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Katarzyna Łaniewska is a Actor Polonais born on 20 june 1933

Katarzyna Łaniewska

Katarzyna Łaniewska
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Nationality Pologne
Birth 20 june 1933
Death 7 december 2020 (at 87 years)

Katarzyna Łaniewska est une actrice de théâtre, de cinéma et de télévision polonaise, née le 20 juin 1933 à Łódź.

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Filmography of Katarzyna Łaniewska (5 films)

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Smolensk (2016)
, 2h
Directed by Antoni Krauze
Origin Pologne
Genres Drama, Thriller
Actors Dominka Figurska, Halina Łabonarska, Ewa Dałkowska, Piotr Bajor, Jerzy Zelnik, Mirosława Marcheluk
Rating12% 0.601950.601950.601950.601950.60195
L'intrigue du film fait référence au crash de l'avion Tu-154M du 10 avril 2010 à Smolensk et vise à présenter l'histoire de personnes rassemblées autour de cet événement et touchées par la tragédie. L'héroïne de l'histoire est la journaliste Nina, qui cherche à découvrir la vérité sur la catastrophe. Au début, elle est sceptique quant à la théorie de l'assassinat. Son attitude toutefois change au cours des entretiens avec les membres de la famille des victimes de la catastrophe. Elle parle entre autres avec la veuve du général Andrzej Błasik et les parents d'un des pilotes. À un moment où Nina commence à évoquer les questions soulevées par les partisans de la théorie du coup d'Etat, son supérieur hiérarchique la met en garde. Plus tard, Nina apprend le décès de témoins clés de la catastrophe. Selon le film, ils se sont suicidés dans des circonstances obscures. Lors de son séjour aux États-Unis, Nina participe à une réunion de Gazeta Polska au cours de laquelle elle rencontre d'autres personnes qui croient en la théorie de l'assassinat. C'est alors qu'elle apprend la possibilité d'une explosion à bord de l'avion.
Love Stories, 1h27
Directed by Jerzy Stuhr
Genres Comedy, Romance
Actors Jerzy Stuhr, Irina Alfiorova, Katarzyna Figura, Jerzy Nowak, Jerzy Trela, Katarzyna Łaniewska
Roles Filip's mother
Rating69% 3.487323.487323.487323.487323.48732
The four characters played by Jerzy Stuhr all arrive at the same place at different times in different vehicles: a college professor in his own car, a priest in a taxicab, an army officer in a government vehicle and a prisoner in a police van accompanied by two police officers. As the opening credits roll, the four characters walk about the same building.
Korczak (1990)
, 1h55
Directed by Andrzej Wajda
Origin Pologne
Genres Drama, War, Biography, Historical
Themes Films about religion, Political films, Films about Jews and Judaism
Actors Wojciech Pszoniak, Aleksander Bardini, Ewa Dałkowska, Anna Mucha, Agnieszka Krukówna, Teresa Budzisz-Krzyżanowska
Roles Pracownica w sierocincu Korczaka
Rating73% 3.6922753.6922753.6922753.6922753.692275
Le film se passe pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, en 1942, dans le ghetto de Varsovie. Janusz Korczak a la charge de plusieurs centaines d'orphelins : il doit subvenir à leurs besoins dans des conditions très difficiles. On peut voir, par exemple, sur des photos d'époque prises dans ces orphelinats, que les enfants étaient pieds nus.
Interrogation, 1h58
Directed by Ryszard Bugajski
Origin Pologne
Genres Drama, Thriller, Horror
Themes Politique, Prison films, Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Sexploitation films, Political films, Women in prison films
Actors Krystyna Janda, Adam Ferency, Janusz Gajos, Agnieszka Holland, Anna Romantowska, Bożena Dykiel
Roles Orphanage Manageress
Rating79% 3.9900453.9900453.9900453.9900453.990045
Tonia (Krystyna Janda) is a cabaret singer in post-World War II Poland towards the end of the life of Soviet leader Joseph Stalin. After she performs for soldiers, she is arrested without being told why, and placed in a political military prison to be interrogated. Over a course of some years, she is humiliated and tortured by prison officials into confessing to crimes she did not commit. After failing to sign a document detailing a false confession, she is taken to the prison shower block and locked into a small cage between the floors. The water is turned on and the room is slowly flooded. She is released at the last moment and told to sign the confession form again, which she continues to refuse to do. While in prison, she demands that she sees her husband. One day he visits the prison, but is told by the officials of her alleged infidelities prior to her arrest, and he tells her that he doesn't want to see her again. She unsuccessfully attempts suicide. She develops a romantic relationship with an officer, one of the interrogating prison officials, whom she tells of the absurdity of the system he believes in. She becomes pregnant by him and, like other female inmates, is forced to give up her child for adoption, before eventually being released and reunited with her child. The officer secures her release and her ability to reclaim their child and then commits suicide.
Nikodem Dyzma, 1h47
Directed by Jan Rybkowski
Genres Comedy
Actors Adolf Dymsza, Andrzej Bogucki, Tadeusz Fijewski, Zygmunt Chmielewski, Seweryn Butrym, Lidia Wysocka
Roles Woman by the Bridge (uncredited)
Rating65% 3.258873.258873.258873.258873.25887