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Films from the country "suede", sorted by revenue

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Storm (2005)
, 1h50
Directed by Måns Mårlind
Origin Suede
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Fantasy
Themes Films about magic and magicians
Actors Eva Röse, Jonas Karlsson, Lina Englund, Adam Lundgren, Niclas Larsson, Katia Winter

Slacker Donny's (Eric Ericson) life is turned upside-down when Lova (Eva Rose) enters his life possessing a mysterious box which may hold answers to eternal and dangerous questions. But evil forces want to possess the box, and Donny and Eva must travel through time to ensure the future of mankind.
Egg! Egg! A Hardboiled Story, 1h47
Directed by Hans Alfredson
Origin Suede
Genres Comedy
Actors Gösta Ekman Jr., Max von Sydow, Birgitta Andersson, Hans Alfredson, Börje Ahlstedt, Anna Godenius

Dans cette comédie noire de 1975, la tension est à son comble entre un patriarche autoritaire propriétaire d'une usine d'œufs hors du commun et son fils rebelle.
The Word
The Word (1943)
, 1h48
Directed by Gustaf Molander
Origin Suede
Genres Drama
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Victor Sjöström, Rune Lindström, Holger Löwenadler, Stig Olin, Wanda Rothgardt, Gunn Wållgren

L'action se déroule au sein d'une famille de fermiers luthériens dans la province du Jutland (Danemark). Knut Borg, le patriarche, y règne en maître incontesté. L'un de ses fils, Johannes, devrait devenir pasteur. Lors d'un accident automobile, sa fiancée est mortellement atteinte et il tente de la ressusciter. En vain... Il bascule, depuis, dans une folie d'ordre mystique. Mais, plus tard, il parvient à faire renaître Inger, la femme de l'un de ses frères, morte durant l'accouchement d'un troisième enfant...
Summer Paradise, 1h53
Directed by Gunnel Lindblom
Origin Suede
Genres Drama
Actors Marianne Aminoff, Agneta Ekmanner, Holger Löwenadler, Inga Landgré, Dagny Lind, Oscar Ljung

Paradistorg est une résidence d'été idyllique situé dans l'archipel de Stockholm. Chaque saison, une famille patricienne - toutes générations confondues - y passe ses vacances. « Les personnages [...] passent leur temps à rouvrir de vieilles plaies et à infliger de nouvelles blessures ». Une année, pourtant, deux marginaux, de modeste condition, vont briser le cercle étroitement fermé de cette famille bourgeoise.
The Father
The Father (1969)
, 1h38
Directed by Alf Sjöberg
Origin Suede
Genres Drama
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Georg Rydeberg, Gunnel Lindblom, Lena Nyman, Jan-Olof Strandberg, Tord Stål, Sif Ruud

Le film adapte de manière rigoureuse l'œuvre du dramaturge suédois : au début du siècle, un couple bourgeois se livre un combat implacable, utilisant leur fille, Bertha, comme arme. Le mari est un militaire et un scientifique : il symbolise l'esprit d'une société patriarcale dûment disciplinée. Dans un tel contexte, la femme doit utiliser ses minces parcelles de pouvoir d'une façon insinuante. Et c'est ainsi qu'elle arrive à ses fins entraînant son époux vers la folie...
Face to Face, 1h54
Directed by Ingmar Bergman
Origin Suede
Genres Drama, Fantasy, Horror
Themes Films about magic and magicians
Actors Liv Ullmann, Erland Josephson, Gunnar Björnstrand, Aino Taube, Gösta Ekman, Sr., Kristina Adolphson

Dr. Jenny Isaksson (Liv Ullmann) is a psychiatrist married to another psychiatrist; both are successful in their jobs but slowly, agonizingly, Jenny succumbs to a breakdown. She is haunted by images and emotions from her past and eventually cannot function as a wife, doctor, or individual.
The Creatures, 1h32
Directed by Agnès Varda
Origin Suede
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Fantastic, Fantasy
Actors Michel Piccoli, Catherine Deneuve, Eva Dahlbeck, Bernard Lajarrige, Birgitta Pettersson, Jeanne Allard

Dans l'île de Noirmoutier, un écrivain et son épouse s'installent dans un fort, où ils vivent en réduisant au minimum les contacts avec la population. La femme a perdu l'usage de la parole après un accident. Le mari est écrivain. À proximité vit un ingénieur retraité, misanthrope. Des faits troublants se produisent. Plusieurs habitants de l'île semblent perdre le contrôle d'eux-mêmes. Les réalités s'entremêlent : l'écrivain trouve un sujet pour un roman fantastique, tandis que l'ingénieur manipule les îliens à distance grâce à une machine de son invention. Les deux hommes se rencontrent pour une partie d'échecs capitale : le démiurge réel du monde imaginaire joue contre le démiurge probablement imaginaire du monde réel. L'enjeu et la fin de toute chose, c'est à la fois l'amour et la mort.
Modiga mindre män, 1h25
Origin Suede
Themes Children's films
Actors Marika Lagercrantz, Stig Björkman, Eddie Axberg

