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Films from the country "austria", sorted by rating

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Sissi: The Fateful Years of an Empress, 1h46
Directed by Ernst Marischka
Origin Austria
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama, Historical, Romance
Themes Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Romy Schneider, Karlheinz Böhm, Magda Schneider, Gustav Knuth, Josef Meinrad, Uta Franz

The Austrian empress Elisabeth, nicknamed Sissi, enjoys travelling in Hungary. She welcomes the politically valuable friendship of Count Andrássy, but when he confesses he is in love with her, she returns to Vienna lest the relationship become too intimate. Her time in Hungary is only a temporary relief from the frustrations of court life in Vienna, where dutiful Franz Josef remains at his desk and allows his strict, domineering mother Sophie to interfere in the raising of his daughter with Sissi, Sophie. Sissi decides to return and meets Franz underway who was coming to Hungary to bring her back to Vienna. They decide to take a vacation in Bad Ischl but Sissi falls ill and is diagnosed with possibly fatal tuberculosis. On doctors' orders Franz Josef must allow his mother to remove his daughter from Sissi's keeping. In poor health, deprived of the company of husband and child, Sissi is in danger of losing the will to live as she travels to healthier climates on Madeira and Corfu. Desperately needed psychosomatic therapy appears in the form of her indestructibly positive mother Ludovika, who lovingly nurses Sissi's illness and restores her zest for life by taking her on idyllic walks. Once again Oberst Böckl, the clumsy body-guard whose doting admiration for the empress borders on the improper, provides a comical note, as he does in each part of the trilogy. Finally, Sissi recovers and rejoins her husband on an official visit to Milan and Venice, Austria's remaining possessions in northern Italy. Nationalists have prepared a hostile welcome for the Habsburg sovereigns; the Milanese nobility send their servants, dressed in noble clothing, to a royal command performance at La Scala, at which the orchestra play Verdi's chorus "Va pensiero," and the disguised servants in the audience sing it in protest against Austrian rule. There is a moment of comic relief when, after the opera, Franz Josef and Sissi receive the disguised servants at a formal reception, where the servants are presented to the imperial couple under the names of their aristocratic masters and mistresses. Sissi is aware that she is not meeting the true nobility, but when the real nobles realize their servants were introduced to the emperor and empress, they shriek in despair and panic at the idea that the imperial couple believe the awkward, common servants were really the aristocrats. In Venice, crowds stand in hostile silence at the couple's procession by royal barge on the Grand Canal and as they pass, Italian nationalist flags are defiantly unfurled from behind shuttered windows. But the emotional Italians melt when they witness the openly loving reunion between Sissi and her little daughter on St Mark's Square.
Sissi: The Young Empress, 1h47
Directed by Ernst Marischka
Origin Austria
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romance
Themes Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Romy Schneider, Karlheinz Böhm, Magda Schneider, Gustav Knuth, Josef Meinrad, Vilma Degischer

Sissi slowly adapts to life as empress of Austria, but her mother-in-law is hard to live with. Archduchess Sophie adheres to the long-established rules protocol and etiquette, and constantly interferes not only with the emperor's government of the empire but in his family life as well. When Sissi's first child is born, the Archduchess Sophie insists on taking away the child to raise her, because she feels Sissi is too young and unqualified to do so. Sophie also feels that Sissi's place is not in the nursery with her baby, but with her husband as the emperor travels around the empire. A scandal threatens to break out when Sissi leaves Vienna and returns to Bavaria to see her parents. She keeps the truth from her mother, but confesses to her father that she cannot live with Archduchess Sophie's constant criticism and tyranny. Franz Joseph follows her and finally convinces her to return to Vienna. This strengthens Sissi's influence with the emperor, and she supports Prince Gyula Andrássy and the cause of the Hungarians for equal standing in the Empire. The movie concludes with her being crowned Queen of the Hungarians in Budapest. (In fact the coronation was not held until 1867, but "Sissi--The Young Empress" brings the event forward in time to make the ceremony appear to be a confirmation of Sissi's improving status as empress.
Poppitz (2002)
, 1h39
Directed by Harald Sicheritz
Origin Austria
Genres Comedy
Actors Marie Bäumer, Kai Wiesinger, Maria Hofstätter, Alfred Dorfer, Eva Billisich, Özgür Özata

