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Hailé Gerima is a Actor, Director, Scriptwriter, Producer and Editor American born on 4 march 1946 at Gondar (éthiopie)

Hailé Gerima

Hailé Gerima
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Nationality USA
Birth 4 march 1946 (78 years) at Gondar (éthiopie)
Awards Guggenheim Fellowship

Haile Gerima (born March 4, 1946) is an Ethiopian filmmaker who lives and works in the United States. He is a leading member of the L.A. Rebellion film movement, also known as the Los Angeles School of Black Filmmakers. His films have received wide international acclaim. Since 1975, Gerima has also been an influential film professor at Howard University in Washington, DC. He is best known for Sankofa (1993), which won numerous international awards.


Hailé Gerima est professeur de cinéma à l’Université Howard de Washington depuis 1975.

En 1976, son film La Récolte de trois mille ans lui vaut une reconnaissance internationale.

En 1993, Sankofa, film sur l’esclavage, obtient le Prix du meilleur long métrage lors du 3e Festival du cinéma africain de Milan.

Il réalise et produit en 1999 le film Adoua : une victoire africaine, consacré à la bataille d’Adoua, bataille remportée par l'Éthiopie contre l'Italie assurant au pays le maintien de son indépendance face au colonialisme.

Il reçoit, en 2008, pour son film Teza (La rosée) le prix du meilleur scénario et le prix spécial du jury à la 65e Mostra de Venise, le grand prix du festival international du film d'Amiens, ainsi que cinq grand prix aux JCC 2008 (Tunisie). En 2009, le film remporte également l'Étalon de Yennenga (Grand Prix) du Fespaco à Ouagadougou.

En 2014 il est membre du jury du 36e Festival international du film du Caire, présidé par l'égyptienne Youssra.

Usually with

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Filmography of Hailé Gerima (10 films)

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Imperfect Journey
Directed by Hailé Gerima
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Documentary films about politics, Political films
Actors Hailé Gerima
Rating64% 3.240753.240753.240753.240753.24075
Imperfect Journey is a BBC commissioned film, exploring the political and psychic recovery of the Ethiopian people after the atrocities and political repression or "red terror" of the military junta of Mengistu Haile Mariam.


Teza (2008)
, 2h20
Directed by Hailé Gerima
Origin éthiopie
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Films set in Africa
Rating70% 3.541393.541393.541393.541393.54139
Set in 1970s Ethiopia, Teza (Morning Dew) tells the story of a young Ethiopian as he returns from West Germany a postgraduate. Anberber comes back to a country at the height of the Cold War and under the Marxist regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam. Working in a health institution he witnesses a brutal murder and finds himself at odds with the revolutionary gangsters running the country. He is ordered by the regime to take up a post in East Germany and uses this opportunity to escape to the West until the Berlin Wall falls and Ethiopia's military regime is overthrown.
Adwa (1999)
, 1h36
Directed by Hailé Gerima
Genres Drama, War, Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Documentary films about politics, Political films
Rating76% 3.8286053.8286053.8286053.8286053.828605
In 1896, Ethiopia, largely armed with spears and knives, defeats a well-equipped and organized Italian military bent on colonization.
Imperfect Journey
Directed by Hailé Gerima
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Documentary films about politics, Political films
Actors Hailé Gerima
Rating64% 3.240753.240753.240753.240753.24075
Imperfect Journey is a BBC commissioned film, exploring the political and psychic recovery of the Ethiopian people after the atrocities and political repression or "red terror" of the military junta of Mengistu Haile Mariam.
Sankofa (1993)
, 2h4
Directed by Hailé Gerima
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantasy, Historical
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about slavery, Films about racism
Actors Afemo Omilami
Rating69% 3.4875553.4875553.4875553.4875553.487555
The story follows Mona, a contemporary American model on a film shoot in Ghana. She has a session at Cape Coast Castle, which she does not know was historically used for the Atlantic slave trade.
Ashes and Embers
Directed by Hailé Gerima
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Actors Billy Woodberry, Vantile Whitfield, John Anderson
Rating63% 3.19153.19153.19153.19153.1915
Ashes and Embers is a two-hour film about the travails of black urban life. It is the story of a moody and disillusioned black veteran of the Vietnam War.
Wilmington 10 -- U.S.A. 10,000
Directed by Hailé Gerima
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about racism, Documentary films about racism, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about historical events, Documentaire sur une personnalité

1978's Wilmington 10—USA 10,000 examined the impact of racism and the short-comings of the criminal justice system by examining the history of the nine black men and one white woman who became known as the "Wilmington Ten."
Bush Mama
Bush Mama (1979)
, 1h37
Directed by Hailé Gerima
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Rating71% 3.567153.567153.567153.567153.56715
Bush Mama is the story of Dorothy and her husband T.C. He is a discharged Vietnam veteran who thought he would return home to a "hero's welcome." Instead he is falsely arrested and imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit. Her life revolves around the welfare office and a community facing poverty and unemployment. As a result of the film's events, both the main characters become radicalized and Dorothy eventually turns to violence.
Harvest: 3,000 Years
Directed by Hailé Gerima
Genres Drama
Rating75% 3.7878653.7878653.7878653.7878653.787865
For the production of Mirt Sost Shi Amit (Harvest: 3,000 Years) Gerima returned to his native Ethiopia to produce the tale of a poor peasant family who eke out an existence within a brutal, exploitative, and feudal system of labor.
Harvest: 3,000 Years, 2h17
Directed by Hailé Gerima
Origin éthiopie
Genres Drama
Themes Films about the labor movement
Rating75% 3.7878653.7878653.7878653.7878653.787865
Dans l'Éthiopie contemporaine, un paysan pauvre et sa famille travaillent pour un riche et cynique propriétaire terrien qui les exploite. Un ancien paysan dépossédé de sa terre, devenu le fou du village, les incite à la résistance. Lui seul peut tout dire, protégé par sa déraison. Il finit par tuer le propriétaire, et se suicide pour échapper à la prison.


Teza (2008)
, 2h20
Directed by Hailé Gerima
Origin éthiopie
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Films set in Africa
Rating70% 3.541393.541393.541393.541393.54139
Set in 1970s Ethiopia, Teza (Morning Dew) tells the story of a young Ethiopian as he returns from West Germany a postgraduate. Anberber comes back to a country at the height of the Cold War and under the Marxist regime of Mengistu Haile Mariam. Working in a health institution he witnesses a brutal murder and finds himself at odds with the revolutionary gangsters running the country. He is ordered by the regime to take up a post in East Germany and uses this opportunity to escape to the West until the Berlin Wall falls and Ethiopia's military regime is overthrown.
Imperfect Journey
Directed by Hailé Gerima
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Documentary films about politics, Political films
Actors Hailé Gerima
Roles Writer
Rating64% 3.240753.240753.240753.240753.24075
Imperfect Journey is a BBC commissioned film, exploring the political and psychic recovery of the Ethiopian people after the atrocities and political repression or "red terror" of the military junta of Mengistu Haile Mariam.
Sankofa (1993)
, 2h4
Directed by Hailé Gerima
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantasy, Historical
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about slavery, Films about racism
Actors Afemo Omilami
Roles Writer
Rating69% 3.4875553.4875553.4875553.4875553.487555
The story follows Mona, a contemporary American model on a film shoot in Ghana. She has a session at Cape Coast Castle, which she does not know was historically used for the Atlantic slave trade.