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Every Little Step is a american film of genre Drama directed by James D. Stern released in USA on 12 june 2009 with Marvin Hamlisch

Every Little Step (2009)

Every Little Step
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Every Little Step is a 2008 American documentary film produced and directed by James D. Stern and Adam Del Deo. It follows the process of casting the 2006 Broadway revival of A Chorus Line and explores the history of the award-winning musical, beginning with the informal interviews with Broadway dancers conducted by Michael Bennett that served as its basis. Their personal observations and feelings were captured on audiotape, many of which are heard in this film.

3,000 dancers arrived to audition for the revival on the first day. Some of their stories are interwoven with recollections of members of the original cast, including Donna McKechnie and Baayork Lee; composer Marvin Hamlisch; and Bob Avian, who co-choreographed the original 1975 production and directed the 2006 revival

The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival in September 2008 and went into theatrical release with the title Broadway Broadway in Japan the following month. It was shown at the Berlin International Film Festival, the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival, and the Sarasota Film Festival before going into limited release in the US on April 17, 2009.


Le film retrace le casting et la production de la comédie musicale Chorus Line à Broadway (759 représentations entre 2006 et 2009).


Marvin Hamlisch
Jason Tam

Baayork Lee

(Herself - Original Connie)
Trailer of Every Little Step

Bluray, DVD

Streaming / VOD

Source : Wikidata


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