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Films from the country "italie", sorted by revenue

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The Swindlers, 1h47
Directed by Francesco Rosi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Erotic, Comedy, Action
Actors Alberto Sordi, Belinda Lee, Renato Salvatori, Nino Vingelli, Aldo Giuffrè, Aldo Bufi Landi

Totonno is the leader of a gang of Italian workers who for years has been in West Germany. The group picks up rags and second hand cloths, marketing them to customers for sheer fabric with which to sew clothes. The work is dishonest, and in fact the customers realize it soon. When Totonno and his gang flee to another city in Germany, the group encounters a band of Poles, who're doing the same dirty work.
Guardatele ma non toccatele, 1h30
Directed by Mario Mattoli
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Ugo Tognazzi, Liana Orfei, Giacomo Furia, Corrado Pani, Raimondo Vianello, Giampiero Littera

Dans un aéroport militaire italien arrive un DC-3 américain avec un groupe de très jolies jeunes filles de l'armée américaine. Les militaires italiens qui sont attirés par ces femmes commencent à essayer de les draguer ...
The Great War, 2h10
Directed by Mario Monicelli
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War, Comedy
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Political films, Erotic thriller films
Actors Alberto Sordi, Vittorio Gassman, Silvana Mangano, Romolo Valli, Folco Lulli, Bernard Blier

Oreste Jacovacci from Rome and Giovanni Busacca from Milan meet each other during the call to arms at the start of World War I. Although completely different in character, they are united in their lack of idealism and their desire to avoid any danger and get out of the war unscathed. They and a varied group of civilians and fellow soldiers (including the prostitute Costantina, played by Silvana Mangano) go through many ups and downs during their training, battles and rare moments of leave. They are considered "inefficient" due to their limited military valour and so are made message-runners to the staff, a very dangerous job. Having succeeded in their mission, a sudden change in which side hold which trench leaves them in enemy territory, where they are captured by the Austrians wearing Austrian uniforms they had found in a barn.
General Della Rovere, 2h12
Directed by Roberto Rossellini
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War
Themes Political films
Actors Vittorio De Sica, Hannes Messemer, Vittorio Caprioli, Giovanna Ralli, Sandra Milo, Anne Vernon

The film tells the story of a petty thief (played by Vittorio De Sica) who is hired by the Nazis to impersonate an Italian resistance leader, General della Rovere, and infiltrate a group of resistance prisoners in a Milan prison.
Violent Summer, 1h40
Directed by Florestano Vancini, Valerio Zurlini, Mario Missiroli
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War, Historical, Romance
Themes Political films
Actors Eleonora Rossi Drago, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Enrico Maria Salerno, Jacqueline Sassard, Lilla Brignone, Giampiero Littera

Carlo Caremoli (Trintignant) arrives in Riccione, and enjoys life together with his friends at his father's villa. Riccione is still peaceful, and only a few things remind about the war fought in the south. On seaside holiday, the youth witness a German fighter flying low over the beach and causing panic among the crowd. Carlo tries to protect a frightened little girl who runs toward him, and meets her mother, Roberta (Rossi Drago), a naval officer's widow. Carlo is attracted to Roberta, often meets her and even makes a trip with her to San Marino, although Roberta's mother (Lilla Brignone) disapproves of this new acquaintance, and urges her to stay away from Carlo, partly because of his father, Ettore Caremoli (Enrico Maria Salerno), a brutal Fascist. Meanwhile, Maddalena (Federica Ranchi), the young sister of Roberta's deceased husband, arrives from Catanzaro, fleeing the impending war. Maddalena spends time with Carlo's friends, and together with Roberta, is invited to a circus. However, the show is interrupted by an air raid blackout, and the friends proceed to a nighttime party at Carlo's villa. After watching flares in the night sky, the men and women form couples and start dancing to a record of Temptation, Carlo with his girlfriend Rosanna (Jacqueline Sassard), and Roberta with a much younger boy. The camera cuts between Carlo and Roberta, staring at each other passionately. Carlo asks Roberta for the next dance, and the couple end up kissing in the garden, which deeply hurts Rosanna. The next day, Roberta initially refuses to admit her true feelings to Carlo, but ultimately accedes. Meanwhile, on July 25, the news of Mussolini's ouster is announced. Carlo and Roberta continue to go on dates. However, Carlo's father is forced to flee, and his villa is confiscated. Carlo meets Roberta once again and spends a night with her, provoking discontent from her mother, and Maddalena decides to leave. During a curfew, a patrol discovers the couple on the beach and finds out that Carlo's military exemption has expired. As his father has fled, he has no chance to renew it anymore. Roberta proposes that he hide at her villa in Rovigo, and the next morning they take a train. However, during the trip the tracks are bombed by the Allies, and the couple barely escape death. After the air raid, Roberta gets back on the train, but Carlo refuses to join her until the war is over, and they part as the train leaves.
Caltiki, the Immortal Monster, 1h16
Directed by Riccardo Freda, Mario Bava
Origin Italie
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Adventure, Horror
Actors John Merivale, Didi Perego, Gérard Herter, Daniela Rocca, Giacomo Rossi Stuart, Nerio Bernardi