Gerry Schartl est un vendeur de voitures très performant qui a aussi le talent pour fourguer les pires modèles. Pas complètement désintéressé, il pistonne l'une ou l'autre de ses ventes à Bertram, l'adjoint du directeur. Immédiatement après l'enterrement du directeur, qui est mort d'une crise cardiaque lors d'une réunion, Gerry s'envole avec Lena sa femme qui est mécontente et Patrizia sa fille adolescente pour des vacances dans un séjour tout compris à l'île balnéaire de Cosamera. À l'aéroport pour partir, Gerry remarque des incohérences qui le contraint à faire le tour du passé de la société : Lors de la dernière réunion avec le directeur, les associés de l'entreprise en Allemagne sont mentionnés, l'adjoint a souvent téléphoné ces derniers temps à un certain M. "Poppitz". Bertram avait un message important pour Gerry qu'il ne pouvait dire à l'enterrement ; Gerry devient anxieux et craint une prise de pouvoir hostile, qui mettrait son emploi en danger.
Episode (1935)
, 1h45
Directed by Walter Reisch
Origin Austria
Genres Comedy
Actors Paula Wessely, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Otto Tressler, Walter Janssen, Friedl Czepa, Rosa Albach-Retty

In Vienna in 1922 daily life is dominated by inflation and unemployment. In the evenings, the population attempt to divert themselves from the miseries of the economic situation by indulgence and excess in bars and clubs. Morale is low, and sinking further.
Duel with Death, 1h32
Directed by Paul May
Origin Austria
Genres Drama
Actors Gert Fröbe, Hansjörg Felmy, Joachim Hansen, Anna Smolik, Carl Lange, Maj-Britt Nilsson

Le grand propriétaire terrien Dag et son fils Tore se disputent depuis des années avec la famille noble voisine Gall, à qui appartient le domaine de Borgland. Lorsque Tore, au cours d'une fête au village de Björndal, drague Elisabeth, la fille des Gall, il est tué par le petit ami jaloux, le lieutenant Margas, après l'avoir défié dans un duel à l'épée. Tore chute dans une cascade, on ne sait pas vraiment s'il est mort puisqu'on ne retrouve pas son corps. Adelheid Barre, la fille d'un major à la retraite, surprend une conversation entre Elisabeth von Gall et Margas et apprend l'assassinat. Elle se rend à Borgland pour voir son père, parce qu'elle ne veut pas vivre aux côtés d'Elisabeth, mais celui-ci est parti.
The Mine Foreman, 1h30
Directed by Franz Antel
Origin Austria
Genres Comedy, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Operetta films
Actors Hans Holt, Josefin Kipper, Waltraut Haas, Grethe Weiser, Gunther Philipp, Oskar Sima

Au lieu de rester à la cour, le prince Max de Bavière préfère, avec son adjudant Medardus von Krieglstein, aller à la chasse, ce que son cousin, le roi Louis Ier, n'aime pas du tout. Afin d'éviter la cohue à la cour, le prince Max et son adjudant se rendent incognito à Hallstatt, où il retourne à la Löwenwirt en tant que porion bavarois.
The Castle
The Castle (1997)
, 2h3
Directed by Michael Haneke
Origin Austria
Genres Drama
Actors Ulrich Mühe, Susanne Lothar, Frank Giering, Inga Busch, Dörte Lyssewski, Johannes Silberschneider

