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Samuel Finzi is a Actor Bulgare born on 20 january 1966 at Plovdiv (Bulgarie)

Samuel Finzi

Samuel Finzi
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Nationality Bulgarie
Birth 20 january 1966 (59 years) at Plovdiv (Bulgarie)

Samuel Finzi (born 20 January 1966) is a German actor, of Bulgarian-Jewish descent, with hundreds of film, television and theatrical credits in a career which, since its start in the late 1980s, has lasted more than 25 years. Between 1993 and 2011, he received ten acting awards.

Born in Bulgaria's second-largest city, Plovdiv, he is the son of actor Itzhak Fintzi and performed in his first theater and film roles while still a student. Very early on, he came into contact with directors who have had a major influence on European theater and film. He has worked in the theater with directors such as Benno Besson, Dimiter Gotscheff, Frank Castorf, Jürgen Gosch and Robert Wilson. In film, his collaborations with Michael Glawogger, Oliver Hirschbiegel, Peter Popzlatev, Sönke Wortmann and Til Schweiger have extended his popularity to a wider audience as well as the title role in the crime series Flemming. Alongside his theater engagements at all of the important German language theaters, Samuel Finzi has performed in many film and television productions. Here, he has captivated audiences in popular successes such as ‘Das Wunder von Bern’ (The Miracle of Bern), or Kokowääh, as well as in independent films such as ‘Die Besucherin’ (The Visitor), ‘Même Dieu est venu nous voir’ (Even God Came to See Us) and ‘Vaterspiele’ (Father Games). The actor shapes his figures as smart, associative character studies, which bear witness to a detailed and intelligent acting strategy. Audiences and the press celebrate his intensive images of human motivation that are almost craving for transformation and his effortless precision when performing. In 2014, he has played six leading roles at the Deutsches Theater, the Maxim Gorki Theater and the Volksbühne in Berlin, as well as at the Schauspielhaus in Leipzig.

Usually with

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Filmography of Samuel Finzi (18 films)

