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Viktor Soukhoroukov is a Actor Russe born on 10 november 1951 at Orekhovo-Zuyevo (Russie)

Viktor Soukhoroukov

Viktor Soukhoroukov
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Birth name Виктор Иванович Сухоруков
Nationality Russie
Birth 10 november 1951 (73 years) at Orekhovo-Zuyevo (Russie)

Viktor Ivanovich Sukhorukov PAR (Russian: Виктор Иванович Сухоруков; born 10 November 1951) is a Russian actor. He has appeared in over 50 films and television shows since 1974. He starred in Happy Days, which was screened in the Un Certain Regard section at the 1992 Cannes Film Festival.


En 1970, Viktor Soukhoroukov sort diplômé du 14e gymnase d'Orekhovo-Zouïevo. Après son service militaire dans la région d'Astrakhan il travaille à l'usine de tissage dans sa ville natale.

En 1974-1978, il étudie à l'Académie russe des arts du théâtre dans la classe de Vsevolod Ostalski . Il part ensuite pour Leningrad sur l'invitation de Piotr Fomenko et intègre la troupe du Théâtre de la Comédie de Leningrad , où il est aussitôt approuvé pour le rôle principal dans la pièce Dobro, ladno, khorocho adaptée des œuvres de Vassili Belov.

En 1982, en raison de sa dépendance à l'alcool, Soukhoroukov se voit licencié avec interdiction de remonter sur scène pendant six mois. Il ne retourne plus au théâtre pendant plusieurs années, se clochardise et vit en marge de la société acceptant toute sorte de travail occasionnel : débardeur, plongeur, coupeur de pain. Finalement, il trouve la force de revenir dans la profession et, après un court passage dans plusieurs théâtres de Leningrad, rejoint de nouveau la troupe du Théâtre de la Comédie.

En 1986, Soukhoroukov est admis dans la troupe du Théâtre du Komsomol de Leningrad. Il y joue dans les productions comme Le Stoïque Soldat de plomb (1986), Le mariage de Belouguine (1987), Dragon (1988), Vive la bêtise ! (1991), Les Enfants du paradis (1991).

Au cinéma, son activité commence véritablement en 1989, lorsque le directeur Youri Mamine l'invite pour le rôle principal dans sa comédie-farce Rouflaquettes. Le succès du film attire l'attention du jeune réalisateur Alekseï Balabanov qui propose à Soukhoroukov le rôle dans son premier film Les Jours heureux, basé sur les œuvres de Samuel Beckett. Leur collaboration se poursuite dans Le Frère (1997) et Le Frère 2 (2000) devenus cultes en Russie.

À la fin des années 1990, Soukhoroukov apparaît régulièrement dans l'émission humoristique Gorodok présentée par Iouri Stoïanov et Ilia Oleinikov diffusée sur la cinquième chaîne de Saint-Pétersbourg.

Jusqu'en 2003, Soukhoroukov interprète au cinéma principalement des rôles des méchants. L'opportunité de casser ce stéréotype s'ouvre à lui lorsqu'il commence à tourner dans les films historiques. Il interprète alors le comte von der Pahlen dans L'Âge d'or d'Ilia Khotinenko et Paul Ier de Russie dans Pauvre, pauvre Paul de Vitali Melnikov. Pour le rôle de l'empereur Paul Ier, il reçoit en 2004 le prix Nika du meilleur acteur.

En mars 2008, Viktor Soukhoroukov reçoit le titre honorifique d'artiste du peuple de la Fédération de Russie.

Il est nommé le citoyen d'honneur d'Orekhovo-Zouïevo, sa ville natale où le 9 septembre 2016, on lui érige un monument en bronze.

