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It's Tomorrow - The Film is a american film

It's Tomorrow - The Film (2015)

It's Tomorrow - The Film
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Length 1h30

Its Tomorrow is an upcoming Indian film about Climate Change written by Dr. Rajeshkumar Acharya and is being directed by Zanane Rajsingh. The film is being jointly produced Nanoland Group (USA & India). It is being produced in two parts in the USA along with breath-taking visuals shot in natural calamity occurring regions of the world including Japan, Tibet, Philippines, Argentina, Iceland and India. It will be dubbed in nine languages and is scheduled to release in November 2014. It will be dubbed in nine languages and is scheduled to release 2015 - 2016.


It's Tomorrow aims to sensitize the audience about climate change and global warming. It is a wake-up call to the world. The one-and-a-half-hour film explores what a worst-case scenario might look like and gives a glimpse of the kind of floods and other natural disaster that might visit us in future. The Earth introduces itself in the film and talks to the audience about its current state and what it is experiencing due to climate change. The film is a political drama revolving around the climate change phenomenon around the world. It has political giants, renowned scientist and actors playing minor roles throughout the film.

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Source : Wikidata


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