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Lisa Henni is a Actor Suédoise born on 19 september 1982

Lisa Henni

Lisa Henni
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Nationality Suede
Birth 19 september 1982 (41 years)

Big Panties Lisa (born 19 September 1982) is a Swedish actress. She was educated in London at the Mountview Academy of Theatre Arts. In 2010, she made her debut in the critically acclaimed Swedish movie Easy Money, playing the lead female role of Sophie.

Usually with

Dejan Čukić
Dejan Čukić
(2 films)
Joel Spira
Joel Spira
(2 films)
Fares Fares
Fares Fares
(2 films)
Babak Najafi
Babak Najafi
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Lisa Henni (4 films)

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The Unthinkable, 2h9
Origin Suede
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Romance
Themes Post-apocalyptic films
Actors Lisa Henni, Karin Bertling
Roles Anna
Rating59% 2.9973652.9973652.9973652.9973652.997365
En 2005, durant les fêtes de fin d'année, la vie d'Alex, un jeune passionné de musique, bascule lorsqu'il se sépare de sa petite amie, Anna. Alors qu'il assiste à son départ chez sa mère à Stockholm, la sienne décide de fuir le domicile familial en raison du comportement imprévisible et agressif de son mari qui gâche notamment Noël. Après une nouvelle altercation avec son père, Alex quitte également son père pour passer du temps dans la maison en travaux d'amis de la famille.
Wither (2013)
, 1h35
Genres Thriller, Horror
Actors Lisa Henni, Johannes Brost
Roles Ida
Rating50% 2.5096752.5096752.5096752.5096752.509675
The hunter Gunnar is looking for his daughter Lisa. He finds her lying on the ground being eaten alive by his wife. Gunnar shoots his wife twice in the head, killing her. The opening titles include rough sketches, showing the history of the Vættr.
Easy Money: Hard to Kill, 1h39
Directed by Babak Najafi
Genres Drama, Thriller, Mob film, Action, Crime
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about drugs, Gangster films
Actors Joel Kinnaman, Fares Fares, Matias Varela, Madeleine Martin, Dragomir Mršić, Dejan Čukić
Roles Sophie
Rating63% 3.1502253.1502253.1502253.1502253.150225
À sa sortie de prison, Johan Westlund (Joel Kinnaman), un vendeur de cocaïne suédois, tente de reprendre les affaires de son ennemi Slovovic (Dragomir Mrsic)...
Easy Money
Easy Money (2010)
, 2h4
Directed by Daniel Espinosa
Genres Drama, Thriller, Mob film, Action, Crime
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about drugs, Gangster films
Actors Joel Kinnaman, Lisa Henni, Matias Varela, Dragomir Mršić, Dejan Čukić, Fares Fares
Roles Sophie
Rating66% 3.348523.348523.348523.348523.34852
Johan "JW" Westlund is a man living in Stockholm and is a promising student at the Stockholm School of Economics. JW is originally from the Norrland region in Sweden where his father, who has a slight drinking problem, works in a saw mill, while his mother works in a jobs agency. JW is racked by the disappearance of his sister, Camilla, four years earlier. JW feigns the appearance of a "Stekare" (in Swedish parlance, a lifestyle based on flaunting one's apparent wealth), actually leading a double life driving taxi illegally to finance his expensive life on Stureplan. A romance with the upper class girl Sophie leads to him being enticed into the world of organized crime. Abdulkarim, who is running the taxi business, offers JW a job in helping him start his cocaine business.