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Philippe Lopes-Curval is a Director, Scriptwriter and Assistant Director French born on 9 june 1951 at Bayeux (France)

Philippe Lopes-Curval

Philippe Lopes-Curval
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Nationality France
Birth 9 june 1951 at Bayeux (France)
Death 13 february 2023 (at 71 years)

Philippe Jean Lopes-Curval, né le 9 juin 1951 à Bayeux (Calvados), est un réalisateur, scénariste et dialoguiste français.


Après avoir été assistant réalisateur, Philippe Lopes-Curval réalise une série de courts métrages puis, en 1986, un long métrage : Trop tard Balthazar. Diffusé sur Canal +, le film est remarqué par le producteur Jean-Claude Fleury qui est à l'origine de la rencontre avec Gérard Jugnot. De cette rencontre va naître Une époque formidable, dont Philippe Lopes-Curval signe le scénario et les dialogues. C'est le début d'une longue collaboration avec Gérard Jugnot ; ils se retrouvent pour Casque Bleu, Fallait pas !..., Monsieur Batignole, Boudu et Rose et Noir. Philippe Lopes-Curval signe l'adaptation et les dialogues du film de Christophe Barratier Les choristes et en 2017 co-signe le livret du spectacle musical "Les choristes" ( Folies Bergère) et les paroles de plusieurs nouvelles chansons.

Il travaille également pour la télévision, notamment pour le téléfilm Maintenant ou jamais réalisé par Jérôme Foulon ou la mini-série Le surdoué.

En 2011, Philippe Lopes-Curval signe un premier scénario de bande dessinée Les Grobec.

Philippe Lopes-Curval est le père de la réalisatrice Julie Lopes-Curval, caméra d'Or pour son film Bord de mer.

Best films

The Chorus (2004)
War of the Buttons (2011)
Stavisky (1974)
Boudu (2005)
I... For Icarus (1979)
That Most Important Thing: Love (1975)

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Philippe Lopes-Curval (15 films)

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Rends-moi la clé!, 1h30
Directed by Philippe Lopes-Curval, Gérard Pirès
Origin France
Actors Jane Birkin, Jacques Dutronc, Guy Marchand, Roland Bertin, Nathalie Nell, Jean-Paul Muel
Rating46% 2.321822.321822.321822.321822.32182
Catherine (Jane Birkin), la trentaine, vive et indépendante, aime Nicolas (Jacques Dutronc), un jeune patron fonceur. Nicolas voudrait l'épouser et avoir un enfant avec elle. Au moment où elle dit oui, Charlie (Guy Marchand), son ancien mari, qui a conservé les clés de l'appartement de son ex-femme, réapparaît...
See Here My Love, 1h45
Directed by Hugo Santiago, Philippe Lopes-Curval
Origin France
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Noir
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Catherine Deneuve, Sami Frey, Anne Parillaud, Florence Delay, Didier Haudepin, Jean-François Stévenin
Rating57% 2.8983452.8983452.8983452.8983452.898345
Arnaud de Maule, young lord of the manor, distinguished scholar, has resort to the detective Claude Alphand (Catherine Deneuve), so that she might make enquiries into some individuals who are getting into his estate in Yvelines. Claude discovers that it is a question of the members of a strange sect, the Church of the Final Revival, which has recently won over Chloé, the young mistress of Arnaud.
I... For Icarus, 2h2
Directed by Henri Verneuil, Philippe Lopes-Curval
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller, Crime
Themes Assassinat, Mafia films, Monde imaginaire, Politique, Political films, Gangster films
Actors Yves Montand, Michel Albertini, Roland Amstutz, Maurice Bénichou, Jean-Pierre Bagot, Georges Beller
Rating77% 3.893633.893633.893633.893633.89363
The film's plot is based on the Kennedy assassination and subsequent investigation. The film begins with the assassination of President Marc Jarry, who is about to be inaugurated for a second six-year term of office. Henri Volney, state attorney and member of the commission charged with investigating the assassination (based on the Warren Commission) refuses to agree to the commission's final findings. The film portrays the initial controversy about this, as well as Volney and his staff's reopening of the investigation.
Sale rêveur
Directed by Philippe Lopes-Curval
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Jacques Dutronc, Lea Massari, Jean Bouise, Maurice Bénichou, Greg Germain, Anémone
Rating56% 2.805712.805712.805712.805712.80571
Un jeune homme, qui vit sur un terrain vague avec une bande de marginaux, s'invente une histoire d'amour avec une élégante jeune femme.
That Most Important Thing: Love, 1h49
Directed by Andrzej Żuławski, Philippe Lopes-Curval, Laurent Ferrier
Origin France
Genres Drama, Thriller, Romance
Themes Films about films, Films about television, Photographie
Actors Romy Schneider, Jacques Dutronc, Fabio Testi, Klaus Kinski, Claude Dauphin, Roger Blin
Rating69% 3.49923.49923.49923.49923.4992
Servais Mont, a photographer, meets Nadine Chevalier who earns her money starring in cheap soft-core movies. Trying to help her, he borrows the money from the loan sharks to finance the theatrical production of Richard III and gives Nadine a part. Nadine is torn between Servais, with whom she is falling in love, and her husband Jacques, to whom she has moral obligations.
Stavisky (1974)
, 2h
Directed by Alain Resnais, Philippe Lopes-Curval, Jean Léon
Origin France
Genres Drama, Adventure, Historical, Crime
Themes Escroquerie
Actors Jean-Paul Belmondo, Anny Duperey, Roberto Bisacco, François Périer, Michael Lonsdale, Claude Rich
Rating64% 3.24323.24323.24323.24323.2432
The core narrative of the film portrays the last months in the life of Serge Alexandre (Stavisky), from late 1933 to January 1934. We see glimpses of his operations as a "financial consultant", setting up a mysterious company to deal in international bonds, his 'laundering' of stolen jewellery, and his juggling of funds to stave off the discovery of fraudulent bonds that he has sold through the Crédit Municipal in Bayonne (municipal pawnbrokers); we see his activity as a theatre impresario in Paris, his casino gambling, his purchase of influence among the press, the police, and politicians, and always his extravagant lifestyle and desire to impress; we see his devotion to his glamorous wife Arlette, his exploitation of her beauty to lure funds from a Spanish revolutionary fascist, his contradictory accounts to his friends of events in his own past, and gleams of political idealism - which may yet be just expedients to create further webs of deception.