When land surveyor K. (Ulrich Mühe) arrives at a small village that houses a castle, local authorities refuse to allow him to enter. As he tries to convince the officials that they sent for him, they clamp down with increasingly complicated bureaucratic obstacles.
Zwölfeläuten, 1h30
Directed by Harald Sicheritz
Origin Austria
Genres Drama
Actors Wolfram Berger, Beatrice Frey, Nina Proll, Andrea Händler

Mars 1945, dans un village de Styrie. La guerre touche à sa fin, mais les dernières cloches doivent être fondues pour faire des armes. Au village isolé de St. Kilian, on enterre Anna Lindmoser. Alors qu'on dépose la terre, les enfants Adolf "Dolferl" et son amie Cilli font sonner la cloche de l'église. Dolferl en a fait la promesse à sa grand-mère, sinon elle ne pourra pas reposer en paix. La communauté villageoise est, cependant, choquée par l'incident. L'Ortsgruppenleiter Fichtelhuber demande trois cerfs, sinon le village perdra sa cloche.
Le commissaire Polt reprend du service, 1h30
Directed by Julian Pölsler
Origin Austria
Genres Crime
Actors Iris Berben, Michael Mendl, Hans-Michael Rehberg

Dans un village viticole d'Autriche, l'ancien commissaire Simon Polt vit tranquillement rendant visite à quelques amis de son age. Il écoute les confidences d'une ancienne actrice, Mira Martell, qui n'a jamais eu de succès. Une jeune fille, Laura Eichinger, est retrouvée noyée dans la petite rivière qui traverse l’agglomération. Un ancien collègue, Bastian Priml, devenu alcoolique lui demande de l'aider à enquêter car ses supérieurs concluant à un suicide veulent classer l'affaire. Les parents de Laura le rencontrent pour le même motif.
Herr Puntila and His Servant Matti, 1h37
Directed by Alberto Cavalcanti
Origin Austria
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Curt Bois, Maria Emo, Heinz Engelmann, Elfriede Irrall, Otto Schmöle, Elisabeth Stiepl

Le propriétaire terrien finlandais Puntila est devenu un bon ami après avoir bu et raconte ses soucis à son chauffeur Matti. Il veut marier sa fille Eva à un attaché diplomatique, mais cela lui fait mal de devoir donner à son gendre comme une dot un morceau de sa forêt.
Dirt (1986)
, 1h40
Directed by Paulus Manker
Origin Austria
Genres Drama
Actors Hans-Michael Rehberg, Hanno Pöschl

Un gardien de nuit, chargé de surveiller une vieille usine, devient fou. Son travail l'obsède, et l'amène à des actes de violence, jusqu'à commettre des meurtres.
Une mamie envahissante, 1h30
Directed by Xaver Schwarzenberger
Origin Austria
Genres Comedy
Actors Bibiana Zeller, Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Karl Markovics, Ingrid Burkhard

La famille Seeberg apprécie sa vie tranquille à Vienne. Anton Seeberg travaille comme concepteur de logiciels, son épouse Melanie prend soin du ménage, le fils Sebastian est étudiant et la fille Stella va à l'école. Tout va bien jusqu'au jour où la mère de Melanie, M Elfriede Hirth, diabétique et victime d'un AVC, emménage chez eux, parce qu'elle ne supporte pas la maison de retraite. Là-bas, elle était odieuse envers les employés, surtout s'ils avaient la peau basanée. Melanie accepte d'abord bien cette situation, alors que sa mère a toujours son comportement excentrique et tourmente son aide-ménagère (d'origine étrangère). Vivre avec cette vieille harpie met vite à bout de nerfs les membres de la famille.
The Story of Vickie, 1h58
Directed by Ernst Marischka
Origin Austria
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic comedy, Historical, Romance
Themes Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Romy Schneider, Adrian Hoven, Magda Schneider, Peter Weck, Karl Ludwig Diehl, Christl Mardayn

After her Prime Minister Lord Melbourne arranges a marriage for her with the German Prince Albert, the young Queen Victoria decides to leave London and spend some time in Kent. While there she meets a handsome young German and falls in love, unaware that he is her intended husband Albert.