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Films with theme "Films about slavery", sorted by revenue

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Let's Not Live Like Slaves, 1h29
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about slavery, Films about anarchism, La mondialisation, Philosophie, Politique, Documentary films about politics, Documentary films about anarchism, Political films

Ce film a pour titre un slogan qui a fait le tour de la Grèce en crise depuis 2010 et qui commence à voyager au-delà : « Ne vivons plus comme des esclaves », qui se prononce « Na min zisoumé san douli » en grec. Un slogan qu'on peut lire en Grèce sur les murs des villes et sur les rochers des campagnes, sur les panneaux publicitaires vides ou détournés, dans les journaux alternatifs et qu'on peut entendre sur certaines stations de radio et dans les lieux d’autogestion qui se multiplient. Un slogan diffusé jour après jour, et que les intervenants grecs du film invitent les spectateurs à reprendre en chœur, sur les mélodies du film réalisé en coopération avec eux.
Alex Haley's Queen, 4h42
Directed by John Erman
Origin USA
Themes Films about slavery, Films about racism
Actors Halle Berry, Danny Glover, Christopher Allport, Jasmine Guy, Timothy Daly, Martin Sheen

The series begins with the friendly relationship between James Jackson Jr. (Tim Daly), the son of the plantation owner, and one of the slaves, Easter (Jasmine Guy), at the Jackson estate, known as Forks of Cypress, near Florence in northern Alabama. James and Easter have grown up together (within the social limits of the plantation culture), and gradually their feelings for each other have developed into romance. Easter is the daughter of an African-American house slave, Captain Jack (Paul Winfield), and his true love, Annie, another slave, who is part-Cherokee, and who is no longer on the Jackson property.
The Middle Passage, 1h25
Directed by Guy Deslauriers
Origin Senegal
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Films about slavery
Actors Djimon Hounsou

En 1810, des centaines d'esclaves se retrouvent à bord d'un bateau négrier qui relie le Sénégal à l'Europe. C'est pour eux le début d'une terrible traversée. Arrivés à destination, les esclaves découvrent leurs conditions de vie déplorables.
The White Slave Girl
Directed by Viggo Larsen
Origin Danemark
Themes Films about slavery, Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Erotic thriller films
Actors Viggo Larsen

Kidnappée, une jeune fille est contrainte de travailler dans une maison close.
Roots (TV miniseries), 9h30
Directed by Gilbert Moses, Marvin J. Chomsky, John Erman, David Greene, David Green
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about slavery, Films about racism
Actors John Amos, Ben Vereen, LeVar Burton, Louis Gossett Jr., Georg Stanford Brown, Leslie Uggams

In The Gambia, West Africa, in 1750 Kunta Kinte is born to Omoro Kinte (Thalmus Rasulala), a Mandinka warrior, and his wife, Binta (Cicely Tyson). When Kunta (LeVar Burton) reaches the age of 15, he and a group of other adolescent boys take part in tribal manhood training, ending with a ceremony, after which they become recognized as men and Mandinka warriors. While trying to carry out a task to catch a bird and take it home unharmed, Kunta sees white men carrying firearms, along with their black collaborators. Later, while fetching wood outside his village to make a drum for his younger brother, Kunta is captured by black collaborators under the direction of white men. He is then sold to a slave trader and placed aboard a ship under the command of Capt. Thomas Davies (Edward Asner) for a three-month journey to Colonial America. During the voyage a group of rebels among the human cargo try but fail to stage a mutiny and to take over the ship.
Spartacus and the Ten Gladiators, 1h38
Directed by Nick Nostro
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Adventure, Historical, Peplum
Themes Films about slavery, Sports films
Actors Constantine Dan Vafiadis, Helga Liné, Enzo Fiermonte, Salvatore Borgese, Vassili Karis, Jeff Cameron

