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Nina Rouslanova is a Actor Russe born on 5 december 1945

Nina Rouslanova

Nina Rouslanova
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Birth name Ни́на Ива́новна Русла́нова
Nationality Russie
Birth 5 december 1945 (79 years)

Nina Ivanovna Rouslanova (en russe : Ни́на Ива́новна Русла́нова), née le 5 décembre 1945 à Bohodoukhiv en RSS d'Ukraine, est une actrice soviétique puis russe de théâtre et cinéma, distinguée Artiste du peuple de la Fédération de Russie en 1998.


Nina est une enfant abandonnée, trouvée à Bohodoukhiv. Elle est recueillie par un orphelinat dans l'oblast de Kharkiv, où on lui choisit le nom, le prénom et le patronyme. Elle choisit elle-même pour l'anniversaire le 5 décembre, le jour de l'adaptation de Constitution Staline, car c'est un jour férié dans l'Union soviétique. Nina change d’orphelinat à cinq reprises, elle y est scolarisée et apprend le métier de plâtrier, après quoi elle passe le concours d'entrée de l'Université nationale des arts de Kharkiv . Elle y étudie durant une année avant de partir pour Moscou où elle est prise dans la classe de Vera Lvova à l'Institut d'art dramatique Boris Chtchoukine. En 1969, elle devient actrice de Théâtre Vakhtangov. En 1985-1988, elle se produit au Théâtre Maïakovski, puis revient dans la troupe de Vakhtangov.

Son début au cinéma a lieu sous la direction de Kira Mouratova dans Brèves Rencontres en 1967. Elle collabore avec les studios Gorki Film depuis 1988.

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Nina Rouslanova (11 films)

