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José Raposo is a Actor Portugais born on 3 february 1963 at Lisbon (Portugal)

José Raposo

José Raposo
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Nationality Portugal
Birth 3 february 1963 (62 years) at Lisbon (Portugal)

He began in the children's theater, by the hand of Francisco Nicholson in 1981 at the Teatro AdHoc, which company he integrated. He did Teatro de Revista (light comedy theater) on the Teatro Maria Vitória, Teatro Variedades and Teatro ABC, founded with his ex-wife Maria João Abreu the production company A Toca dos Raposos, with which he staged some shows.

He played O Processo de Jesus, from Diego Fabri (Teatro da Trindade); Volpone from Ben Jonson in Teatro Aberto; O Último dos Marialvas from Neil Simon, in Casa da Comédia. He was directed by Jean Jordheuil inGermânia 3 of Heiner Muller (CCB) and by André Gago in Os Portas, from John Godber in Teatro Nacional D. Maria II. He also played in Musical Theater, and made part of Annie of Thomas Meehan, under the direction of A. Cortez in Teatro Maria Matos.

He participated in 2003 in the show Cada Dia Um a Um a Liberdade e o Reino, directed by Jorge Silva Melo and worked with Filipe La Féria in A Rainha do Ferro Velho, of Garçon Kanin in Teatro Politeama in 2004.

He did television and was part of the cast of several soap operas and tv shows (2002 - Bons Vizinhos, 1998 - Ballet Rose from Leonel Vieira, 1998 - Médico de Família, 1995 - Pensão Estrela, 1990 - O Posto, 1990 - O Cacilheiro do Amor, 20078,2009 - Conta-me como foi, 2007 - Resistirei) and movies directed by Ruy Guerra, Tiago Guedes and Rita Nunes.

In cinema he was actor in some movies: Aqui na Terra (1993) from João Botelho; Sapatos Pretos (1998), Ganhar a Vida (2001) and Noite Escura (2004) from João Canijo; Os Mutantes(1998) from Teresa Villaverde; Corte de Cabelo (1995) from Joaquim Sapinho; Viúva Rica Solteira Não Fica (2006) de José Fonseca e Costa; Senhor Jerónimo (1998) de Inês de Medeiros; Camarate (2001) de Luís Filipe Rocha, A Costa dos Murmúrios (2005) from Margarida Cardoso , Filme da Treta (2006) from José Sacramento and Call Girl (2007).
Participou na série O Testamento para a RTP.

He was also voice actor for:


The Lion King

The Hunchback of Notre Dame


Lady and the Tramp

Toy Story trilogy

Kung Fu Panda


Wreck-it Ralph

Monsters University

, and others

Presently he plays in Filipe La Féria's recent show La Cage Aux Folles, premiered at June 13 in Teatro Rivoli, and now in Lisbon in Teatro Politeama, playing Zaza Napoli.

He won the portuguese Golden Globe for best Theater Actor in 2009.

Usually with

João Canijo
João Canijo
(2 films)
Rita Blanco
Rita Blanco
(3 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of José Raposo (11 films)

