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Turner Entertainment

Turner Entertainment
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Foundation date 4 august 1986

Turner Entertainment Company, Inc. (commonly known as Turner Entertainment Co.) is a media company founded by Ted Turner. Purchased by Time Warner, along with Turner Broadcasting System, the company was largely responsible for overseeing its library for worldwide distribution. In recent years, this role has largely been limited to being the copyright holder, as the library has since been incorporated into that of Turner Broadcasting's sibling company Warner Bros.

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Filmography of Turner Entertainment (78 films)

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2001: A Space Odyssey, 2h36
Directed by Stanley Kubrick
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Social science fiction, Adventure
Themes Space adventure films, Films about computing, Films about music and musicians, Philosophie, La préhistoire, Dans l'espace, Sur la Lune, Films based on science fiction novels, Films set in the future, Films about classical music and musicians, Dystopian films, Space opera, Sur la Lune, Robot films
Actors Keir Dullea, Gary Lockwood, William Sylvester, Douglas Rain, Leonard Rossiter, Margaret Tyzack

In an African desert millions of years ago, a tribe of man-apes is driven from their water hole by a rival tribe. They wake to find a featureless black monolith has appeared before them. One man-ape realizes how to use a bone as a tool and weapon; the tribe kills the leader of their rivals and reclaims the water hole.
Lolita (1962)
, 2h33
Directed by Stanley Kubrick
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Crime, Romance
Themes Films about children, Films about families, Films about sexuality, Films about pedophilia
Actors James Mason, Shelley Winters, Peter Sellers, Sue Lyon, Lois Maxwell, Marianne Stone

Set in the 1950s, the film begins in medias res near the end of the story, with a confrontation between two men: one of them, Clare Quilty, drunk and incoherent, plays Chopin's Polonaise in A major, Op. 40, No. 1 on the piano before being shot from behind a portrait painting of a young woman. The shooter is Humbert Humbert, a 40-something British professor of French literature.
Merry-Go-Round, 1h25
Directed by Zoltán Fábri
Origin Hongrie
Genres Drama, Comedy-drama, Romance
Actors Mari Törőcsik, Imre Soós, József Juhász

Máté aime Marika qui, néanmoins, doit épouser, selon la volonté expresse de son père, un paysan riche, Sándor. Marika éprouve secrètement une nette inclination pour Máté, mais elle n'ose guère se rebeller ouvertement, craignant de bousculer les coutumes locales. Pourtant, à la noce de l'une de ses amies, Marika abandonne son promis pour entamer un csárdás furieux et interminable avec Máté... qui manifeste, de cette façon, la force de ses sentiments envers la jeune femme. Celle-ci, à son tour, proclame son amour à la face de son père et du village tout entier... En opposition aux vieilles traditions patriarcales, un film plaidant pour l'amour consenti.
Anchors Aweigh, 2h23
Directed by George Sidney
Origin USA
Genres War, Comedy, Fantasy, Musical, Romance
Themes Seafaring films, Films about music and musicians, Transport films, Films about classical music and musicians, Musical films, United States Armed Forces in films
Actors Frank Sinatra, Kathryn Grayson, Gene Kelly, Dean Stockwell, Pamela Britton, José Iturbi

Joe Brady and Clarence Doolittle are Navy sailors who have a four-day leave in Hollywood. Joe has his heart set on spending time with his girl, the unseen Lola. Clarence, the shy choir boy turned sailor, asks Joe to teach him how to get girls. Donald, a little boy who wants to join the navy, is found wandering around the boulevard by a cop, who takes him to the police station. Clarence and Joe end up being picked up by the cops to help convince Donald to go home. After the two sailors wait at home and entertain Donald, Donald's Aunt Susie arrives. Clarence is smitten with her from the beginning. Susan goes on to tell them that she has been trying to find work in music, and longs to perform with José Iturbi. Trying to make Susan impressed with Clarence, Joe tells her that Clarence is a personal friend of Iturbi, and that he has arranged an audition for Susan with him. That night, they go out to a cafe, where Clarence meets a girl from Brooklyn, and they hit it off. The next day, Joe visits Donald's school, and tells the kids the story of how he got his medal, and how he brought happiness to a lonesome king (played by Jerry Mouse of Tom and Jerry), and joy to the forest animals of the kingdom.
The Shooting of Dan McGoo, 8minutes
Directed by Tex Avery
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Animation
Themes Films about animals, Films about dogs, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Bill Thompson, Tex Avery, Frank Graham, Bea Benaderet, Paul Frees

This starts off as an adaptation of Robert W. Service's poem in spoof of The Shooting of Dan McGrew, complete with a literal depiction of a man with one foot in the grave, but when Dan McGoo turns out to be Droopy, it turns into another Droopy-versus-the Wolf/Wolf-goes-ape-for-the-girl gagfest.
Wild and Woolfy, 7minutes
Directed by Tex Avery
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Animation, Western
Themes Films about animals, Films about dogs, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors Paul Frees, Tex Avery, Bea Benaderet, Bill Thompson, Pinto Colvig

In this western-themed cartoon, the Big Bad Wolf, now playing a cowboy criminal called "Joe" Wolf in this cartoon, kidnaps the cowgirl singer, Red (played by Red Hot from Red Hot Riding Hood) from Rig-R-Mortis saloon, where their motto is "Come in and get stiff." Droopy and a posse of cowboys doggedly follow him all over the Great Plains (mainly Droopy), but the wolf is far ahead. However, like in the previous cartoons, Droopy shows up in the places the wolf doesn't expect, forcing him to call for the waiter to keep Droopy away from him.
Meet Me in St. Louis, 1h53
Directed by Vincente Minnelli
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Musical, Romance
Themes Films about families, Films about music and musicians, Christmas films, Musical films
Actors Judy Garland, Margaret O'Brien, Mary Astor, Lucille Bremer, Tom Drake, Marjorie Main

