours passent sans que les autorités soient capables de donner des informations précises, et les opérations de sauvetage tardent à débuter. Dans le même temps les propositions d'aide venant de l'étranger sont déclinées. Après plusieurs jours d'atermoiements, de tentatives ratées pour arrimer un sous-marin de sauvetage au Koursk, il faut se rendre à l'évidence: il n'y a plus aucune chance de retrouver de survivants parmi les 118 membres d'équipage. Ce sont des plongeurs norvégiens qui réussissent les premiers à pénétrer à bord. Ce lourd bilan fait du naufrage du Koursk l'une des pires catastrophes touchant un navire de guerre en temps de paix. L'attitude des autorités civiles et navales, ainsi que la lenteur du déclenchement des opérations de secours et leur caractère calamiteux (maintenant les familles dans l'angoisse pendant de nombreux jours) ont choqué l'opinion publique bien au-delà des frontières de la Russie.
Beyond Beyond, 1h20
Directed by Esben Toft Jacobsen
Origin Danemark
Genres Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Mise en scène d'un lapin ou d'un lièvre, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Tuva Novotny, Gustaf Hammarsten, Lennart Jähkel, Leif Andrée, Søs Egelind, Jon Heder
Roles Johan's Father (voice)
Rating60% 3.008813.008813.008813.008813.00881
Johan est un lapereau qui vit avec son père sur un bateau équipé de tout ce qu'il faut pour vivre confortablement. La mère de Johan a disparu au loin, mais Johan espère pouvoir la retrouver, même si son père lui dit que c'est malheureusement impossible. Un jour, pendant une escale à terre que fait son père, Johan capte sur la radio du navire un mystérieux message qui le décide à lancer le bateau en pleine mer, et à se lancer à la recherche du mystérieux Roi Plume, le seul capable de l'aider à retrouver sa mère. Il se retrouve confronté à un royaume magique, mais où il s'expose à de nombreux dangers.
Hocus Pocus, Alfie Atkins!, 1h16
Directed by Torill Kove
Origin Suede
Genres Adventure, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Film d'animation mettant en scène un animal, Films about insects, Films about birds, Children's films, Mise en scène d'une plante
Actors Kim Haugen, Gustaf Hammarsten
Roles Pappa Åberg
Rating59% 2.997032.997032.997032.997032.99703
Alfie Atkins wants a dog for his birthday, but his father says he's way too small to take care of it. When he goes to school later on, he's also told by the bigger children in school that he's too small to play with them. Alfie then meets an old man that can conjure money out of thin air and decides to use his help to gain a dog.
Hamilton: In the Interest of the Nation, 1h49
Origin Suede
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Spy
Themes Spy films
Actors Mikael Persbrandt, Pernilla August, Jason Flemyng, David Dencik, Gustaf Hammarsten, Ray Fearon
Roles Martin Lagerbäck
Rating62% 3.1484653.1484653.1484653.1484653.148465
Carl Hamilton must leave his girlfriend because he gets assigned to infiltrate an international gang of smugglers who are about to sell Swedish missiles to terrorists. Hamilton's life depends on making the criminals at all times believe he was a Russian. When the weapon dealers and the terrorists meet, the whole transaction haywires and Hamilton has to kill and run. Being on his own, he cannot retrieve the missiles. Back in Sweden he is berated by a new superior. He returns to his girlfriend and admits he wants to quit his job. They have a reunion but she is a doctor and has to leave him in the middle of the night because of an emergency. He falls into sleep, recalling in his dream how he had to kill at close range during his recent mission. When she touches him while his nightmare peaks, he reacts as if he still was among cutthroats. Before he can even open his eyes he carries out a trained reflex and kills her. Obviously shocked and dismayed he leaves he flat. He blames his mentor DG for having him turned into a killing machine. DG persuades him not to give himself up and sends him abroad to rescue a Swedish technician who seems to be involved in the matter of the smuggled Swedish missiles. But a Western agency for mercenaries named Sectragon plans to kindle a new war as a profitable new business opportunity. They even attempt to assassinate a foreign head of state in Sweden. Hamilton can confound their scheme. Finally he visits the inspector who investigates the death of his late girlfriend. He comes clear but also tells her to drop the case. Hamilton must keep on doing his job because it is just... In the interest of the nation.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, 2h38
Directed by David Fincher
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Crime
Themes Films about families, Films about sexuality, Rape in fiction, Serial killer films, Rape and revenge films
Actors Daniel Craig, Rooney Mara, Christopher Plummer, Yorick van Wageningen, Stellan Skarsgård, Steven Berkoff
Roles Young Harald Vanger
Rating77% 3.897073.897073.897073.897073.89707
In Stockholm, Sweden, journalist Mikael Blomkvist, co-owner of Millennium magazine, has lost a libel case brought against him by businessman Hans-Erik Wennerström. Lisbeth Salander, a brilliant but troubled investigator and hacker, compiles an extensive background check on Blomkvist for business magnate Henrik Vanger, who has a special task for him. In exchange for the promise of damning information about Wennerström, Blomkvist agrees to investigate the disappearance and assumed murder of Henrik's grandniece, Harriet, 40 years ago. After moving to the Vanger family's compound, Blomkvist uncovers a notebook containing a list of names and numbers that no one has been able to decipher.
