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Jocelyn Quivrin is a Actor, Director and Scriptwriter French born on 14 february 1979 at Dijon (France)

Jocelyn Quivrin

Jocelyn Quivrin
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Birth name Jocelyn Beaufils
Nationality France
Birth 14 february 1979 at Dijon (France)
Death 15 november 2009 (at 30 years) at Saint-Cloud (France)

Jocelyn Quivrin (14 February 1979 – 15 November 2009) was a French actor. He had a supporting role in the critically acclaimed film Syriana.


He met his partner, Alice Taglioni, during the filming of Grande Ecole. Their son, Charlie, was born in March 2009.

Best films

LOL (Laughing Out Loud) (2009)
99 Francs (2007)
Incognito (2009)
Jacquou the Rebel (2007)
Together Is Too Much (2010)

Usually with

Léa Fazer
Léa Fazer
(4 films)
Nathalie Baye
Nathalie Baye
(4 films)
(2 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Jocelyn Quivrin (31 films)

Display filmography as list


Together Is Too Much
Directed by Léa Fazer
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Actors Nathalie Baye, Pierre Arditi, Jocelyn Quivrin, Laurent Lafitte, Eric Cantona, Olivia Côte
Roles Sébastien
Rating54% 2.739152.739152.739152.739152.73915
Clémentine et Sébastien, jeunes parents débordés, pris en étau entre leur travail et leurs enfants, voient Marie-France, la mère de Sébastien, s'installer chez eux.Elle a découvert que son mari, Henri, la trompait et que sa maîtresse attendait un enfant.Dévastée, elle se comporte chez son fils comme une adolescente en crise sapant l'autorité et le moral du jeune couple.La naissance du petit frère de Sébastien et l'euphorie béate que cette paternité tardive provoque chez son père, achève de brouiller les esprits et l'ordre des générations...
Together Is Too Much
Directed by Léa Fazer
Genres Comedy
Actors Nathalie Baye, Pierre Arditi, Jocelyn Quivrin, Laurent Lafitte, Florence d'Azémar, Eric Cantona
Roles Sébastien
Rating54% 2.739152.739152.739152.739152.73915
Clémentine et Sébastien, jeunes parents débordés, pris en étau entre leur travail et leurs enfants, voient Marie-France, la mère de Sébastien, s'installer chez eux. Elle a découvert que son mari, Henri, la trompait et que sa maîtresse attendait un enfant. Dévastée, elle se comporte chez son fils comme une adolescente en crise sapant l'autorité et le moral du jeune couple. La naissance du petit frère de Sébastien et l'euphorie béate que cette paternité tardive provoque chez son père, achève de brouiller les esprits et l'ordre des générations...
Incognito (2009)
, 1h34
Directed by Éric Lavaine
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Actors Bénabar, Franck Dubosc, Jocelyn Quivrin, Anne Marivin, Isabelle Nanty, François Damiens
Roles Thomas
Rating58% 2.9191852.9191852.9191852.9191852.919185
Luka, chanteur-guitariste du groupe de rock underground Orly Sud pendant les années 1990, devient dix ans plus tard le roi de la nouvelle scène pop-rock française en s'appropriant les chansons d'un carnet bleu tombé d'une housse de basse alors qu'il cherchait des photos de son ancien groupe. Il pense que ce sont les chansons de son ami Thomas, ex-bassiste d'Orly Sud disparu depuis plusieurs années. Or, un jour, Thomas réapparaît... Commencent alors chez Luka trois jours de calvaire durant lesquels il doit lui cacher son immense célébrité. Il décide alors de faire croire à Thomas qu'il est toujours contrôleur à la RATP et que sa maison de luxe et sa Mercedes-Benz appartiennent à son pique-assiette gaffeur de pote Francis, mime colocataire qui éprouve des difficultés à percer et que Luka fait passer pour un « comédien plein de pognon ».
LOL (Laughing Out Loud), 1h45
Directed by Lisa Azuelos
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes L'adolescence, Films about children, Medical-themed films, Films about drugs, Teen movie
Actors Sophie Marceau, Christa Theret, Jérémy Kapone, Alexandre Astier, Jocelyn Quivrin, Marion Chabassol
Roles Lucas
Rating62% 3.1174853.1174853.1174853.1174853.117485