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Viktor Soukhoroukov (22 films)

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Paradise (2017)

Directed by Andreï Kontchalovski
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, War
Actors Julia Vysotskaya, Philippe Duquesne, Viktor Soukhoroukov
Roles Genrikh Gimmler
Rating69% 3.497713.497713.497713.497713.49771
Le destin de trois personnes en 1942. Le film débute sur un plan cadré d'un homme nommé Emile.
Orleans (2015)
, 1h50
Genres Drama, Thriller, Comedy
Actors Elena Lyadova, Viktor Soukhoroukov
Roles Executioner
Rating57% 2.896572.896572.896572.896572.89657
The small town of Orlean, located on the shores of the salt lake in the Altai steppe.
22 Minutes
22 Minutes (2014)

Origin Russie
Genres War, Action, Crime
Themes Films about children, Seafaring films, Films about terrorism, Transport films, Pirate films, Enfant soldat
Actors Viktor Soukhoroukov, Inna Korobkina
Roles Ukolov, Captain 1st rank RN
Rating53% 2.657762.657762.657762.657762.65776
Début mai 2010, le tanker gazier «YAMAL» battant pavillon de complaisance, quitte Sébastopol avec ses 23 membres d’équipage russes dont le capitaine Dekaline (Alexandre Galibine), pour aller livrer du 150 mille m de gaz en Chine.
Silent Souls, 1h15
Directed by Alekseï Fedortchenko
Origin Russie
Genres Drama
Actors Viktor Soukhoroukov, Aglaja Brix
Roles Vesa
Rating65% 3.2980553.2980553.2980553.2980553.298055
Aist is a middle-aged bachelor who leads a lonely life in the northern town of Neya. Like many of his neighbours, he identifies himself as a Meryan and strives to keep alive the ancient traditions of his people. One day his boss, Miron, informs Aist of the death of his wife Tanya. Later, the pair spend quite some time washing her body and putting coloured threads in her pubic hair. (In their culture, the same ritual is performed on brides-to-be). The two men take her body to Gorbatov (the smallest town in Russia), in order to perform cremation rites on the banks of the Oka River. In the car, they carry with them two Bunting birds. On their way back to Neya, they get lost and are approached by two prostitutes, with whom they have sex. Later on, while crossing "the great Meryan river" (The Volga), on the Kineshma Bridge, the Buntings fly around the car, causing it to crash into the river. Both men drown.
The Island
The Island (2006)
, 1h52
Directed by Pavel Lounguine
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Science fiction, War, Thriller, Biography, Comedy, Action
Themes Seafaring films, Films about religion, Transport films
Actors Viktor Soukhoroukov, Peter Mamonov, Dmitri Dyuzhev, Nina Usatova
Roles Father Filaret
Rating77% 3.893843.893843.893843.893843.89384
During World War II, the sailor Anatoly and his captain, Tikhon, are captured by the Nazis when they board their barge and tugboat which is carrying a shipment of coal. The Nazi officer leading the raid offers Anatoly the choice to shoot Tikhon and stay alive which Anatoly reluctantly takes, and Tikhon falls overboard. The Nazis blow up the ship but Anatoly is found by Russian Orthodox monks on the shore the next morning. He survives and becomes a stoker at the monastery but is perpetually overcome with guilt.
The Iris Effect
Directed by Nikolaï Lebedev
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller
Actors Anne Archer, Kip Pardue, Agnes Bruckner, Mia Kirshner, Gregory Hlady, Devon Alan
Rating36% 1.8355651.8355651.8355651.8355651.835565
Depuis la disparition de son fils, Sarah est hantée par les cauchemars et la culpabilité. Elle refuse d'abandonner les recherches qu'elle mène depuis 10 ans pour le retrouver. Un jour, une nouvelle piste surgit.
Dead Man's Bluff, 1h45
Directed by Aleksei Balabanov
Genres Thriller, Comedy, Action, Crime
Themes Gangster films
Actors Nikita Mikhalkov, Dmitri Dyuzhev, Tatiana Dogileva, Sergei Makovetsky, Viktor Soukhoroukov, Grigori Siyatvinda
Roles Stepan
Rating71% 3.595973.595973.595973.595973.59597