Pour construire un aqueduc, le sénateur romain Varron engage dix gladiateurs. En chemin, ils portent secours à la fille de Varron qui est attaquée par une bande de coupe-jarrets. Devant cet exploit, Varron leur propose de capturer Spartacus, chef des esclaves révoltés, en échange de la liberté…
Néron essayant des poisons sur des esclaves, 1minutes
Directed by Georges Hatot
Origin France
Genres Drama, Historical, Peplum
Themes Films about slavery

L'Empereur Néron fait avaler des poisons à deux esclaves, qui s'écroulent et meurent à ses pieds. Il prend un plaisir cruel à voir leurs souffrances.
Srimanthudu, 2h38
Directed by Koratala Siva
Genres Drama, Action, Romance
Themes Films about slavery
Actors Mahesh Babu, Shruti Haasan, Rajendra Prasad, Jagapati Babu, Sukanya, Sampath Raj

Harsha Vardhan is the sole heir of his father Ravikanth's business empire worth 250 billion. He takes up a course on rural development after he meets Charusheela at his friend Apparao's birthday party. She wants to use technology for the benefit of Devarakota, a remote village in Uttarandhra where she hails from. Friendship blossoms between them and they become attracted to each other in the course of time.
Cry of the Bewitched, 1h25
Directed by Alfredo B. Crevenna
Origin Cuba
Genres Horror, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about slavery, Seafaring films, Films about racism, Transport films
Actors Ninón Sevilla, Olga Guillot, Ramón Gay

The story takes place in Cuba in 1850, in the era of the Black slave trade. In a sugar cane plantation, Captain Jorge (Ramón Gay) and his wife, Beatriz (Rosa Elena Durgel) live happily: are expecting a child, and their slaves live quiet and at peace with them. But one night, as the full moon appears, the sound of drums rises in the air. Yambao (Ninón Sevilla), the granddaughter of a witch supposed murdered 15 years ago named Caridad (Fedora Capdevila), has reappeared. The plantation slaves begin to fear. Her grandmother was killed by them due to black magic and curses that fell on the plantation thanks to her. Yambao's arrival coincides with a new outbreak of black vomit, not appearing on the plantation for decades, and all attributed the situation to the black magic of the girl. Yambao it's not really bad, but Caridad, who actually survived her assassination attempt, is the one who fills her heart with hatred and revenge. Jorge stays out of the traditions and customs of his slaves, but when he discovers that these want to sacrifice the girl, decides to intervene. Jorge saves Yambao, who swears eternal gratitude. But the girl starts to fall for him. Her grandmother decided to take advantage of this feeling from her revenge. Yambao decides to perform a magic ritual of Santeria over Jorge to make him love her. Her magic spell coincides with the contagion of Jorge of the epidemic plague. The doctors did not give hopes to Jorge. Yambao decides to intervene and offered her to cure him in gratitude for saving her life. The contact with Jorge, rooted even more her feelings. When Jorge manages to save himself from danger, he begins to feel the desire to be near of Yambao, which suggests that the spell has worked. For several weeks Jorge is delivered with passion for Yambao, forgetting his wife, his plantation and all his duties. However, when Jorge is informed that his wife is about to give birth, he runs to her side, and when his child born, his mind is clear and decides to return to his family. Yambao seeks revenge, and advised by Caridad decides to kill the wife and the son of Jorge. Fortunately, when about to consummate the crime, her grandmother, Caridad, is discovered by the foreman of the plantation, who kills her with a machete. Yambao flees in horror, promising not to cause any damage. The witch Caridad is the subject of a funeral ceremony with exotic rituals. At the end of the ritual, Yambao decides to end her own life by jumping off a cliff, to the astonishment of Jorge.
The Zero Years, 2h3
Genres Drama
Themes Films about slavery, Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, BDSM in films, Films about prostitution, Political films

A tale of perversion and sexual dominance set in a dystopia, the film is about four female prostitutes, all of whom were sterilized, engaging in sadomasochism with johns.