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Head Full of Honey, 2h29
Directed by Til Schweiger
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about psychiatry, Films about disabilities
Actors Nick Nolte, Matt Dillon, Emily Mortimer, Jacqueline Bisset, Eric Roberts, Greta Scacchi
Roles Cameriere
Rating55% 2.760662.760662.760662.760662.76066
Nick et Sarah vivent près de Londres avec leur fille de 10 ans, Tilda. Ce couple, qui connait pas mal de problèmes, va devoir accueillir Amadeus, le père de Nick. Ce dernier, veuf depuis peu, est atteint de la maladie d'Alzheimer et ne peut plus vivre seul. Amadeus va ensuite partir en voyage à Venise, sur les traces de son passé, avec sa petite-fille.
The Captain, 1h59
Directed by Robert Schwentke
Origin German
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Actors Max Hubacher, Frederick Lau, Alexander Fehling, Waldemar Kobus, Samuel Finzi, Sebastian Rudolph
Roles Roger
Rating72% 3.648653.648653.648653.648653.64865
Avril 1945. L'Allemagne nazie, en plein chaos, vit ses dernières heures avant de capituler. Les troupes allemandes de la Wehrmacht sont pourchassées par les forces alliées tandis que les déserteurs se font exécuter. Massacres, viols ou encore pillages règnent sur cette Allemagne en pleine déroute. Après avoir perdu son régiment, le jeune brigadier allemand Willi Herold erre pour tenter d'échapper à un commando qui veut l'abattre. Affamé et affaibli, Herold découvre sur son chemin, dans une voiture abandonnée, l'uniforme couvert de médailles d'un capitaine nazi de la Luftwaffe mort. Pour échapper à sa mort programmée, il décide de le revêtir afin de se camoufler et échapper à ceux qui veulent le tuer. Un camouflage idéal, l'uniforme étant le symbole de la puissance et surtout de l'autorité.
Marie Curie, 1h35
Directed by Marie-Noëlle Sehr
Origin Pologne
Genres Drama, Historical
Actors Karolina Gruszka, Arieh Worthalter, Charles Berling, Malik Zidi, Izabela Kuna, André Wilms
Roles Gustave Téry
Rating55% 2.789952.789952.789952.789952.78995
1903. Le prix Nobel de physique est décerné pour la première fois à une femme, Marie Curie, ainsi qu'à son mari Pierre. Peu de temps après, Pierre meurt dans un tragique accident et Marie, alors trentenaire, doit s'occuper seule de leurs deux enfants. Mais loin de se laisser abattre, elle poursuit les travaux de recherche du couple dans un monde essentiellement masculin et devient la première femme titulaire d'une chaire à la Sorbonne, à Paris. Après une longue période de deuil, elle tombe amoureuse d'un homme marié, le physicien Paul Langevin. Leur relation éclate au grand jour et provoque un énorme scandale.
Text for You, 1h47
Directed by Karoline Herfurth
Origin German
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Actors Nora Tschirner, Frederick Lau, Karoline Herfurth, Katja Riemann, Tom Beck, Friederike Kempter
Roles Wortmann
Rating65% 3.2533.2533.2533.2533.253
Clara Sommerfeld, auteure à succès de livres pour enfants, perd son fiancé Ben dans un accident. Revenue vivre à Berlin en colocation avec sa meilleure amie Katja deux ans plus tard, elle n'arrive toujours pas à retrouver l'inspiration. Elle se console en envoyant des SMS à Ben (son fiancé décédé) mais elle ignore que le numéro vient d'être réattribué à Mark Zimmermann, un journaliste sportif qui ne s'intéresse pas à sa compagne.
Famous Five 4, 1h37
Origin German
Genres Thriller, Adventure, Crime
Themes Children's films
Actors Samuel Finzi, Adnan Maral, Mehmet Kurtuluş, Pasquale Aleardi
Roles Bernhard Kirrin
Rating49% 2.499432.499432.499432.499432.49943
Bernhard, l'oncle de George du fameux Club des cinq qui l'ont d'ailleurs accompagné en Égypte, est arrêté et mis en prison pour vol d'une amulette en or, alors qu'il est victime d'une machination…
Head Full of Honey, 2h19
Directed by Til Schweiger
Origin German
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about psychiatry, Films about disabilities
Actors Til Schweiger, Dieter Hallervorden, Emma Schweiger, Jan Josef Liefers, Jeanette Hain, Dar Salim
Roles Waiter in Venice
Rating66% 3.314943.314943.314943.314943.31494
Retired vet Amandus (Dieter Hallervorden) suffers from Alzheimer's disease. A speech he holds at his wife Margarete's funeral reveals his deteriorating mental state. When his son Niko (Til Schweiger) and his granddaughter Tilda (Emma Schweiger) visit him, they see that he can no longer live on his own because of his mental condition. Niko convinces Amandus to move into his house near Hamburg.
Kokowääh 2, 2h3
Directed by Til Schweiger
Genres Comedy
Actors Til Schweiger, Emma Schweiger, Matthias Schweighöfer, Jasmin Gerat, Samuel Finzi, Nico Liersch
Roles Tristan
Rating53% 2.665332.665332.665332.665332.66533
Two years have passed since Henry, Katharina, Tristan and Magdalena have become a family. Everyday life has returned, yet chaos breaks out. Henry begins a career as a film producer. For his first major film he has to work with the eccentric young actor Matthias Schweighöfer. Meanwhile, Katharina has become a mother and struggles with her role as a housewife and mother to baby Louis. She accuses Henry of taking no responsibility and seeks out her own apartment to give them a second chance. Tristan experiences his first midlife crises and Charlotte has left him to accept a job abroad. Tristan therefore enjoys his new freedom and gets a new young girlfriend Anna. Furthermore he moves in with Henry after Katharina moves out. The two men who now carry responsibility for Magdalena and the baby are becoming increasingly overwhelmed. So they hire an attractive nanny that moves in with them. This threatens Henry's possibility at a second chance with Katharina. Meanwhile, Magdalena falls in love with a boy for the first time.