The film begins as a delirious archaeologist stumbles into his group's camp without his partner, both of whom having been exploring a cave. He becomes mad, requiring hospitalization. Their interest piqued, the group sets out for the cave.
You're on Your Own, 1h50
Directed by Mauro Bolognini
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Peppino De Filippo, Totò, Franca Valeri, Cristina Gaioni, Cathia Caro, Lola Braccini

Peppino and his family move into a "brothel", ie an apartment inhabited by a group of prostitutes in the ancient streets of Rome. One of the girls is mysteriously died, and so the house was bought by the family just in time for Peppino, who is forced to share with another family. Because of the gossips of the city and the neighborhood, in a short time Peppino's family falls into disgrace, even for a scam by a criminal, who's going to end up on the streets both families. Peppino, not knowing what to do as a father, comes to discover that his daughter has serious problems with her boyfriend...
The White Warrior, 1h22
Directed by Riccardo Freda
Origin Italie
Genres Action, Adventure, Historical
Actors Steve Reeves, Scilla Gabel, Giorgia Moll, Renato Baldini, Gérard Herter, Milivoje Živanović

Vers 1850, dans les montagnes du Caucase, les troupes du tsar Nicolas 1er commandées par le prince Vorontzov livrent des combats sanglants contre Hadji Mourad surnommé « le Diable Blanc ». Ne parvenant pas à soumettre les montagnards caucasiens, le tsar décide de négocier avec les rebelles. Il charge la princesse Vorontzova d'aller porter cet ordre à son mari, le commandant en chef. L’amour que porte Saltanet à Hadji Mourad a éveillé la jalousie et la haine d'Akmet Khan. Celui-ci est un autre chef des tribus en guerre et le principal ennemi de Hadji Mourad, qui jalouse le Diable Blanc tant sur le plan militaire que sentimental.
Young Husbands, 1h33
Directed by Mauro Bolognini
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Actors Ennio Girolami, Gérard Blain, Guido Celano, Sylva Koscina, Isabelle Corey, Antonio Cifariello

Antonio, Ettore, Franco, Giulio et Marcello sont des amis inséparables, menant une vie insouciante, sortant ensemble pour boire et séduire les filles. Mais un jour, Franco décide de se marier et Marcello, sincèrement amoureux de Lucia, envisage de faire de même. L'existence va finalement tous les séparer et lorsqu'ils tentent plus tard de se retrouver, ils réalisent non sans amertume qu'ils n'ont plus rien à partager...
Venice, the Moon and You, 1h47
Directed by Dino Risi
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Alberto Sordi, Marisa Allasio, Ingeborg Schöner, Nino Manfredi, Riccardo Garrone, Anna Campori

Bepi le gondolier et Nina doivent se marier. Seulement, les incartades de Bepi rendent Nina jalouse surtout quand deux touristes américaines décident elles aussi d'épouser Bepi... Nina se laisse alors tenter par Toni qui lui fait la cour depuis longtemps... Seulement Toni est un conducteur de bateau à moteur timide alors que Bepi est un beau gondolier. Malgré ses promesses envers Toni, Nina continue d'aimer Bepi et finit par l'épouser quand Bepi arrive enfin à se séparer des deux touristes...
Toto, Peppino and the Fanatics, 1h30
Directed by Mario Mattoli
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy
Themes Buddy films
Actors Totò, Peppino De Filippo, Alessandra Panaro, Diana Dei, Mario Riva, Aroldo Tieri

The poor Antonio Vignanelli and Peppino Caprioli are exacerbated by hobby and foibles of their respective families, the two that cause many problems. The two are taken for fools and taken to the asylum, and in fact the director of the asylum (Aroldo Tieri) tells how the various misunderstandings that led to their hospitalization are due in reality the foibles of their families.
3 Strangers in Rome
Directed by Claudio Gora
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy
Actors Claudia Cardinale, Yvonne Monlaur, Tamara Lees, Nando Bruno, Alberto Talegalli, Giulio Paradisi

Three girls from Milan dreaming of a holiday in Rome arrive in the city by train and decide to pretend to be wealthy Danish girls to attract three good looking young men who offer them a guided tour through the landmarks of the city. The girls accept and make the guys spend a fortune, but one evening they get drunk and one of them incidentally reveals they are not Danish and are only from Milan. The guys get upset and plan their revenge, but in the end they make up.
The Challenge, 1h27
Directed by Francesco Rosi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Themes Mafia films, Gangster films
Actors José Suárez, Rosanna Schiaffino, Nino Vingelli, Angela Luce, Rosita Pisano, Renato Terra

Vito Polara vit dans l'un des nombreux quartiers pauvres de Naples, où les signes des bombardements de la Seconde Guerre mondiale sont encore évidents. Pour survivre, il pratique la contrebande de cigarettes avec Gennaro et Raffaele. Les membres décident d'acheter, pour payer la location du camion, un chargement de citrouilles et de courgettes auprès des agriculteurs.