I Travel Alone, 1h34
Directed by Stian Kristiansen
Genres Drama
Actors Rolf Kristian Larsen, Gustaf Hammarsten, Ingrid Bolsø Berdal, Pål Sverre Hagen, Trine Wiggen, Ine Marie Wilmann
Roles Robert Göteborg
Rating64% 3.2462853.2462853.2462853.2462853.246285
Jarle Klepp is 25-year-old literature student (onomastic, Marcel Proust) at the university of Bergen in Norway who suddenly finds out he has a 7 year old daughter, because the mother (with whom he once had a one night stand) sends her to him to take care for her for a week. He struggles with his new role, loses his girlfriend to his teacher and gets again close to the mother during a costume party for the children...
Brüno (2009)
, 1h21
Directed by Larry Charles
Origin USA
Genres Comedy
Themes La mode, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Sacha Baron Cohen, Lainie Kazan, Alice Evans, Gustaf Hammarsten, Harrison Ford, Josh Meyers
Roles Lutz
Rating58% 2.948372.948372.948372.948372.94837
Gay Austrian fashion reporter Brüno Gehard is fired from his own television show, Funkyzeit mit Brüno (Funkytime with Brüno) after disrupting a Milan Fashion week catwalk (whose audience included Paul McCartney), and his lover Diesel leaves him for another man. Accompanied by his assistant's assistant, Lutz, he travels to the United States to become "the biggest gay Austrian celebrity since Hitler".
Together (2000)
, 1h46
Directed by Lukas Moodysson
Origin Suede
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romance
Themes Films about anarchism, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film
Actors Michael Nyqvist, Gustaf Hammarsten, Henrik Lundström, Shanti Roney, Ola Rapace, Olle Sarri
Roles Göran
Rating73% 3.69763.69763.69763.69763.6976
Together is set in one of the communes that sprang up around Stockholm in the 1970s. Loosely led by the sweet-natured Göran, who will do anything to avoid a conflict, the group spend their time arguing about left-wing politics and other questions such as whether doing the dishes is bourgeois. The commune's dynamics are significantly shaken when Göran's sister, Elizabeth, leaves her violent husband Rolf and moves in, bringing her two children Eva and Stefan.
The Best Intentions, 5h33
Directed by Bille August
Origin Suede
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Pernilla August, Samuel Fröler, Max von Sydow, Gustaf Hammarsten, Lennart Hjulström, Ghita Nørby
Roles Torsten Bolin
Rating76% 3.841153.841153.841153.841153.84115
Henrik Bergman is a student of theology who comes from a poor family. On the other hand, the family of his best friend Ernst Åkerblom is wealthy. Although Henrik is in a relationship with Frida, a waitress, he falls in love with Ernst's sister Anna Åkerblom. Anna's family doesn't consider him fit to join the family, so he stays with Frida. Some years later, Anna's father is deceased, Anna suffers from tuberculosis and Henrik has finished his studies. Now the wedding can take place. Anna follows her husband to a small village in the north of Sweden. Their different characters and his low income cause constant tensions between them. When he turns down a job offer for a prestigious position in Uppsala, the situation exacerbates.