Display filmography as list


Saint George, 1h52
Directed by Marco Martins
Origin Portugal
Genres Drama
Actors Nuno Lopes, Beatriz Batarda, Jean-Pierre Martins, José Raposo
Roles Vitinho
Rating68% 3.4456153.4456153.4456153.4456153.445615
Lisbonne en temps de crise. Jorge, boxeur sans emploi, est obligé de vivre chez son père, et voit sa femme Susana partir au Brésil avec leur fils Nelson. Pour s'en sortir, il accepte un emploi d'intimidateur pour une société de recouvrement de dettes.
Getulio (2014)
, 1h40
Origin Bresil
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical
Themes Political films
Actors Alexandre Borges, Tony Ramos, Leonardo Medeiros, Fernando Luís, Drica Moraes, Daniel Dantas
Roles Ministro Nero Moura
Rating66% 3.347793.347793.347793.347793.34779
The plot begins in August 1954, after the attempted murder of Carlos Lacerda (Alexandre Borges), owner of the opposition newspaper, then, president Getúlio has to confront with the increasing instability of his government, in addition to the charges of ordering the murder of his political enemy.
7 Pecados Rurais
Directed by Nicolau Breyner
Origin Portugal
Genres Comedy
Actors Patrícia Tavares, José Raposo, Nicolau Breyner
Roles Eng. Castro Laboreiro
Rating56% 2.803692.803692.803692.803692.80369
Dans "7 Pecados Rurais", Quim et Zé se rendent à Lisbonne pour recueillir deux cousins éloignés qui veulent faire revivre un fou l'été dernier à Curral de Moinas. En chemin, ils se heurtent à un troupeau de moutons et meurent.
Embargo (2010)
, 1h23
Origin Portugal
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors José Raposo
Roles Patrão
Rating55% 2.7618752.7618752.7618752.7618752.761875
Nuno is a man working at a hot dog stand, who also invented a machine which promises to revolutionize the shoe industry- a foot scanner. In the middle of a gasoline embargo and finding himself in a strange predicament, Nuno becomes mysteriously confined to his car, finding his life suddenly embargoed
The Murmuring Coast, 1h55
Origin Portugal
Genres Drama
Actors Beatriz Batarda, Fernando Luís, José Raposo
Roles Commander
Rating63% 3.1875953.1875953.1875953.1875953.187595
À la fin des années 1960 les Portugais font leur dernière guerre coloniale sans issue en Mozambique. Evita, une jeune portugaise belle et fougueuse, arrive au Mozambique pour épouser Luis, un soldat de l’armée coloniale. Evita se rend rapidement compte que Luis n’est plus l’étudiant en mathématique prompt à la riposte et ambitieux qu’elle connaissait à Lisbonne. Il a perdu son innocence. Quand Luis doit partir pour la guerre, Evita reste seule. Errant dans la ville, elle découvre un nouveau mode de vie et manifeste une liberté qui est inhabituelle pour cette époque.
Camarate (2001)

Directed by Luís Filipe Rocha
Genres Drama, Action
Actors Carla Chambel, José Raposo
Roles Second Witness
Rating64% 3.242393.242393.242393.242393.24239
The Mutants, 1h53
Directed by Teresa Villaverde
Origin Portugal
Genres Drama
Actors Ana Moreira, Alexandra Lencastre, Rita Blanco, José Raposo, Isabel Ruth
Roles Director of Girls' Institute
Rating71% 3.5883253.5883253.5883253.5883253.588325
L'histoire de quelques jeunes gens qui refusent la résignation et qui ne se sentent bien nulle part. Ils ne baissent jamais les bras, sont toujours en quête. Ils ont en eux une force visible qui se répand partout, quelque chose qui est sur le point d'exploser. Ils ne savent pas ce qu'ils veulent mais il y a sans cesse quelque chose qui les dérange. Ils n'acceptent pas la place qu'on leur a imposée avant même qu'ils aient eu la possibilité de choisir quoi que ce soit. Ce sont des survivants. Le monde préférerait surement qu'ils n'existent pas, mais ils existent...
Haircut (1996)
, 1h31
Directed by Joaquim Sapinho
Origin Portugal
Genres Drama
Actors José Raposo
Roles Security Guard
Rating57% 2.858962.858962.858962.858962.85896
The film is set in Lisbon, and tells the story of a day in the life of Rita and Paulo, a Portuguese young couple of the 90's, belonging to the first generation of Portuguese to grow up inside the European Union. The fast changing city around them makes them wish to break with all traditions and live the day the get married (only civil marriage) like it is an ordinary day. However, for some reason Rita wants to be absolutely sure Paulo loves her and decides to cut her long black hair short before the ceremony. Rita and Paulo still get married, but Rita's haircut would drastically and unexpectedly change their relationship.
Here on Earth, 1h55
Directed by João Botelho
Origin Portugal
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Luís Miguel Cintra, Isabel de Castro, Henrique Viana, Inês de Medeiros, José Raposo
Roles Informer
Rating57% 2.89122.89122.89122.89122.8912
Miguel est un économiste plein de succès quand la mort de son père vient le plonger dans un monde aussi étrange qu’obscur, fait de peurs, de sons inquiétants et d’isolement psychologique. Il quitte son emploi, s’éloigne de sa femme et se met à dégénérer physiquement. Il touchera le fond avant de voir à nouveau poindre la lumière. Et, en écho à sa dérive, nous suivons, dans les profondeurs de la nature, l’histoire d’un crime et de sa rédemption, l’histoire d’António et de Cecília. De la mort jusqu’au miracle de la vie, ici-bas, dans le monde des hommes.