The film opens with a professor lecturing a group of university students. The professor says: "Start-up capital is how everything begins - it makes it possible to start a business and multiply the initial investment many times over. The key question is how to get start-up capital..." By way of example, she begins to tell a story that supposedly took place a decade earlier during the socioeconomic tumult in the aftermath of the collapse of the Soviet Union.
Schizo (2004)
, 1h26
Origin Kazakhstan
Genres Drama, Crime, Romance
Themes L'adolescence, Films about children, Sports films, Boxing films, Le boxe anglaise
Actors Viktor Soukhoroukov
Roles médecin
Rating69% 3.488073.488073.488073.488073.48807
Tagline: In fights without rules, there is no rule that says: "Until first blood!"
The Goddess: How I Fell in Love, 1h45
Directed by Renata Litvinova
Origin Russie
Genres Drama
Actors Renata Litvinova, Svetlana Svetlitchnaïa, Kseniya Kachalina, Constantin Khabenski, Viktor Soukhoroukov, Vera Storozheva
Roles Viktor Iliazarovich
Rating67% 3.372943.372943.372943.372943.37294
L'histoire commence par le premier rêve de Faïna où le spectre de sa mère en robe rouge lui apparait dans sa chambre alors qu'elle même est assise dans son lit. Faïna lui raconte quelques détails de sa vie. Le rêve continue. La mère sort sous la pluie et entre dans une cantine pour y manger une soupe tout en poursuivant la conversation. Elle déclare être messagère des forces supérieures venue pour inciter sa fille à être forte.
Little Longnose, 1h23
Directed by Ilia Maximov
Genres Fantasy, Adventure, Musical, Animation
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Children's films
Actors Ivan Krasko, Viktor Soukhoroukov, Elena Solovei, Konstantin Bronzit, Andrew Rannells, Oliver Wyman
Roles Angel, the guard (voice)
Rating67% 3.3982453.3982453.3982453.3982453.398245
The film is a loose adaptation of the fairy tale "Der Zwerg Nase" (German for "The Dwarf [called] Nose") written by Wilhelm Hauff.
Antikiller (2002)
, 1h54
Genres Action, Crime
Actors Gosha Kutsenko, Alexander Belyavsky, Sergueï Chakourov, Aleksandr Baluev, Evgueni Sidikhine, Viktor Soukhoroukov
Roles Ambal
Rating54% 2.747722.747722.747722.747722.74772
Former criminal investigator, Major Korenev, nicknamed Fox, gets out of jail, where he spent many years after being betrayed by his corrupt colleagues, and settles scores with his old and new enemies. These enemies are so numerous that some viewers and critics found the film confusing and considered the 114 minutes allotted by the filmmaker for the enemies’ annihilation somewhat excessive.
Brother 2
Brother 2 (2000)
, 2h2
Directed by Aleksei Balabanov
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action, Crime
Themes Gangster films
Actors Sergei Bodrov, Jr., Viktor Soukhoroukov, Sergei Makovetsky, Gary J. Garland, Valdis Pelšs, Alexandre Robak
Roles Viktor Bagrov
Rating75% 3.797073.797073.797073.797073.79707
The main hero, Danila Bagrov (Sergey Bodrov Jr.), comes to Moscow because he wants to study medicine and become a doctor. He goes to the building of TV6-MOSCOW, a local Russian TV channel, where he has been invited to appear on a Russian TV show, "In the world of people." On the show, Danila is interviewed along with his former comrades Ilya Setevoy (Kirill Pirogov) and Konstantin Gromov (Alexander Dyachenko). Danila's mother and his older brother Viktor (Viktor Sukhorukov), ex-gangster and now a policeman, see the TV-Show on their TV. Ms. Bagrova, the mother of Viktor and Danila, is unhappy with Viktor because he is drinking vodka all the time and is unable to help her. She mentions to him that his brother is on TV in Moscow, and that Viktor should drive to him and get a real job. She tells him that he should ask his brother for help. But Viktor just screws his brother, telling that his mother will be fine.
Khrustalyov, My Car!, 2h30
Directed by Alexeï Guerman
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Nina Rouslanova, Jüri Järvet, Viktor Soukhoroukov, Vladimir Garine
Roles janitor (voice)
Rating72% 3.6360553.6360553.6360553.6360553.636055
Surgeon General Klensky (Yuri Tsurilo), is captured and sent to Gulag convicted for the Doctors Plot to kill Joseph Stalin.