The Color of the Chameleon, 1h51
Origin Bulgarie
Genres Drama, Thriller, Comedy
Actors Rousy Chanev, Samuel Finzi, Hristo Garbov, Dimitar Rachkov
Roles Chamov
Rating57% 2.855862.855862.855862.855862.85586
Batko met en place son propre réseau d'informateurs en recrutant un groupe d'intellectuels pour s'espionner les uns les autres. Après la fin du communisme, il l'utilise pour faire des ravages dans le gouvernement bulgare.
The Color of the Chameleon, 1h33
Directed by Arsen Anton Ostojić
Origin Croatie
Genres Drama, War, Thriller, Comedy
Themes Political films
Actors Alma Prica, Mustafa Nadarević, Rousy Chanev, Olga Pakalovic, Miraj Grbic, Samuel Finzi
Roles Chamov
Rating79% 3.994233.994233.994233.994233.99423
In 1977, fifteen years before the Bosnian War ravaged their lives, Halima’s (Alma Prica) niece Safija (Olga Pakalović) became pregnant by Slavomir (Mijo Jurišić), a Serb man. Beaten and ostracized by her Bosniak family, Safija gave the infant boy to the childless Halima to raise, telling Slavomir it was stillborn. Twenty-three years later, the devastating war has ended. Bodies are being identified through DNA samples and returned to families for burial. Halima’s husband is found, but the boy cannot be returned to her without a blood sample. And that would have to come from Safija who ran away years ago and married Slavomir. When Halima finally locates her, Safija refuses the blood test because she is afraid her husband will discover her deception. And other deceptions could be uncovered as well, including the shocking identity of the soldier who took Halima’s husband and the boy to their deaths.
Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter
Origin German
Genres Drama, War, Action, Historical
Actors Volker Bruch, Tom Schilling, Katharina Schüttler, Ludwig Trepte, Miriam Stein, Mark Waschke
Roles père de Viktor
Rating83% 4.198974.198974.198974.198974.19897
Juin 1941. Alors que l'offensive allemande en URSS, l'opération Barbarossa, vient de commencer, cinq amis se retrouvent dans un café à Berlin pour une dernière soirée. Le lieutenant Wilhelm Winter va partir sur le front avec son petit frère Friedhelm. Charlotte, secrètement amoureuse de Wilhelm, va également s'y rendre en tant qu'infirmière. Quant à Greta Müller, elle va rester à Berlin pour tenter de percer dans la chanson et aider son amant, Viktor Goldstein, à échapper aux persécutions antisémites. Sûrs de la victoire rapide de la Wehrmacht sur l'Armée rouge, les amis se promettent de se retrouver dans le même café à Noël pour la victoire.
Ludwig II.
Ludwig II. (2012)
, 2h16
Directed by Marie-Noëlle Sehr
Origin German
Genres Drama, Historical
Actors Sabin Tambrea, Sebastian Schipper, Edgar Selge, Justus von Dohnányi, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Samuel Finzi
Roles Lorenz Mayr
Rating60% 3.0463753.0463753.0463753.0463753.046375
Jeune prince brillant à la beauté singulière, épris de musique et amoureux de la nature, excellent cavalier et lecteur accompli, Louis est propulsé sur le trône à l'âge de 18 ans. S'il croit profondément au pouvoir des arts et érige Wagner au rang de guide spirituel, très vite, la réalité le rattrape et le jeune monarque affronte de bien sombres heures… Louis lutte désormais pour préserver la Bavière de l'emprise prussienne, tout en combattant son attirance pour les hommes que sa foi lui interdit.
Kokowääh (2011)
, 2h6
Directed by Til Schweiger
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about writers
Actors Til Schweiger, Emma Schweiger, Jasmin Gerat, Meret Becker, Samuel Finzi, Friederike Kempter
Roles Tristan
Rating62% 3.149793.149793.149793.149793.14979
Kokowääh is set in Berlin and Potsdam, Brandenburg, Germany. The plot concerns the travails of Henry (Til Schweiger), an established author of fiction, who must deal with the emergence of his 8-year-old natural daughter Magdalena (Emma Tiger Schweiger), the previously unknown product of a one-night indiscretion in Stockholm. In the meantime, he is also working on the adaptation of a famous best–selling novel and reconciling with his ex–girlfriend Katharina (Jasmin Gerat), with whom he is working on the adaptation. Little Magdalena, still in the state of shock, loves her foster father Tristan (Samuel Finzi) more than the biological one. Throughout the film, Henry and Magdalena build a close relationship, which he eventually describes in his script "Kokowääh" (referring to the French meal "Coq au vin").
Aghet (2010)
, 1h33
Origin German
Genres Documentary, Historical
Themes Films about racism, Documentary films about racism, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Political films
Actors Martina Gedeck, Sylvester Groth, Joachim Król, Sandra Hüller, Hanns Zischler, Burghart Klaußner
Roles Johannes Lepsius
Rating68% 3.4440753.4440753.4440753.4440753.444075
Aghet, se traduisant par « catastrophe » en arménien, est le mot utilisé pour désigner le massacre de plus d'un million d'Arméniens de l'Empire ottoman de 1915 à 1917. Le documentaire débute en évoquant le meurtre du journaliste Hrant Dink pour continuer sur le refus de la Turquie de reconnaître le génocide, les déclarations du premier ministre turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan ou encore le refus d'intervention du gouvernement impérial de l'Allemagne à l'époque, préfiguration d'un autre génocide, celui de la Shoah.