Lola (Christa Theret) is a pretty teenage girl living with her mother Anne (Sophie Marceau), who is divorced from Lola's father, Alain (Alexandre Astier). Nicknamed "LOL" by her friends, Lola has been taking her first steps into teenage romance, dating a boy from her class named Arthur (Felix Moati). Following the summer break, Lola's life becomes complicated when Arthur tells her that he cheated on her over the summer and was dating her friend, Lvis. Lola decides to break things off with him and start seeing his close friend Mael (Jeremy Kapone). Lola's friends seem to enjoy complicating matters even more. Life at home has also become impossible with her mother, who has no idea what "LOL" means. She treats her teenage daughter like a child, wondering whatever happened to her sweet little daughter. Lola likes to play her mother and father against each other for her own advantage, but what she doesn't know is that Anne and Alain have begun dating again on the sly.
To the Adventure, 1h30
Directed by Jean-Claude Brisseau, Dorothée Sebbagh
Origin France
Genres Drama, Erotic
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, BDSM in films, LGBT-related films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Jocelyn Quivrin, Arnaud Binard, Lise Bellynck, Étienne Chicot, Carole Brana, Estelle Galarme
Roles Fred
Rating53% 2.6981652.6981652.6981652.6981652.698165
Sandrine, a young businesswoman, becomes dissatisfied with her ordinary life. She quits her job and leaves her boyfriend to embark on a number of erotic and bizarre adventures in hope of finding authenticity.
The Wolberg Family, 1h20
Directed by Axelle Ropert
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about families, Medical-themed films, Films about cancer
Actors François Damiens, Valérie Benguigui, Léopoldine Serre, Serge Bozon, Jean-Christophe Bouvet, Jean-Luc Bideau
Roles Daniel, l'homme blond
Rating57% 2.8546152.8546152.8546152.8546152.854615
Histoire de Simon Wolberg, maire d'une ville de province et sa famille.
What If...?, 1h27
Directed by Léa Fazer
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Actors Alice Taglioni, Jocelyn Quivrin, Thierry Lhermitte, Pascale Arbillot, Julie Ferrier, Denise Aron-Schropfer
Roles Maître Victor Bandini
Rating57% 2.8895052.8895052.8895052.8895052.889505
Margot et Victor vivent en couple et sont tous deux avocats dans le même cabinet. Lorsque l'occasion d'une promotion se présente, ils se retrouvent en concurrence. Ils se jurent que, quel que soit le destin, leur couple restera soudé et qu'ils continueront à se soutenir mutuellement.
Cash (2008)
, 1h40
Directed by Éric Besnard
Origin France
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Comedy thriller, Crime
Themes Heist films, Escroquerie, Faux-monnayeur
Actors Jean Dujardin, Jean Reno, Valeria Golino, Alice Taglioni, François Berléand, Jocelyn Quivrin
Roles Lebrun
Rating58% 2.9453652.9453652.9453652.9453652.945365
A cleaner goes into the office of a banker. He tells the staff to leave then proceeds to change into a suit and place a picture on the desk of two brothers. Lardier, a courier, arrives and the man proceeds to explain to him that he has several financial options available. However a cell phones rings and Lardier hands it over to the man. The caller, who is angry, shouts down the phone. Uncomfortable the man tries to leave but is shot with a silenced pistol several times by Lardier. The man who died was the brother of Cash.
99 Francs
99 Francs (2007)
, 1h39
Directed by Jan Kounen
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Noir
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about drugs
Actors Jean Dujardin, Vahina Giocante, Jocelyn Quivrin, Patrick Mille, Élisa Tovati, Nicolas Marié
Roles Charlie Dagout
Rating70% 3.5411853.5411853.5411853.5411853.541185
The film is a satire on the modern advertisement business. The plot mainly concerns the story of a commercial advertisement designer, Octave Parango (Jean Dujardin), who has an easy-going, highly paid job, and an active free life mainly consisting of drugs and random one-time sexual relationships. However, he starts growing weary of his job, and after having his first ever long-time relationship with fellow worker Sophie (Vahina Giocante) fail miserably, he organises a revolt against the advertisement business and his own life.
Acteur (2007)
, 12minutes
Directed by Jocelyn Quivrin
Origin France
Actors Nathalie Baye, Jocelyn Quivrin, Alice Taglioni, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Eva Darlan, Élodie Navarre
Roles Henri
