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Eric Khoo is a Director, Scriptwriter and Producer Singapourien born on 27 march 1965

Eric Khoo

Eric Khoo
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Birth name Eric Khoo Kim Hai
Nationality Singapore
Birth 27 march 1965 (59 years)

Eric Khoo (chinois : 邱金海) est un réalisateur singapourien né en 1965. Il est également scénariste et producteur.


Eric Khoo s'intéresse très tôt au cinéma et tourne dès l'âge de huit ans des petits films avec la caméra super 8 de sa mère. Cette passion le conduit à s'inscrire au City Art Institute à Sydney, en Australie. Il est marqué par les Western spaghetti, Taxi Driver, Aki Kaurismäki, Krzysztof Kieślowski, Shinya Tsukamoto, Steven Spielberg.

De retour à Singapour, il réalise en 1990 le court-métrage Barbie Digs Joe qui devient le premier film de Singapour à être présenté dans les festivals internationaux. Il poursuit avec August qui gagne le prix du meilleur court métrage au festival international de Singapour puis avec Carcass et Symphony 92.4. Mais ce n'est qu'avec Pain qu'il connaît véritablement le succès.
Il réalise enfin le drame psychologique Mee Pok Man en 1995 et 12 Storeys qui lui permettent de s'imposer comme l'un des réalisateurs asiatiques les plus prometteurs. Il revient en 2005 avec Be with Me, très remarqué dans sa projection au Festival de Cannes dans le cadre de la Quinzaine des réalisateurs.

Khoo a également produit de nombreux clips musicaux et publicités pour la télévision.

Usually with

Royston Tan
Royston Tan
(5 films)
Lim Kay Tong
Lim Kay Tong
(3 films)
Junfeng Boo
Junfeng Boo
(3 films)
Mark Lee
Mark Lee
(4 films)
David Brazil
David Brazil
(1 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Eric Khoo (19 films)

Display filmography as list


Ramen Shop
Ramen Shop (2018)
, 1h30
Directed by Eric Khoo
Origin Japon
Genres Drama
Themes Cooking films
Actors Takumi Saito, Jeanette Aw, Mark Lee, Tsuyoshi Ihara, Seiko Matsuda
Rating67% 3.397843.397843.397843.397843.39784
Masato, jeune chef de Ramen au Japon, a toujours rêvé de partir à Singapour pour retrouver le goût des plats que lui cuisinait sa mère quand il était enfant. Alors qu’il entreprend le voyage culinaire d’une vie, il découvre des secrets familiaux profondément enfouis. Trouvera-t-il la recette pour réconcilier les souvenirs du passé ?
In the Room, 1h30
Directed by Eric Khoo
Origin Singapore
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romantic drama, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Political films, Erotic thriller films, LGBT-related film
Actors Josie Ho, George Young, Choi Woo-shik, Kim Kkobbi
Rating45% 2.2716852.2716852.2716852.2716852.271685
The story starts just after the surrender of the British to Japanese troops in Singapore in 1942. Six stories of six different Japanese, British, and Chinese couples are set in the same hotel room, spread over several decades.
Tatsumi (2011)
, 1h36
Directed by Eric Khoo
Origin Singapore
Genres Drama, Historical, Animation
Themes La bande dessinée, Seafaring films, Transport films
Rating69% 3.487333.487333.487333.487333.48733
The film follows the career of Yoshihiro Tatsumi, as he begins to work as a comics artist in post-war occupied Japan, meets his idol Osamu Tezuka, and invents the gekiga genre of Japanese comics for adults. Interweaved with the biographical material are segments based on Tatsumi's short stories "Hell", "Beloved Monkey", "Just a Man", "Good-Bye" and "Occupied".
My Magic
My Magic (2008)
, 1h15
Directed by Eric Khoo
Origin Singapore
Genres Drama
Rating64% 3.230763.230763.230763.230763.23076
Francis, séparé de sa femme, décide de modifier son style de vie pour le bien de son fils. Pour cela, il renoue avec son précédent métier de magicien.
Be with Me
Be with Me (2005)
, 1h30
Directed by Eric Khoo
Origin Singapore
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Films about disabilities, La cécité, LGBT-related films, Sign-language films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Royston Tan
Rating69% 3.490873.490873.490873.490873.49087
Un mariage d'histoires construites autour des thèmes de l'amour, de l'espoir et du destin. Les personnages de Be with Me mènent des vies séparées, mais sont liés par un même désir : vivre auprès de l'être aimé.
12 Storeys
12 Storeys (1997)
, 1h45
Directed by Eric Khoo
Origin Singapore
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Lim Kay Tong
Rating66% 3.32283.32283.32283.32283.3228
The film focuses on the troubled lives of several people living in the same building. Soup vendor Ah Gu is having a hard time dealing with his money-hungry wife Lily. Nearby, young children are forced to raise their even younger siblings due to parental neglect.


Tatsumi (2011)
, 1h36
Directed by Eric Khoo
Origin Singapore
Genres Drama, Historical, Animation
Themes La bande dessinée, Seafaring films, Transport films
Rating69% 3.487333.487333.487333.487333.48733
The film follows the career of Yoshihiro Tatsumi, as he begins to work as a comics artist in post-war occupied Japan, meets his idol Osamu Tezuka, and invents the gekiga genre of Japanese comics for adults. Interweaved with the biographical material are segments based on Tatsumi's short stories "Hell", "Beloved Monkey", "Just a Man", "Good-Bye" and "Occupied".
My Magic
My Magic (2008)
, 1h15
Directed by Eric Khoo
Origin Singapore
Genres Drama
Rating64% 3.230763.230763.230763.230763.23076
Francis, séparé de sa femme, décide de modifier son style de vie pour le bien de son fils. Pour cela, il renoue avec son précédent métier de magicien.
Be with Me
Be with Me (2005)
, 1h30
Directed by Eric Khoo
Origin Singapore
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Medical-themed films, Films about sexuality, LGBT-related films, Films about disabilities, La cécité, LGBT-related films, Sign-language films, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Royston Tan
Rating69% 3.490873.490873.490873.490873.49087
Un mariage d'histoires construites autour des thèmes de l'amour, de l'espoir et du destin. Les personnages de Be with Me mènent des vies séparées, mais sont liés par un même désir : vivre auprès de l'être aimé.
One Leg Kicking, 1h30
Origin Singapore
Genres Comedy
Actors Mark Lee, Gurmit Singh, Hossan Leong, Moses Lim, Fiona Xie, Lim Kay Tong
Rating44% 2.2235052.2235052.2235052.2235052.223505
As the film begins, Tai Po (Gurmit Singh) and Vernon (Moe Alkaff) are shown to have a common pastime of playing soccer. Later, Tai Po enters a Youth Soccer Competition in a tryout, but gets hurt with his leg bleeding. Since that event, Tai Po appears to shun matches of soccer on the radio or on television while at work.
12 Storeys
12 Storeys (1997)
, 1h45
Directed by Eric Khoo
Origin Singapore
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Lim Kay Tong
Roles Writer
Rating66% 3.32283.32283.32283.32283.3228
The film focuses on the troubled lives of several people living in the same building. Soup vendor Ah Gu is having a hard time dealing with his money-hungry wife Lily. Nearby, young children are forced to raise their even younger siblings due to parental neglect.