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Antonia Zegers is a Actor Chilienne born on 29 june 1972 at Santiago (Chili)

Antonia Zegers

Antonia Zegers
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Birth name Antonia Zegers Oportot
Nationality Chili
Birth 29 june 1972 (52 years) at Santiago (Chili)

Antonia Zegers Oportot (née le 29 juin 1972 à Santiago) est une actrice et animatrice de télévision chilienne.


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No (2012)

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Filmography of Antonia Zegers (8 films)

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Los Perros
Los Perros (2017)
, 1h34
Directed by Marcela Said
Origin Chili
Genres Drama, Comedy
Actors Antonia Zegers, Alfredo Castro, Rafael Spregelburd, Marcela Said
Roles Mariana
Rating63% 3.184863.184863.184863.184863.18486
Le portrait d'une épouse capricieuse et, néanmoins, conformiste de la bourgeoisie chilienne.
A Fantastic Woman, 1h44
Directed by Sebastián Lelio
Origin Chili
Genres Drama
Themes Films about sexuality, LGBT-related film
Actors Daniela Vega, Aline Küppenheim, Luis Gnecco, Néstor Cantillana, Sergio Hernández, Antonia Zegers
Roles Alessandra, la patronne du restaurant où travaille Marina
Rating71% 3.5976553.5976553.5976553.5976553.597655
Marina, une jeune serveuse transgenre qui aspire à devenir chanteuse, développe une relation amoureuse avec Orlando, le propriétaire d'une imprimerie de 20 ans plus âgé qu'elle. Tous deux planifient leur avenir ensemble, mais Orlando meurt soudainement. Marina se voit contrainte d'affronter la famille d'Orlando et de se battre afin de prouver qu'elle est une femme forte, honnête et fantastique.
Neruda (2016)

Directed by Pablo Larraín
Origin Chili
Genres Drama, Biography
Themes Films about writers, Politique, Political films
Actors Gael García Bernal, Luis Gnecco, Mercedes Morán, Emilio Gutiérrez Caba, Alfredo Castro, Francisca Imboden
Rating67% 3.394133.394133.394133.394133.39413
L'histoire de la traque du poète et sénateur communiste chilien Pablo Neruda en 1948 par le zélé et obstiné policier Oscar Peluchonneau. Mais ce policier n'est qu'un personnage de fiction, le film opposant, comme en miroir, les deux personnages principaux dans leur jeu du chat et de la souris.
The Club
The Club (2015)

Directed by Pablo Larraín
Origin Chili
Genres Drama, Thriller
Actors Antonia Zegers, Alfredo Castro, Catalina Pulido
Rating71% 3.5955853.5955853.5955853.5955853.595585
Four retired Catholic priests share a secluded house in a small Chilean beach town, under the vigilant gaze of a female caretaker. The four men are there to discreetly purge their sins and crimes (ranging from child abuse to baby-snatching), until their routine is disrupted by a fifth man who makes them relive the past they thought they had left behind.
No (2012)
, 1h57
Directed by Pablo Larraín
Origin Mexique
Genres Drama, Historical
Themes Seafaring films, Politique, Théâtre, Transport films, Political films, Films about Latin American military dictatorships, Films based on plays
Actors Gael García Bernal, Antonia Zegers, Néstor Cantillana, Luis Gnecco, Richard Dreyfuss, Alfredo Castro
Roles Verónica Carvajal
Rating73% 3.69773.69773.69773.69773.6977
After fifteen years of military dictatorship but facing considerable international pressure, the public of Chile is asked by the government to vote in the national plebiscite of 1988 on whether General Augusto Pinochet should stay in power for another eight years or whether there should be an open democratic presidential election the next year.
The Life of Fish, 1h24
Directed by Matías Bize
Origin Chili
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Santiago Cabrera, Blanca Lewin, Antonia Zegers, María Gracia Omegna, Alicia Rodríguez, Alicia Rodríguez
Roles Mariana
Rating66% 3.342543.342543.342543.342543.34254
Un jeune Chilien, Andrés (Santiago Cabrera), est de retour à Santiago après dix ans d'absence dans le but de récupérer toute cette affaire et de partir définitivement en Europe. Lors d'une fête d'un ami d'enfance, Andrés retrouve d'anciens amis de jeunesse, mais aussi son grand amour Beatriz (Blanca Lewin)...
Post Mortem, 1h38
Directed by Pablo Larraín
Origin Chili
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror
Themes Politique, Films about Latin American military dictatorships
Actors Amparo Noguera, Alfredo Castro, Antonia Zegers, Claudia di Girolamo, Luis Gnecco, Marcial Tagle
Roles Nancy Puelmas, la voisine de Mario, danseuse de cabaret
Rating64% 3.2452953.2452953.2452953.2452953.245295
Mario (Alfredo Castro) is a pathologist's assistant in Santiago who is responsible for noting down the pathologist's commentary during the post mortem. The job has given him a grey, deathlike appearance. Previously, in the days of the military coup, Mario became involved in a love affair with a show dancer, Nancy (Antonia Zegers), who lives across the street with her younger brother David and her father, a communist and Allende supporter. On the morning of September 11, the date of the coup, a military raid takes place in Nancy’s house. Her brother and father are arrested. Mario then begins a frantic search for Nancy, who has disappeared, all the while having to endure pressure from the military who want to hide the real cause of death of the bodies piling up in the morgue.
Tony Manero, 1h38
Directed by Pablo Larraín
Origin Chili
Genres Drama, Crime
Themes Films about music and musicians, Politique, Serial killer films, Musical films, Political films, Films about Latin American military dictatorships
Actors Alfredo Castro, Amparo Noguera, Marcial Tagle, Antonia Zegers
Rating67% 3.3952553.3952553.3952553.3952553.395255
En 1979, dans le Chili de Pinochet, un minable fan de La Fièvre du samedi soir est prêt à tout pour remporter un concours de sosies de Tony Manero organisé par la télévision.