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Films with theme "La culture tzigane", sorted by revenue

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Train of Life, 1h43
Directed by Radu Mihaileanu
Origin France
Genres Drama, War, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes French war films, Medical-themed films, Films about religion, Transport films, La culture tzigane, Rail transport films, Films about psychiatry, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism, Film se déroulant dans un train
Actors Lionel Abelanski, Rufus, Agathe de La Fontaine, Michel Muller (humoriste), Clément Harari, Gad Elmaleh

The movie starts off with a man, named Schlomo (Lionel Abelanski), running crazily through a forest, with his voice playing in the background, saying that he has seen the horror of the Nazis in a nearby town, and he must tell the others. Once he gets into town, he informs the rabbi, and together they run through the town and once they have got enough people together, they hold a town meeting. At first, many of the men do not believe the horrors they are being told, and many criticize Schlomo, for he is the town lunatic, and who could possibly believe him? But the rabbi believes him, and then they try to tackle the problem of the coming terrors. Amidst the pondering and the arguing, Schlomo suggests that they build a train, so they can escape by deporting themselves. Some of their members pretend to be Nazis in order to ostensibly transport them to a concentration camp, when in reality, they are going to Palestine via Russia. Thus the Train of Life is born.
The Crazy Stranger, 1h42
Directed by Tony Gatlif
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, La culture tzigane, Musiques du monde, Musical films
Actors Romain Duris, Rona Hartner

Stéphane, a young French man from Paris, travels to Romania. He is looking for the singer Nora Luca, whom his father had heard all the time before his death. Wandering along a frozen road, he meets old Izidor, a Rom (Gypsy) and tries tell him of Nora Luca. Drunken Izidor only hears the handful of Romani words and takes Stephane to his village, determined to teach the boy the Romani language. Stéphane believes that Izidor will take him to Nora Luca when the time has come, so he lives in the Roma village for several months in Izidor's house, as Izidor's son Adriani has been arrested. Izidor is happy to have him as a guest, calling him "his Frenchman" and fixing the young wanderer's worn-out shoes. The other Roma dislike Stephane at first, insulting him in their language and believing him to be a lunatic, tricking him into saying rude words and even into entering a tent where women are bathing. Stéphane gradually wins them over by showing his respect for their music and culture and is rewarded with an intimate look into every aspect of Roma life, from a raucous wedding to a bittersweet funeral. The only person in the village who speaks any French is the tough Sabina, a divorced Romani dancer who is blatantly hostile towards him at first, but the pair eventually bond through a series of trips across the countryside to record traditional Romani music.
Ava (2017)
, 1h45
Directed by Léa Mysius
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama
Themes L'adolescence, Films about children, Naturisme, Films about sexuality, La culture tzigane, Le thème des vacances, La sexualité des mineurs
Actors Noée Abita, Laure Calamy, Franck Beckmann

Ava, 13 ans, est en vacances au bord de l'océan quand elle apprend qu'elle va perdre la vue plus vite que prévu. Sa mère décide de faire comme si de rien n'était pour passer le plus bel été de leur vie. Ava, solitaire et butée, affronte le problème à sa manière en vivant son été avec intensité. Elle vole un grand chien noir qui appartient à un jeune homme en fuite.
Black Cat, White Cat, 2h7
Directed by Emir Kusturica
Origin France
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy, Musical, Crime, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, La culture tzigane, Musical films, Films about marriage
Actors Srđan Todorović, Branka Katić, Bajram Severdžan, Predrag Laković, Miki Manojlović

Matko Destanov, a small-time Romani smuggler and profiteer, lives with his teenage son Zare in a ramshackle house by the Danube River in eastern Serbia near the Bulgarian border.
Django (2017)
, 1h57
Directed by Étienne Comar
Origin France
Genres Drama, Biography, Historical, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, La culture tzigane, Jazz films, Histoire de France, L'Occupation allemande en France
Actors Reda Kateb, Cécile de France, Patrick Mille, Àlex Brendemühl, Xavier Beauvois, Jean-Louis Coulloc'h

