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Mohamed Malas is a Actor, Director and Scriptwriter Syrien born on 1 january 1945 at Quneitra (Syrie)

Mohamed Malas

Mohamed Malas
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Nationality Syrie
Birth 1 january 1945 (80 years) at Quneitra (Syrie)

Mohammad Malas (Arabic: محمد ملص‎) (born 1945) is a prominent Syrian filmmaker. Malas directed several documentary and feature films that garnered international recognition. He is among the first auteur filmmakers in Syrian cinema.


Après des études de philosophie à Damas et une expérience d'enseignant dans un lycée, Mohamed Malas a étudié à l'Institut de cinéma de Moscou en 1974 sous la direction d'Igor Talankine.

Son premier long métrage de fiction, Les Rêves de la ville, présenté au festival de Cannes dans la sélection de la Semaine de la critique, est sorti en 1984.

Usually with

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Filmography of Mohamed Malas (7 films)

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Destiny (1997)
, 2h15
Directed by Youssef Chahine
Origin Egypte
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical, Musical
Themes Philosophie, Politique, Films about religion, Political films, Films about Islam
Actors Nour El-Sherif, Laila Elwi, Safia El Emari, Mohamed Mounir محمد منير, Khaled El nabawy, Mohamed Malas
Roles Assailant's Father
Rating71% 3.5953053.5953053.5953053.5953053.595305
À travers la vie du savant et philosophe Averroès, est évoquée l'Andalousie du XII siècle, lieu d'affrontements entre extrémistes musulmans et savants soucieux de la diffusion des connaissances.
A Plate of Sardines, 17minutes
Directed by Omar Amiralay
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about religion, Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Documentary films about religion, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Mohamed Malas
Roles Himself
Rating70% 3.5391353.5391353.5391353.5391353.539135
Un homme se souvient du conflit au Moyen-Orient à travers sa mémoire personnelle. Dans ce court documentaire, Amiralay se penche sur la première fois qu'il a entendu parler d'Israël. A travers des conversations enregistrées avec le cinéaste Mohamed Malas, Amiralay et Malas partagent leurs propres histoires et expériences sur Israël et l'occupation israélienne.


Ladder to Damascus, 1h35
Directed by Mohamed Malas
Origin Syrie
Genres Drama
Rating61% 3.050243.050243.050243.050243.05024
Passion (2005)
, 1h38
Directed by Mohamed Malas
Origin France
Genres Drama
Rating64% 3.248633.248633.248633.248633.24863
Passionnée de musique, et plus particulièrement fan de la chanteuse Oum Kalthoum, Imane fredonne et reprend ses chansons. Seulement, une femme syrienne dans la musique est très mal vu aux yeux des hommes et n'est respectable que dans le silence. Sa famille décide d'en finir avec elle.
The Night
The Night (1992)
, 1h56
Directed by Mohamed Malas
Genres Drama
Rating71% 3.5517253.5517253.5517253.5517253.551725
The Dream
The Dream (1987)
, 45minutes
Directed by Mohamed Malas
Genres Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about immigration, Films about religion, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Documentary films about religion, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism
Rating62% 3.123913.123913.123913.123913.12391
The film was composed of several interviews with different Palestinian refugees including children, women, old people, and militants from the refugee camps in Lebanon. In the interviews Malas questions his subjects about their dreams at night. Through their answers, the film attempts to reveal the underlying subconsciousness of the Palestinian refugee. The dreams always converge on Palestine; a woman recounts her dreams about winning the war; a fedai of bombardment and martyrdom; and one man tells of a dream where he meets and is ignored by Gulf emirs. According to Rebecca Porteous, the film constructs "the psychology of dispossession; the daily reality behind those slogans of nationhood, freedom, land and resistance, for people who have lost all of these things, except their recourse to the last.
Dreams of the City, 2h
Directed by Mohamed Malas
Origin Syrie
Genres Drama
Actors Ayman Zeidan
Rating68% 3.405813.405813.405813.405813.40581
Après la mort de son père, Dib, sa mère et son frère quittent Kuneitra pour rejoindre Damas. Dans une période historique troublée, Dib devra affronter le mariage forcé de sa mère et la mort de son frère.


Ladder to Damascus, 1h35
Directed by Mohamed Malas
Origin Syrie
Genres Drama
Rating61% 3.050243.050243.050243.050243.05024
Passion (2005)
, 1h38
Directed by Mohamed Malas
Origin France
Genres Drama
Roles Writer
Rating64% 3.248633.248633.248633.248633.24863
Passionnée de musique, et plus particulièrement fan de la chanteuse Oum Kalthoum, Imane fredonne et reprend ses chansons. Seulement, une femme syrienne dans la musique est très mal vu aux yeux des hommes et n'est respectable que dans le silence. Sa famille décide d'en finir avec elle.
The Night
The Night (1992)
, 1h56
Directed by Mohamed Malas
Genres Drama
Roles Writer
Rating71% 3.5517253.5517253.5517253.5517253.551725
The Dream
The Dream (1987)
, 45minutes
Directed by Mohamed Malas
Genres Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about immigration, Films about religion, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Documentary films about religion, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism
Roles Writer
Rating62% 3.123913.123913.123913.123913.12391
The film was composed of several interviews with different Palestinian refugees including children, women, old people, and militants from the refugee camps in Lebanon. In the interviews Malas questions his subjects about their dreams at night. Through their answers, the film attempts to reveal the underlying subconsciousness of the Palestinian refugee. The dreams always converge on Palestine; a woman recounts her dreams about winning the war; a fedai of bombardment and martyrdom; and one man tells of a dream where he meets and is ignored by Gulf emirs. According to Rebecca Porteous, the film constructs "the psychology of dispossession; the daily reality behind those slogans of nationhood, freedom, land and resistance, for people who have lost all of these things, except their recourse to the last.
Dreams of the City, 2h
Directed by Mohamed Malas
Origin Syrie
Genres Drama
Actors Ayman Zeidan
Rating68% 3.405813.405813.405813.405813.40581
Après la mort de son père, Dib, sa mère et son frère quittent Kuneitra pour rejoindre Damas. Dans une période historique troublée, Dib devra affronter le mariage forcé de sa mère et la mort de son frère.