War of the Buttons, 1h40
Directed by Christophe Barratier
Origin France
Genres Drama, War, Comedy, Adventure
Themes Films about children, Histoire de France, L'Occupation allemande en France
Actors Guillaume Canet, Laetitia Casta, Jean Texier, Ilona Bachelier, Kad Merad, Gérard Jugnot
Rating61% 3.0799253.0799253.0799253.0799253.079925
The story takes place in March 1944 in a small French village. The children from the neighbouring villages of Longeverne and Velrans have been waging this merciless war as long as anyone can remember: the buttons of all the little prisoners' clothes are removed so that they head home almost naked, vanquished and humiliated. Consequently, this conflict is known as the "War of the Buttons." The village that collects the most buttons will be declared the winner. Meanwhile, Violette, a young Jewish girl, has caught the eye of Lebrac, the chief of the Longeverne kids.
Fashion Victim, 1h40
Directed by Gérard Jugnot
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Adventure
Actors Gérard Jugnot, Bernard Le Coq, Assaâd Bouab, Stéphane Debac, Saïda Jawad, Javivi
Rating43% 2.161632.161632.161632.161632.16163
Au XVI siècle, au temps des guerres de religion, le roi de France Henri III envoie le grand couturier Pic Saint-Loup en Espagne pour préparer la robe de mariage de la future épouse de l'un de ses neveux, Frédéric.
Boudu (2005)
, 1h44
Directed by Gérard Jugnot
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes La provence, Théâtre, La précarité, Films based on plays
Actors Gérard Depardieu, Catherine Frot, Gérard Jugnot, Jean-Paul Rouve, Serge Riaboukine, Hubert Saint-Macary
Roles Writer
Rating51% 2.59172.59172.59172.59172.5917
Alors qu'il flirtait avec son assistante au bord du canal à Aix-en-Provence, Christian Lespinglet (Gérard Jugnot), marchand de tableaux de son état et néanmoins surendetté, sauve la vie d’un SDF (Gérard Depardieu) qui tentait de se noyer. Recueilli par Lespinglet et sa femme, dont la vie se montrait plutôt monotone, il se montre bien vite encombrant et perturbe leur vie.
The Chorus
The Chorus (2004)
, 1h36
Directed by Christophe Barratier
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Musical theatre, Musical
Themes Films about education, Films about children, Films about music and musicians, L'enfance marginalisée, Musical films
Actors Gérard Jugnot, François Berléand, Kad Merad, Jean-Baptiste Maunier, Jacques Perrin, Marie Bunel
Rating77% 3.8985753.8985753.8985753.8985753.898575
In 1999, Pierre Morhange, a conductor performing in the United States, is informed that his mother has died before a concert. After the performance, he returns to his home in France for her funeral. An old friend named Pépinot arrives at his door with a diary which belonged to their teacher, Clément Mathieu. They proceed to read it together.
Monsieur Batignole, 1h40
Directed by Gérard Jugnot, Cécilia Rouaud
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about children, Political films, Histoire de France, L'Occupation allemande en France, La condition juive en France sous l'Occupation allemande
Actors Gérard Jugnot, Jules Sitruk, Michèle Garcia, Jean-Paul Rouve, Alexia Portal, Marie-Hélène Lentini
Rating69% 3.497553.497553.497553.497553.49755