Rating65% 3.2667253.2667253.2667253.2667253.266725
Un aperçu sur le métier d'acteur avec cette interrogation sur le changement de personnalité possible lorsqu'on commence à se faire connaître.
The Romance of Astrea and Celadon, 1h49
Directed by Éric Rohmer
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama, Fantasy, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Stéphanie Crayencour, Andy Gillet, Cécile Cassel, Rosette, Véronique Reymond, Jocelyn Quivrin
Roles Lycidas
Rating62% 3.146593.146593.146593.146593.14659
Céladon est le fils d'une famille de petite noblesse d'une communauté gauloise du V siècle vivant à l'écart de la civilisation romaine. Il aime une bergère nommée Astrée et vit tel un berger pour être auprès d'elle. Les amants sont contraints de passer de multiples épreuves avant de pouvoir goûter en toute quiétude à leurs amours.
Jacquou the Rebel, 2h20
Directed by Laurent Boutonnat
Origin France
Genres Drama, Adventure
Themes Films about children
Actors Gaspard Ulliel, Marie-Josée Croze, Albert Dupontel, Jocelyn Quivrin, Judith Davis, Tchéky Karyo
Roles Le Comte de Nansac
Rating64% 3.2047553.2047553.2047553.2047553.204755
1815. Jacquou, a young peasant from the Périgord region, lives happily with his parents. Misfortune falls upon the family when Jacquou's father is hunted for killing servants of a cruel and arrogant nobleman, the Count of Nansac. Jacquou's father flees the town but promises his son that he will join the family soon. Jacquou is acquainted with Galiote, Nansac's daughter, and her care-taker Lina when his mother works as a laundry maid at Nansac's castle with her identity untold. Jacquou at first tries to harm Galiote by letting pigs out of the pen as she throws pebbles at them, leaving the pigs agitated. However he changes his mind and saves her, leaving both Lina and Galiote impressed and grateful. Soon after this incident Jacquou's mother loses her job and is forced to leave the house with Jacquou. To make everything worse, all her attempts to save her husband fail as well. Jacquou's father is then captured, tried and executed in prison. Upon this knowledge, she makes Jacquou swear to avenge his father's death. Jacquou's mother soon succumbs to a combination of grief, starvation and exposure.
Two Lives Plus One, 1h38
Directed by Idit Cebula
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Emmanuelle Devos, Gérard Darmon, Jocelyn Quivrin, Michel Jonasz, Valérie Benguigui, Jackie Berroyer
Roles David Klein
Rating55% 2.7690452.7690452.7690452.7690452.769045
Éliane se sent étouffée entre son travail d'instit', son époux protecteur, sa mère envahissante et sa fille.
Jean de La Fontaine, le défi, 1h40
Directed by Daniel Vigne
Origin France
Genres Biography, Comedy, Historical
Themes Films about writers, Poésie
Actors Lorànt Deutsch, Philippe Torreton, Jean-Claude Dreyfus, Élodie Navarre, Julien Courbey, Jocelyn Quivrin
Roles Louis XIV
Rating49% 2.462852.462852.462852.462852.46285
5 septembre 1661 : Fouquet, le puissant ministre du roi, est arrêté sur ordre de Jean-Baptiste Colbert ; le jeune Louis XIV devient seul maître du royaume. Alors que les autres artistes se précipitent au service du monarque de droit divin, un seul d'entre eux se lève pour affirmer son soutien au surintendant déchu : l'artiste Jean de La Fontaine. Colbert se jure alors de faire plier le rebelle qui place l'art au-dessus du roi.
Empire of the Wolves, 2h8
Directed by Chris Nahon
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Adventure, Crime
Actors Jean Reno, Arly Jover, Jocelyn Quivrin, Laura Morante, Philippe du Janerand, Vernon Dobtcheff
Roles Paul Nerteaux
Rating57% 2.8994352.8994352.8994352.8994352.899435
Arly Jover plays Anna Heymes, a stylish 31-year-old Parisian housewife, who experiences nightmares and hallucinations related to a series of gruesome murders in the city. At the same time, a duo of policemen, the unorthodox Schiffer (Jean Reno) and the cautious officer Nerteaux (Jocelyn Quivrin), work to unravel the mystery surrounding the murders. The plot thickens when Anna discovers that she has been subjected to intensive reconstructive surgery, which concealed her Turkish heritage. A series of events escalates into a confrontation with the Turkish mafia and the death of Anna's would-be assassin.