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Films from the country "hong kong", sorted by production date

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The Blade Spares None, 1h42
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Fantasy, Action
Actors Eddy Ko, Nora Miao, Patrick Tse, James Tien, Sammo Hung, Lam Ching Ying

Ho Li-Chun, an attractive but powerful swordswoman, fights at a tournament at Prince Kuei's Palace. A knight, Chen Jo-Yu, is defeated but later returns with another knight, Tang Ching-Yun, who is in possession of a peculiar sword. Ho recognizes this as the weapon once used by Sun Tien-Chen, an enemy of her family. Investigating the case, she learns that Prince Kuei was actually murdered, and it is Sun who has assumed his identity as an imposter. Ho, in coordination with Chen and Tang, plan to confront him and eventually attack the palace.
The Anonymous Heroes, 1h43
Directed by Chang Cheh
Origin Hong kong
Genres Comedy, Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films
Actors Yuen Woo-ping, Ti Lung, Chan Sing, David Chiang, Ku Feng

En pleine période post-Révolution chinoise Meng Kang et Yeh sont choisis par le chef d’un groupe de révolutionnaires pour dérober des fusils à l’armée d'un seigneur de la guerre.
The Secret of the Dirk
Origin Hong kong
Genres Action, Adventure
Actors Chang Yi, Ching Li, Shu Pei-pei, Helen Ma, Wang Hsieh, David Chiang

Le clan du Tigre Noir, un groupe de jeunes hommes conduits à vivre dans l'illégalité par les conditions sociales auxquelles ils ont été soumis, est à la recherche d'un trésor lui-même convoité par des personnes s'en prétendant les propriétaires légitimes, tandis que divers redresseurs de torts autoproclamés se prévalent de ce statut pour se mêler d'affaires ne les concernant pas directement.
The Five Billion Dollar Legacy
Directed by Umetsugu Inoue
Origin Hong kong
Actors Wang Ping, Tsang Choh-lam

Une série de décès successifs ponctue la fabuleuse succession qui attribue à son récipiendaire la somme de 5 millions de dollars.
The Chinese Boxer
Directed by Jimmy Wang Yu
Origin Hong kong
Genres Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Jimmy Wang Yu, Lo Lieh, Chen Kuan-tai, Yuen Woo-ping, Yuen Cheung-Yan, Tsang Choh-lam

A Chinese boxer takes revenge on a gang of Japanese karate thugs who decimate a martial arts school.
The Heroic Ones, 2h1
Directed by Chang Cheh
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Martial arts, Action, Historical, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films
Actors Ti Lung, Ku Feng, David Chiang, Lau Kar Wing, Lily Li Li-li, Chan Sing

In late 9th-century imperial China, the Tang dynasty court no longer had effective control of its empire, and the national capital Chang'an was sacked by Huang Chao's anti-government army. Li Keyong, a Shatuo chieftain loyal to the Tang cause, led his troops to suppress the rebellion. His 13 generals—essentially all adopted sons—helped expel Huang from Chang'an, although a rift between some of them became more and more apparent in the process. Following the victory, Li Keyong accepted an invitation for a banquet at military governor Zhu Wen's territory of Bianliang, unaware that it was a trap to assassinate him.
The Wandering Swordsman, 1h43
Directed by Chang Cheh
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors David Chiang, Lily Li Li-li, Wu Ma, Bolo Yeung, Yuen Cheung-Yan, Yuen Woo-ping

The wandering swordsman Yu Hsieh Erh travels around seeking adventure and meets a group of bandits who are planning to rob a convoy escorting some valuables. Initially, he is tricked by them into participating in the robbery but then realises his folly and he returns to take his revenge on them.
The Twelve Gold Medallions
Directed by Sammo Hung
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Lisa Chiao Chiao, Ku Feng, Yuen Woo-ping, Yuen Cheung-Yan, Lo Wei, James Tien

Les Tartares envahissent la Chine ! Des traîtres à la solde de l'ennemi cherchent à leur confier douze tablettes appelées des "Médaillons" qui auraient le pouvoir de détruire la dynastie Sung. Le chef de ces rebelles est aussi vil personnage que terrifiant maître en arts martiaux. La fille de celui-ci aidée d'un de ses anciens disciples vont se mettre en travers de son chemin.
The Iron Buddha, 1h29
Origin Hong kong
Genres Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films, Wuxia films
Actors Chen Hung-lieh, Huang Chung-hsin, James Tien, Sammo Hung

After attempting to rape the daughter of celebrated kung fu master Liu Peng, Xiao Tianzun is caught and punished, the master leaving a mark on Xiao's body. Years later, Xiao seeks out his revenge and slaughters Liu Peng, his two daughters, and all of the master's disciples save one. Luo Han, the last surviving disciple, decides to avenge his master when he discovers what has happened. To counter Xiao's Evil Poisonous Sword, Luo must find the legendary Hulong Blade. During his journey, Luo saves a damsel-in-distress named Peony and gets into a fight with Master Geng Xian and his goon squad. Having never seen Xiao Tianzun face to face, Luo is deceived when Xiao poses as an ally and tries to steal the Hulong Blade from him. It ends as it must in a final showdown between Xiao Tianzun and Luo Han.
Brothers Five, 1h49
Directed by Lo Wei
Origin Hong kong
Genres Martial arts, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Cheng Pei-pei, Lo Lieh, Chang Yi, Tien Feng, Unicorn Chan, Yueh Hua

Cinq frères séparés à la mort de leur père et élevés dans des environnements différents cherchent à se venger de l'assassin de ce dernier, devenu le chef d'une bande de brigands basée au manoir du Dragon Volant. Alors qu'il échouent dans leurs tentatives individuelles, une redoutable épéiste à chapeau, mademoiselle Yan, leur vient en aide.
Vengeance! (1970)
, 1h38
Directed by Chang Cheh
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Thriller, Martial arts, Kung fu, Action, Martial arts
Themes Films about music and musicians, Sports films, Martial arts films, Musical films, Kung fu films
Actors Ti Lung, David Chiang, Lily Li Li-li, Wang Ping, Lau Kar Wing, Ku Feng

Dans la Chine des années 1920, Kuan Yu-lo, un acteur d'opéra, se rend compte que sa femme lui est infidèle. Furieux, il se rend chez Feng Kai-shan, l'amant de cette dernière, et le défie. Peu après, il est attaqué dans un restaurant et meurt dans d'atroces souffrances. Plus tard, un mystérieux jeune homme arrive en ville. Il s'agit de Kuan Hsiao-lo, le frère de Yu-lo, qui est venu pour le venger.