In 1942, in Paris, which is seized by Germany, a grocer Edmond Batignole (Gérard Jugnot) is living with his family in his grocery building. He has a daughter who is soon to be married. His future son-in-law, Pierre-Jean (Jean-Paul Rouve) and his wife wanted the apartment owned by a Jewish family. When the properties of all the Jews was confiscated the Batignole family got the apartment. The Jewish family was sent to transportation to Germany. After the Batignoles had occupied the apartment the Batignoles organise a party for the SS officials and during that party young Simon Bernstein (Jules Sitruk) of the Jewish family who had escaped from the Germans, returns to his home. Edmond Batignole feels sorry for the boy and hides him in the apartment from his family before anyone else could see him. Soon Simon's cousins meet him in the cellar of the grocery and the grocer plans to smuggle the children over the border to Switzerland.
Should Not!..., 1h35
Directed by Gérard Jugnot
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Actors Gérard Jugnot, Michèle Laroque, François Morel, Martin Lamotte, Jean Yanne, Micheline Presle
Roles Writer
Rating52% 2.617082.617082.617082.617082.61708
DRH d’entreprise, Bernard Leroy revient d'un « stage commando » organisé par son entreprise, et doit rejoindre le manoir de sa future belle-famille, où ses parents, beaux-parents et fiancée l'attendent : son mariage a lieu le lendemain. Mais un accident de voiture sur une route de montagne l'oblige à demander de l'aide dans un chalet, qui se révèle être le repaire d'une secte dont le gourou, Magic, s'apprête à en éliminer les membres.
Casque bleu, 1h38
Directed by Gérard Jugnot
Origin France
Genres Comedy
Themes Le thème des vacances
Actors Gérard Jugnot, Victoria Abril, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Valérie Lemercier, Micheline Presle, Claude Piéplu
Roles Writer
Rating53% 2.6648252.6648252.6648252.6648252.664825
Viticulteur dans le Bordelais, Patrick a déclenché l'ire de sa femme, Alicia, une œnologue espagnole extrêmement jalouse, en posant les yeux sur une autre femme. Pour se faire pardonner, il emmène son intraitable épouse sur une île de la Méditerranée, au large des Balkans, où jadis ils vécurent leur lune de miel. La guerre civile éclate alors que les tourtereaux ombrageux ont tout juste posé le pied sur l'île. En compagnie d'autres Français, parmi lesquels une secrétaire complexée, un jeune réformé psychiatrique en quête de calme, un journaliste sportif et un couple de retraités accrochés à leur chien, ils vont affronter des situations très délicates.
Une Époque Formidable…, 1h37
Directed by Gérard Jugnot
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about alcoholism, Films about the labor movement, La précarité
Actors Gérard Jugnot, Richard Bohringer, Victoria Abril, Ticky Holgado, Roland Blanche, Chick Ortega
Roles Writer
Rating66% 3.3368353.3368353.3368353.3368353.336835
Michel Berthier is a qualified employee in a company specialized in sale of mattresses, until he is laid off. Absolutely wanting to have a child with his wife Juliette, who already has two children from her first marriage, he tells nothing, and quickly finds himself in a situation to leave the family home. After a few misadventures, Michel Berthier meets Crayon, Le Toubib and Mimosa, who will become his unfortunate companions among the homelesses.


Nea (1976)
, 1h43
Origin France
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Sami Frey, Ann Zacharias, Micheline Presle, Françoise Brion, Ingrid Caven, Heinz Bennent
Roles Assistant Director
Rating58% 2.9016952.9016952.9016952.9016952.901695
Librement inspiré d'une nouvelle d'Emmanuelle Arsan. En Suisse, dans un petit village où vécurent Madame de Stael et Benjamin Constant, Sybille, une adolescente rebelle, détestant son environnement bourgeois, s'évade en écrivant un journal érotique qu'elle intitule Néa.