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Forbidden Empire, 2h7
Origin Russie
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Fantastic, Comedy, Fantasy, Adventure, Horror
Actors Charles Dance, Valery Zolotoukhine, Aleksey Chadov, Jason Flemyng, Agnia Ditkovskyte, Igor Vitaliévitch Jijikine
Roles femme de Yavtukh
Rating52% 2.616092.616092.616092.616092.61609
Early 18th century cartographer Jonathan Green undertakes a scientific voyage from Western Europe to the East. Having passed through Transylvania and crossed the Carpathian Mountains, he finds himself in a small village lost in impassable woods of Ukraine. Nothing but chance and heavy fog could bring him to this cursed place. People who live here do not resemble any other people which the traveler saw before that. The villagers, having dug a deep moat to fend themselves from the rest of the world, share a naive belief that they could save themselves from evil, failing to understand that evil has made its nest in their souls and is waiting for an opportunity to gush out upon the world.
Two in One
Two in One (2007)
, 2h4
Directed by Kira Mouratova
Origin Ukraine
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Nina Rouslanova, Renata Litvinova, Bohdan Stupka
Roles technicienne scénographe
Rating65% 3.2662453.2662453.2662453.2662453.266245
Deux histoires de théâtre se mêlent. Dans la première, un acteur meurt sur scène : règlements de compte, rivalités dévoilées... Que faire ? Continuer la pièce !
The Irony of Fate. The Sequel, 1h55
Directed by Timour Bekmambetov
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Actors Andrey Myagkov, Barbara Brylska, Yury Yakovlev, Constantin Khabenski, Elizaveta Boïarskaïa, Sergueï Bezroukov
Roles Lada Viktorovna, voisine
Rating49% 2.4527652.4527652.4527652.4527652.452765
The characters from the first film now have children, who have managed to get into the same situation as their parents many years ago. However, this story is not simply a remake of the original movie. Firstly, all of Lukashin's adventures were accidental, whereas here everything is done according to a plan thought up by Pavlik (a friend of Lukashin's). His idea is to help his friend Evgeniy with his loneliness. To this end, he dispatches Lukashin's son Kostya to Petersburg, where he acts in the same manner as his father 30 years ago. In flat 12 he meets Nadejda (who is actually the daughter of Nadejda from the first movie). She has a fiancé called Irakliy, a businessman. Kostantin's task is to lure Iracliy away from the flat, then wait for Nadejda's mother to come; he then makes her call Evgeniy Lukashin. Pavlik persuades Evgeniy to go to St. Petersburg. The plot becomes a story of two fights over a woman: Konstantin vs. Irakliy and Evgeniy vs. Ippolit. Finally Lukashins win the competition, because Irakliy turns out to be too dull for Nadya and Nadejda understands that she was never in love with Ippolit.
The Piano Tuner, 2h34
Directed by Kira Mouratova
Genres Drama, Comedy, Crime
Themes Escroquerie
Actors Alla Demidova, Gueorgui Deliev, Renata Litvinova, Nina Rouslanova
Roles Liouba, amie d'Anna Sergueïevna
Rating75% 3.784253.784253.784253.784253.78425
A former nurse, Liuba, seeking marriage through newspaper personal ads, is bilked by a stranger whom she mistakes for her new date. Liuba’s elderly, well-to-do girlfriend, Anna Sergeevna is defrauded in a different fashion: having placed a newspaper ad for a piano tuner, she is entrapped by Andrei, who is not only an excellent tuner and musician, but also a reasonably good petty thief and scam artist. Andrei and his current lover, Lina, attempting to further secure the women’s trust by returning Liuba’s money, which had been scammed yet again by a second potential husband cum con-artist, place their own fake personal ad in a newspaper so as to locate the suspect. Having returned Liuba’s stolen money, Andrei finally swindles both Liuba and Anna Sergeevna through an elaborate bank forgery scheme—in a word, a portrait of normal human nature à la Muratova.
Khrustalyov, My Car!, 2h30
Directed by Alexeï Guerman
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Nina Rouslanova, Jüri Järvet, Viktor Soukhoroukov, Vladimir Garine
Roles femme de Klenski
Rating72% 3.6360553.6360553.6360553.6360553.636055
Surgeon General Klensky (Yuri Tsurilo), is captured and sent to Gulag convicted for the Doctors Plot to kill Joseph Stalin.
Heart of a Dog, 1h53
Directed by Vladimir Vladimirovitch Bortko
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about animals, Films about computing, Films about dogs, Cyberpunk films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Yevgeniy Yevstigneyev, Nina Rouslanova, Iouri Kouznetsov, Sergueï Filippov
Roles Daria Petrovna, cuisinière
Rating84% 4.242854.242854.242854.242854.24285
The film is set in Moscow not long after the October Revolution where a complaining stray dog looks for food and shelter. A well-off well-known surgeon Phillip Phillippovich Preobrazhensky happens to need a dog and lures the animal to his big home annex practice with a piece of sausage. The dog is named Sharik and well taken care of by the doctor's maids, but still wonders why he's there. He finds out too late he's needed as a test animal: the doctor implants a pituitary gland and testicles of a recently deceased alcoholic and petty criminal Klim Chugunkin into Sharik. Sharik proceeds to become more and more human during the next days. After his transition to human is complete, it turns out that he inherited all the negative traits of the donor - bad manners, aggressiveness, use of profanity, heavy drinking - but still hates cats. He picks for himself an absurd name Poligraf Poligrafovich Sharikov, starts working at the "Moscow Cleansing Department responsible for eliminating vagrant quadrupeds (cats, etc.)" and associating with revolutionaries, who plot to drive Preobrazhensky out of his big apartment. Eventually he turns the life in the professor's house into a nightmare by stealing money, breaking his furniture, a water ballet during a cat chase and blackmailing into marriage a girl he met at the cinema. The professor with his assistant are then urged to reverse the procedure. Sharikov turns back into a dog. As Sharik he does remember little about what has happened to him but isn't much concerned about that. To his content he is left to live in the professor's apartment.
Tomorrow Was the War, 1h30
Directed by Iouri Viktorovitch Kara
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, War
Actors Nina Rouslanova, Vera Alentova, Vladimir Zamansky, Natalia Negoda
Roles camarade Poliakova, mère d'Iskra
Rating76% 3.825913.825913.825913.825913.82591
L'histoire se déroule au printemps 1940. La vie des élèves de la classe de 9e "B" se déroule comme d'habitude. Au centre des événements se trouve Iskra Poliakova, délégué de classe et membre du Komsomol dévouée, dont la mère appelée camarade Poliakova est une communiste qui s'est distinguée lors de la Guerre civile russe. Les idéaux de la jeune Iskra sont limpides et comme elle le croit inébranlables, sa pensée est binaire tout comme celle de sa mère. Elle s'indigne sincèrement, par exemple, quand sa camarade de classe Zina lui pose les questions sur la féminité. Invitée à un anniversaire Iskra admire un poème récité par son amie Vika, fille du célèbre ingénieur aéronautique Leonid Liouberetski, mais fait volte-face apprenant qu'il est écrit par Sergueï Essénine, l'auteur désigné comme décadent par la critique soviétique. Imperturbable Vika lui demande si elle a déjà lu Essénine et lui prête le livre.
My Friend Ivan Lapshin, 1h40
Directed by Alexeï Guerman
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Andreï Mironov, Andreï Boltnev, Nina Rouslanova, Aleksandre Filippenko, Iouri Kouznetsov, Semion Farada
Roles Natacha Adassova
Rating74% 3.740053.740053.740053.740053.74005
L'histoire qui se déroule au début des années 1930 à une petite ville russe est présentée d'une manière rétrospective par un témoin âgé de neuf ans à l'époque. Elle raconte le quotidien du chef de la brigade de répression du banditisme de la ville d'Ountchansk, Ivan Lapchine, et de quelques-uns de ses amis et collègues.
Afonya (1976)
, 1h32
Directed by Gueorgui Danielia
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Themes Films about alcoholism, Medical-themed films, Films about drugs
Actors Leonid Kouravliov, Evgueni Leonov, Yevgeniya Simonova, Savely Kramarov, Nina Maslova, Borislav Brondoukov
Roles Tamara
Rating77% 3.8983753.8983753.8983753.8983753.898375
Unlucky plumber – Afanasy Borshchov (Afonya) (Leonid Kuravlev) and his friend Fedulov (Borislav Brondukov) spend all day and night avoiding work and finding opportunities to drink. Afonya takes "kickbacks" from clients and is often in trouble with the local committee for his behaviour.
Brief Encounters, 1h36
Directed by Kira Mouratova
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Adventure, Romance
Actors Nina Rouslanova, Vladimir Vysotsky, Kira Mouratova, Alekseï Glazyrine, Svetlana Nemoliaïeva
Roles Nadia
Rating73% 3.678153.678153.678153.678153.67815
Valentina est responsable du logement dans une petite ville. Confrontée à l'impatience des postulants pour un logement et à la corruption des constructeurs, elle a un amant, Maxime, qui est surtout soucieux de sa propre liberté. Elle découvre que sa femme de ménage, plus jeune qu'elle, a également pour amant Maxime...