En 1943, alors que la France est occupée, le guitariste de jazz Django Reinhardt souhaite échapper aux forces allemandes qui l'invitent à faire une tournée en Allemagne pour récupérer sa notoriété. Il tente de quitter la France en passant par la Suisse. Il séjourne un temps en Savoie et en Haute-Savoie, notamment à Thonon-les-Bains. Là il découvre les dures conditions que les forces d'ordre français et les Allemands font subir aux tsiganes, lui qui fut jusqu'ici un célèbre joueur de jazz insouciant...
Freedom (2009)
, 1h45
Directed by Tony Gatlif
Origin France
Genres Drama
Themes Films about religion, La culture tzigane, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Marc Lavoine, Marie-Josée Croze, James Thiérrée, Rufus, Carlo Brandt, Bojana Panić

The film is set during World War II in rural Vichy France, and begins with a nine-year-old French boy, Claude (Mathias Laliberté) escaping from an orphanage. He decides to avoid state protection. He meets a Romani caravan, an extended family of 20 men, women and children, who decide to adopt him. The Romani start calling Claude, Korkoro, the free one. Fascinated by their nomadic lifestyle, Claude decides to stay with them.
Gypsy (2011)

Directed by Martin Šulík
Origin Slovaquie
Genres Drama
Themes La culture tzigane

Adam, 14 ans, vit dans un campement tsigane dans l’est de la Slovaquie. Lorsque son père meurt dans un mystérieux accident, sa mère se remarie avec l’oncle Zigo. Bien vite, le beau-père s’avère être un véritable tyran, qui force Adam à vivre comme un "vrai Tsigane", c’est-à-dire à prêter la main à ses trafics sordides. Or, l’adolescent entend fréquenter l’école et gagner honnêtement sa vie. Le pasteur et un groupe de jeunes reporters lui offrent des perspectives. Le garçon parviendra-t-il à se soustraire au despotisme de son oncle ?
I Even Met Happy Gypsies, 1h34
Directed by Aleksandar Petrović
Genres Drama
Themes La culture tzigane
Actors Bekim Fehmiu, Bata Živojinović, Olivera Katarina, Mija Aleksić, Severin Bijelić, Milivoje Tomić

The protagonist, Bora (Bekim Fehmiu), is a charming but mean-spirited gypsy, while his older wife, Lence (Olivera Vučo), is submissive. Bora is in love with the younger Tisa (Gordana Jovanović), who is being offered in marriage by her father. The two get themselves in trouble and eventually have to flee. Tisa rejects her husband and she and Bora get married in the church. Tisa tries to get to Belgrade, while Bora stabs a man in a knife fight. They are both, therefore, exiled from their Romani camp, yet their adventures continue.
The Gypsy Camp Vanishes Into the Blue, 1h41
Directed by Emil Loteanu
Origin Russie
Genres Drama, Musical theatre, Adventure, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, La culture tzigane, Musiques du monde, Musical films
Actors Svetlana Toma, Grigore Grigoriu, Borislav Brondoukov

L'action se passe en Ruthénie subcarpathique au XIX siècle : pendant que les soldats austro-hongrois passent joyeusement la soirée au quartier, les Roms Loïko Sobar et trois comparses, s'emparent de leurs chevaux pour les vendre à un maquignon qui leur verse un acompte et promet de verser le solde à Pâques.
Safe Journey, 1h43
Directed by Tony Gatlif
Origin France
Genres Drama, Documentary, Musical
Themes Dance films, Films about music and musicians, La culture tzigane, Musiques du monde, Musical films

The film contains very little dialogue and captions; only what is required to grasp the essential meaning of a song or conversation is translated. The film begins in the Thar Desert in Northern India and ends in Spain, passing through Egypt, Turkey, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia, France, and Spain. All of the Romani portrayed are actual members of the Romani community.
With Open Arms
Directed by Philippe de Chauveron
Origin Belgique
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about immigration, La culture tzigane, La précarité, Transport en Île-de-France, Métro parisien dans la culture populaire
Actors Christian Clavier, Ary Abittan, Elsa Zylberstein, Cyril Lecomte, Nanou Garcia, Marc Arnaud