De jeunes enfants vivent des aventures dans un monde fantastique.
The Girl
The Girl (2009)
, 1h36
Directed by Fredrik Edfeldt
Origin Suede
Genres Drama
Actors Shanti Roney, Tova Magnusson, Leif Andrée, Henric Holmberg

Une fillette se retrouve seule avec sa tante immature pendant que sa famille participe à une mission humanitaire en Afrique. Par un ingénieux stratagème, elle parvient à éloigner sa tante et reste seule maîtresse dans sa maison isolée à la campagne. Durant ces quelques jours de solitude, la « Fille » expérimente l’amitié décevante, l’éveil du corps et des sensations inconnues allant de la tendresse à l’inconsolable tristesse. Au retour de ses parents, la fillette est devenue une adolescente.
The Emigrants, 2h15
Directed by Jan Troell
Origin Suede
Genres Drama, Adventure, Historical, Western
Themes Films about immigration, Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Max von Sydow, Liv Ullmann, Eddie Axberg, Monica Zetterlund, Pierre Lindstedt, Allan Edwall

The film begins in 1844 in the Swedish province of Smaland, where in Ljuder Parish lives the Nilsson family. They live on a small farm in the woods at Korpamoen, which consists of a small plot of infertile land riddled with stones. They have three children; Their oldest son, Karl Oskar, is in line to inherit the farm from his father Nils, who has been crippled from an injury sustained after a failed attempt to dig a large boulder out of the earth in one of their fields. A daughter, Lydia, works as a maid in the nearby town of Akerby, while their youngest son Robert works as a farmhand at another farm at Nybacken. While Karl Oskar is in the process of inheriting the farm, Nils informs him that he needs a wife to be a successful farmer. Afterwards, Karl Oskar meets a young girl named Kristina Johansdotter, who soon becomes his bride. She moves to Korpamoen to live with him and his parents. In the following years, Karl Oskar and Kristina start a family, starting with a daughter, Anna, followed by a son, Johan, then another daughter, Marta, and finally another son, Harald. Times are difficult: there is bad weather, the harvests are poor, and hunger prevails. Karl Oskar's rebellious younger brother Robert first comes across the idea of emigrating to America, tired of being treated poorly as a farmhand. He first asks his friend Arvid, another farmhand at Nybacken to come along with him, who eagerly agrees to do so, but the pair's hopes are dashed when they realize they haven't the money needed for their passage. Robert confronts Karl Oskar about selling his share of the farm in order to afford the passage, only to find out that Karl Oskar himself had been considering the idea of moving his family to the United States. Despite the offerings of a better life, Kristina adamantly rejects the notion, not wanting to leave her homeland as well as being fearful of risking the lives of their four young children on the ocean. However, one night, hunger compels the couple's eldest daughter Anna to secretly eat food that was not ready to be eaten. She eats so much that it causes her stomach to burst, and she dies the following morning.
The Passion of Anna, 1h41
Directed by Ingmar Bergman
Origin Suede
Genres Drama
Actors Max von Sydow, Liv Ullmann, Bibi Andersson, Erland Josephson, Erik Hell, Sigge Fürst

The audience is introduced to Andreas Winkelman, a man living alone and emotionally desolate after the recent demise of his marriage. He meets Anna, who is grieving the recent deaths of her husband and son. She uses a cane as a result of the car crash that killed them. While Anna uses Andreas' phone, he listens to her conversation, after which she departs visibly distraught. Anna has left her handbag behind and Andreas searches it, finding and reading a letter from her husband that will later prove she is deceptive.
Crisis (1946)
, 1h33
Directed by Ingmar Bergman
Origin Suede
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Inga Landgré, Stig Olin, Dagny Lind, Marianne Löfgren, Allan Bohlin, Ernst Eklund

Jenny, patronne d'un institut de beauté à Stockholm, arrive dans une petite ville de province pour récupérer sa fille Nelly, maintenant âgée de 18 ans, qu'elle avait confiée à une autre femme, Ingeborg Johnson, dès sa naissance... Celle-ci, qui vient de découvrir qu'elle est gravement malade, vit modestement, de quelques cours de piano et en louant une chambre à Ulf, un jeune vétérinaire amoureux de Jenny...
The New Land, 2h15
Directed by Jan Troell
Origin Suede
Genres Drama, Historical, Western
Themes Films about immigration, Films about capital punishment
Actors Max von Sydow, Liv Ullmann, Eddie Axberg, Monica Zetterlund, Pierre Lindstedt, Allan Edwall

The film begins where the previous film, The Emigrants ended, with Karl Oskar bringing Kristina and their three small children, Johan, Marta and Harald, along with Karl Oskar's brother Robert, Robert's friend Arvid, through the woods to the land he claimed at Lake Ki Chi Saga. Upon their arrival, Karl Oskar leads them to a small shanty he found on the land, telling them it will provide them shelter until he can build them a farmhouse, and he points out to Kristina how fertile the topsoil is. With three small children and Kristina expecting another child, Karl Oskar pours all their resources into building them a house before winter arrives. He begins clearing the land of the tall pine trees, and with the help of Robert, Arvid and some of their Swedish neighbors, construct for them a small farmhouse.