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Films from the country "israel", sorted by revenue

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Room 514
Room 514 (2012)

Origin Israel
Genres Drama

Anna, enquêtrice dans l'armée israélienne, est une jeune femme idéaliste. Quand elle confronte un officier supérieur à des accusations de violence gratuite à l'encontre d'un Palestinien, sa propre intégrité et sa détermination sont mises à l'épreuve. Malgré la complexité politique de l'affaire et les mises en garde de ses collègues, elle prend clairement position contre ce qui ressemble à un abus de pouvoir. Mais sa quête de justice de plus en plus acharnée aura de lourdes conséquences pour toutes les personnes impliquées...
S#x Acts
S#x Acts (2013)
, 1h33
Origin Israel
Genres Drama
Themes Films about religion, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Sivan Levy

Naïve teen girl Gili (Sivan Levy) changes schools. She is determined to improve her inferior social status, so she hooks up with her new school’s coolest guy, Tomer (Roy Nik). Her plan succeeds, and she takes pride in her ability to draw attention. Even when her crush passes her off to his friend, she is still flattered. But soon all of the boys become aware of Gili’s reputation, and as each new encounter pushes her limits a little further, the line of consent begins to blur.
Interrupted Streams, 1h15
Origin Israel
Genres Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Environmental films, Films about religion, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Documentary films about politics, Documentary films about religion, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism

Paths of lives are crossed in one village in the West Bank. Along the broken water pipelines, villagers walk on their courses towards an indefinite future. Israel that controls the water, supplies only a small amount of water, and when the water streams are not certain nothing can evolve. The control over the water pressure not only dominates every aspect of life but also dominates the spirit. Bil-in, without spring water, is one of the first villages of the West Bank where a modern water infrastructure was set up. Many villagers took it as a sign of progress, others as a source of bitterness. The pipe-water was used to influence the people so they would co-operate with Israel’s intelligence. The rip tore down the village. Returning to the ancient technique of collecting rainwater-using pits could be the villagers’ way to express independence but the relations between people will doubtfully be healed.
An American Hippie in Israel, 1h35
Origin Israel
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Action

Young American hippie and war veteran, Mike (Asher Tzarfati), travels to Israel shortly after his involvement in Vietnam. Hitchhiking and "bumming around" Hippie Mike meets up with three Israelis along his journey — stage actress Elizabeth (Lily Avidan), another female hippie friend (Tzila Karney), and her Hebrew-speaking boyfriend Komo (Shmuel Wolf). They join a larger group of hippies and decide to form an isolated community on a deserted island, where they can live in peace "without clothes, without government, and without borders."
Ana Arabia
Ana Arabia (2013)
, 1h25
Directed by Amos Gitaï
Origin Israel
Genres Drama
Actors Yuval Scharf, Sarah Adler, Asi Levi, Uri Gavriel

De nos jours, en Israël. Yael, une jeune journaliste, se rend à la jonction des cités de Jaffa et de Bat Yam. Elle découvre que deux communautés de Juifs et d'Arabes y cohabitent.
State 194
State 194 (2012)
, 1h38
Origin Israel
Genres Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about religion, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about war, Documentary films about historical events, Documentaire sur une personnalité, Documentary films about politics, Documentary films about religion, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism

The documentary follows the plan that Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad puts forth in 2009 for the Palestinians to achieve statehood. It follows the progress made by the Palestinians but also "the political quagmire" that threatens the progress. The documentary shows the following people:
Foreign Letters, 1h40
Origin Israel
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes Films about religion, Films about Jews and Judaism

Ellie (Noa Rotstein) has come to the United States from Israel with her father, mother, and little brother in 1982. After her uncle was killed by friendly fire during the 1982 Lebanon War, her parents decided to leave the country in protest. Feeling homesick, Ellie keeps in touch with her best friend in Israel telling her about their new television and shopping in thrift stores. But as time goes on, she gets more and more frustrated about not knowing English.
Rabies (2010)
, 1h30
Directed by Aharon Keshales, Navot Papushado
Origin Israel
Genres Drama, Horror
Themes Films about religion, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Lior Ashkenazi, Yael Grobglas, Ania Bukstein, Ran Danker, Liat Har Lev, Menashe Noy

Plusieurs protagonistes se croisent dans la partie interdite d'un parc naturel, on rencontrera une jeune femme tombé dans un piège, des joueurs et joueuses de tennis tombé en panne d'essence, un garde forestier, son chien et sa compagne, un duo de policier pas très clair et un vrai sérial-killer. leurs rencontres et leur relations basés sur des quiproquos, des abus de situations dominantes, du stress et de l'angoisse va se conclure par une boucherie.