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Films from the country "italie", sorted by revenue

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Frisky (1954)
, 1h35
Directed by Luigi Comencini
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy, Romance
Actors Vittorio De Sica, Gina Lollobrigida, Tina Pica, Roberto Risso, Marisa Merlini, Maria-Pia Casilio

Antonio (V De Sica) was in love with the midwife Annarella (Marisa) knowing that she has a kid son. Both of them were in love to each other, at the time the father of the kid who also serves in military will appear and with the help of the priest Dom Emidio (Virgilio) will take both of them with him.
Of Life and Love, 1h32
Directed by Luigi Zampa, Aldo Fabrizi, Mario Soldati, Giorgio Pàstina
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Turi Pandolfini, Totò, Myriam Bru, Emilio Cigoli, Natale Cirino, Aldo Fabrizi

The film tells four episodes from stories written by Luigi Pirandello (from the work: Novelle per un anno).
Neapolitan Carousel, 2h4
Directed by Ettore Giannini
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Musicarello
Actors Clelia Matania, Paolo Stoppa, Maria Fiore, Tina Pica, Maria-Pia Casilio, Giacomo Rondinella

Les tribulations d'une famille de chanteurs de rue napolitains, du XVII siècle jusqu'aux années 1950 : sept tableaux racontent, en chansons napolitaines, trois siècles d'histoire de Naples.
The Gold of Naples, 2h18
Directed by Vittorio De Sica
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Silvana Mangano, Sophia Loren, Paolo Stoppa, Totò, Vittorio De Sica, Giacomo Furia

The film is a tribute to Naples, where director De Sica spent his first years, this is a collection of 6 Neapolitan episodes: a clown exploited by a hoodlum; an unfaithful pizza seller (Loren) losing her husband's ring; the funeral of a child; the impoverished inveterate gambler Count Prospero B. being reduced to force his concierge's preteen kid to play cards with him (and regularly being defeated); the unexpected and unusual wedding of Teresa, a prostitute; the exploits of "professor" Ersilio Micci, a "wisdom seller" who "solves problems".
A Day in Court, 1h41
Directed by Steno
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Peppino De Filippo, Silvana Pampanini, Alberto Sordi, Giulio Calì, Walter Chiari, Sophia Loren

In Rome it is seeing what happens in the Italian courts during the Fifties. There are all kinds of illegalities committed by the accused, from simple to ladronerie prohibited meetings, the complaints of jealous wives to gross misunderstandings. Judge Lo Russo is known for its inflexibility and severity in the administration of justice, so that on his desk lay a bust of Cicero. He sentinel various people who claim to be innocent but then slowly come to discover their wrongs. Among them is a funny character. Alberto Sordi plays the role of Nando Moriconi, the famous Roman bully who loves America, finished in district court for a misunderstanding, at least according to his statements. In fact, the presence of the Judge Peppino De Filippo, Nando tells of his Saunter with the kids of the suburbs of Rome near the countryside in Ciociaria where he is caught by a policeman while she was bathing. Since wallow in those waters was strictly forbidden, the policeman to give a lesson to Nando, steals all the clothes and leaves him naked. Not knowing where to go, Nando entered the house of a noble countess, who was giving a party with friends.
Days of Love, 1h38
Directed by Giuseppe De Santis, Leopoldo Savona
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Actors Marcello Mastroianni, Marina Vlady, Gabriele Tinti, Giulio Calì, Pina Gallini, Gildo Bocci

Dans un petit village du Latium du Sud, une paysanne et un paysan jeunes et pauvres, Angela et Pasquale, reportent indéfiniment leurs noces car ils n'ont pas les moyens pour la cérémonie de mariage. Les deux familles, très amies entre elles, après avoir discuté d'un éventuel mariage et fait les comptes, poussent Pasquale à enlever Angela de manière que la jeune fille perde sa virginité et qu'à ce point ce soit le classique « mariage de réparation », évitant ainsi une fastueuse cérémonie nuptiale. Pendant la « fuite » des deux amoureux les choses se compliquent néanmoins : les deux familles qui devaient faire semblant de se disputer se fâchent vraiment et Angela n'a pas l'intention de se donner à Pasquale. À la fin les choses s'arrangent quand même et le plan initial est exécuté, et les deux jeunes amoureux se marient.
Chronicle of Poor Lovers, 1h55
Directed by Carlo Lizzani
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Political films
Actors Anna Maria Ferrero, Cosetta Greco, Antonella Lualdi, Marcello Mastroianni, Wanda Capodaglio, Irene Cefaro

Florence, 1925 - Dans une petite rue de la cité, la Via del Corno, l'observation réaliste de la vie quotidienne, des amours, des contrariétés et des disputes de leurs habitants. Mais, dans un contexte marqué par la montée du fascisme, la surveillance étroite des Chemises noires, le climat de suspicion et de délation, l'existence ne peut plus être la même qu'autrefois. D'autant que les combats meurtriers entre fascistes et antifascistes tournent à l'avantage des premiers...
The Art of Getting Along, 1h35
Directed by Luigi Zampa
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Alberto Sordi, Franco Coop, Marco Guglielmi, Elli Parvo, Luisa Della Noce, Armenia Balducci

Rosario Scimoni, dit « Sasa » pour les amis, a fait de l'art de se débrouiller une manière de vivre : pour amour d'une femme, il devient socialiste, mais se découvre fasciste quand Mussolini prend le pouvoir et communiste à l'arrivée des Américains à la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale. Finalement, aux élections de 1948, il se retrouve démocrate-chrétien pour toutefois finir en prison...
The Wayward Wife, 1h54
Directed by Mario Soldati
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Gina Lollobrigida, Gabriele Ferzetti, Franco Interlenghi, Nanda Primavera, Renato Baldini, Marilyn Buferd

Après avoir blessé son amie qui la faisait chanter, une comtesse qui la forçait à se prostituer, Gemma raconte sa vie et ses désillusions à son mari.
Voice of Silence, 1h50
Directed by Georg Wilhelm Pabst
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Actors Aldo Fabrizi, Jean Marais, Terence Hill, Daniel Gélin, Cosetta Greco, Franck Villard

Bruit, agitation, désordre, des hommes appartenant à tous les milieux, venant de tous les horizons cherchent à donner un sens à leur existence et à retrouver leur paix intérieure au cours d’une retraite dans « la Maison du silence ». Trois jours durant, tous ces hommes vont méditer sur leur vie.
Two Nights with Cleopatra, 1h18
Directed by Mario Mattoli
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Peplum, Romance
Themes Films set in Africa, Politique, Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Sophia Loren, Alberto Sordi, Ettore Manni, Paul Müller, Alberto Talegalli, Ugo D'Alessio

Cesare, a Roman soldier, comes to Alexandria to serve in the army staff of the Egyptian queen Cleopatra. Cleopatra is a beautiful woman, able to charm anyone, and is the wife of Emperor Mark Antony, but when he is not in the city, she prefers to spend the night with one or another of his soldiers, whom she will then have killed the next day with poison.