The backdrop for Meet Me in St. Louis is St. Louis, Missouri in the year leading up to the 1904 World's Fair.
Jammin' the Blues, 10minutes
Origin USA
Genres Documentary, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Jazz films, Musical films
Actors Knox Manning

Ce court-métrage est une jam session de plusieurs musiciens de jazz afro-américains dont Lester Young, Marie Bryant au chant et le danseur Archie Savage qui fait du Jitterbug dans une ambiance sombre qui correspond à la musique. Le film a été révolutionnaire en son temps et a été une vitrine pour les musiciens et les artistes alors peu connus qui, autrement, n'auraient pas été ainsi exposés au public.
The Prisoner of Zenda, 1h41
Directed by John Cromwell, W. S. Van Dyke
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Swashbuckler, Adventure, Romance
Themes Monde imaginaire, Politique, L'usurpation d'identité, Political films, Escroquerie, Films about royalty
Actors Ronald Colman, Madeleine Carroll, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., C. Aubrey Smith, Raymond Massey, Mary Astor

English gentleman Rudolf Rassendyll (Ronald Colman) takes a fishing vacation in a small middle European country (unnamed in the film; Ruritania in the novel). While there, he is puzzled by the odd reactions of the natives to him. Rassendyll discovers why when he meets Colonel Zapt (C. Aubrey Smith) and Captain Fritz von Tarlenheim (David Niven). Zapt introduces him to the soon-to-be-crowned king, Rudolf V (Colman again), who turns out to be not only his distant relative, but also in facial features close enough to be his double. Rudolf is astounded and takes a great liking to the Englishman.
King Kong
King Kong (1933)
, 1h35
Directed by Ernest B. Schoedsack, Merian C. Cooper
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Thriller, Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Films about films, Dinosaur films, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, La préhistoire, Transport films, Animaux préhistoriques, Films about apes, King Kong films, Giant monster films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère, Disaster films
Actors Fay Wray, Bruce Cabot, Robert Armstrong, Frank Reicher, Steve Clemente, James Flavin

In New York Harbor, Carl Denham, famous for making wildlife films in remote and exotic locations, charters Captain Englehorn's ship Venture for his new project, but he is unable to secure an actress for a female role he reluctantly added. Denham searches the streets of New York for a suitable woman. He meets penniless Ann Darrow and convinces her to join him for the adventure of a lifetime. The Venture quickly gets underway. The surly first mate, Jack Driscoll, gradually falls in love with Ann. After weeks of secrecy, Denham finally tells Englehorn and Driscoll that their destination is Skull Island, an uncharted island shown on a map in Denham's possession. Denham speaks of something monstrous there, a legendary entity known only as "Kong".
The Son of Kong, 1h9
Directed by Ernest B. Schoedsack
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantastic, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Dinosaur films, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, La préhistoire, Transport films, Animaux préhistoriques, Films about apes, King Kong films, Giant monster films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère, Disaster films
Actors Robert Armstrong, Helen Mack, Frank Reicher, Victor Wong, Clarence Wilson, Ralf Wolter

The story picks up about a month after the dramatic finale of the previous film and follows the further adventures of filmmaker Carl Denham, now implicated in numerous lawsuits following the destruction wrought by Kong. Denham leaves New York with the captain of the Venture, Captain Englehorn, who is certain it is just a matter of time before he is similarly served. Their efforts to make money shipping cargo around the Orient are less than successful. In the Dutch port of Dakang, Denham is amused to see there's a "show" being presented, so he and Englehorn attend. It turns out to be a series of performing monkeys, capped by a song ("Runaway Blues") sung by a young woman named Hilda.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, 1h35
Directed by Rouben Mamoulian
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Science fiction, Disaster, Fantastic, Horror, Romance
Themes Serial killer films
Actors Fredric March, Miriam Hopkins, Rose Hobart, Holmes Herbert, Halliwell Hobbes, Edgar Norton

The film tells the story of Dr. Henry Jekyll (Fredric March), a kind English doctor in Victorian London, who is certain that within each man lurks impulses for both good and evil. One evening, Jekyll attends a party at the home of his fiancée Muriel Carew (Rose Hobart), the daughter of Brigadier General Sir Danvers Carew (Halliwell Hobbes). After the other guests have left, Jekyll informs Sir Danvers that, after speaking to Muriel, he wants Carew's permission to push up their wedding date. Sir Danvers sternly refuses Jekyll's request. Later, while walking home with his colleague, Dr. John Lanyon (Holmes Herbert), Jekyll spots a bar singer, Ivy Pearson (Miriam Hopkins), being attacked by a man outside her boarding house. Jekyll drives the man away and carries Ivy up to her room to attend to her. Ivy begins flirting with Jekyll and feigning injury, but Jekyll fights temptation and leaves with Lanyon.
Waterloo Bridge, 1h21
Directed by James Whale
Origin USA
Genres Drama, War, Romance
Themes Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Films based on plays
Actors Mae Clarke, Douglass Montgomery, Doris Lloyd, Bette Davis, Frederick Kerr, Enid Bennett

Unable to find work in London at the height of World War I, American chorus girl Myra Deauville resorts to prostitution to support herself. She meets her clients on Waterloo Bridge, the primary entry point into the city for soldiers on leave. During an air raid, she meets fellow American Roy Cronin, a member of the Canadian Army, and he joins Myra in her apartment.