Jean-Étienne Fougerole est un intellectuel bobo qui sort son nouveau roman intitulé À bras ouverts et qui appelle les personnes les plus aisées à accueillir chez elles les familles dans le besoin. Alors qu'il fait la promotion de son livre lors d'un débat télévisé, son contradicteur lui reproche de ne pas appliquer ce que lui-même préconise. Alors coincé, Jean-Étienne Fougerole accepte le défi, de peur d'être discrédité. Le soir-même, une famille de Roms sonne à la porte de sa villa de Marnes-la-Coquette et l'écrivain se sent obligé de les héberger.
Time of the Gypsies, 2h12
Directed by Emir Kusturica
Genres Drama, Comedy, Fantasy, Crime
Themes Films about alcoholism, Films about immigration, La culture tzigane, La précarité
Actors Davor Dujmović, Bora Todorović, Predrag Laković, Branko Đurić

Perhan lives with his devoted grandmother Khaditza, his lame sister Danira and his dissolute uncle Merdzan. He wants to marry a girl named Azra, but her mother won't allow it, as Perhan is the illegitimate son of a Slovenian soldier who had an affair with Perhan's late mother. Ahmed, the "Gypsy sheik," comes to the village with his brothers. Merdzan loses his clothes playing cards with Ahmed's brothers, and comes home desperate for money so that he can repay. It is raining and not finding any money, he accuses the grandmother of hiding the money from him and lifts the frame of the house up (using a rope and a truck), so that it is suspended in mid-air as the rain comes down on Perhan, his grandmother and Danira. Very soon after, Khaditza is summoned to use her powers to save Ahmed's sick son, Roberto, which Khaditza does. For repayment, she proposes a deal with Ahmed - to pay for Danira's leg to be healed at a hospital in Ljubljana. Perhan goes with Danira, promising his grandmother not to leave her, but Ahmed asks where will he stay and convinces him to go to Milan. At first Perhan wants to make money honestly, but after being dragged through the mud, Perhan begins stealing and squirreling money away in a shack.
Swing (2002)
, 1h27
Directed by Tony Gatlif
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Musical theatre, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, La culture tzigane, Musiques du monde, Musical films
Actors Oscar Copp, Ghalia Benali

Dans une banlieue de Strasbourg, on suit le chemin d'un petit garçon, Max, qui lors de ses vacances d'été fera une merveilleuse rencontre avec la musique et l'amour. En effet, il suit le rythme énergique de Swing, une jeune Manouche aux allures de garçon manqué, qui lui fait découvrir sa communauté (leur mode de vie, leurs traditions, leurs origines, leur liberté...). Fasciné par les musiciens manouches, Max prend des cours de guitare avec l'un d'eux, Miraldo (inspiré et interprété par un des plus grands guitaristes de jazz manouche, Tchavolo Schmitt), qui est un génie de la musique. Entre de nombreux, forts et entraînants moments musicaux (chants, danse, musique...), le jeune garçon tombe peu à peu amoureux de son amie Swing. Mais ses vacances se terminent et sa condition de jeune écolier gadjo (terme rom désignant ceux qui ne sont pas de cette ethnie comme dans Gadjo Dilo) le rattrape.
Ma Bister
Ma Bister (2014)
, 1h30
Origin Belgique
Themes La culture tzigane

Le film est un documentaire sur le peuple rome, depuis leur départ d'Inde, leur migration vers les pays européens, leur acceptation et reconnaissance dans un premier temps, avant d'être de plus en plus rejetés. Arrive alors Hitler et la montée du régime nazi qui décrète l'élimination du peuple Roms. Le film montre les brimades envers les populations tziganes, leur déportation et leur enfermement dans des camps de concentration, les expériences soi-disant médicales commises par les médecins nazis et leur extermination systématique. Outre le génocide commis par les nazis, le film montre également comment cette peuplade est vue et traitée par les gouvernements de différents pays européens. Encore aujourd'hui, différents pays pratiquent officiellement des stérilisations forcées à l'encontre des femmes. Enfin Ma Bister présente l'évolution de la mode de vie de ce peuple nomade qui se sédentarise de plus en plus.