The investigation into Arnold Friedman's life started after a federal sting operation, when he received a magazine of child pornography from the Netherlands by mail. In searching his Great Neck, New York home, investigators found a collection of child pornography. After learning that Friedman taught children computer classes from his home, local police began to suspect him of abusing his students.
Trois ans après l'attaque qui l'a laissée en partie sourde et paralysée d'une partie du visage, Malala Yousafzai raconte sa nouvelle vie en Angleterre, à Birmingham où sa famille est réfugiée depuis son attaque. On la suit dans la vie de tous les jours, dont celui où, pour son seizième anniversaire, elle prononce un discours devant l'Organisation des Nations unies. Davis Giggenheim a suivi son quotidien pendant dix-huit mois.
The film chronicles O'Grady's years as a priest in Northern California, where he committed his crimes. After being convicted of child molestation and serving seven years in prison, O'Grady was deported to his native Ireland. Berg interviewed him there in 2005 for the film. Additionally, the film presents trial documents, videotaped depositions, and interviews with activists, theologians, psychologists, and lawyers; it suggests that Church officials were aware of O'Grady's crimes, and they took steps to conceal them to protect him and the church.
En 1979, le Front Sandiniste de Libération Nationale renverse le gouvernement de Somoza. Le parti lance une importante réforme agraire et soutient une politique d’expropriation des grands propriétaires terriens. En 1984, le FSNL remporte les élections nationales, mais le président Reagan ne reconnaît pas ce gouvernement. Les contras - des guérilleros anti-sandinistes - reçoivent alors un soutien militaire des Etats-Unis et c’est dans leurs camps d’entraînement qu’Herzog vient filmer la façon dont des enfants sont transformés en soldats.
The film describes the organization and its history. It presents a series of interviews with NAMBLA members who describe their feelings towards boys and justifications for such feelings.
The story begins with Tony recalling himself as a child in the 1960s at the age of four, coming from an aloof family in Trentham, Victoria. Tony's father was an agricultural labourer who suffered from alcoholism. Tony, without an older male role model, originally felt warm attachment to the other main figure in the film, his father's workmate and drinking friend Gordon Kerr. Then on one night Gordon - who was to be looking after the child - raped Tony. Tony and his younger brother continued to be sexually assaulted by Gordon for the following ten years until his parents unexpectedly saw this for themselves and were forced to acknowledge what was happening.
Ditsi Carolino received the Best Director award for the documentary film Bunso (The Youngest) at the OneWorld 2005 documentary films festival held in Prague, Czech Republic.
In the spring of 2003, Jason Russell, Bobby Bailey, and Laren Poole traveled to Africa to document the War in Darfur. Instead, they changed their focus to the conflict in northern Uganda, Africa's second longest-running conflict after the Eritrean War of Independence. The documentary depicts the abduction of children who are used as child soldiers by Joseph Kony and his Lord's Resistance Army (LRA). This film centers around a group of Ugandan children who walk miles every night to places of refuge in order to avoid abduction by the LRA.
When a Hartford couple turns to psychiatry for help with their marriage, things quickly spiral out of control. Couples counseling, individual and group therapy and 24-hour marathon sessions ensue. Their four children suffer and are given their own psychiatrists. Pills are prescribed, people are institutionalized, shock-therapy is administered. This is an intimate story in the family’s own words, from an extraordinary collection of audio recordings and home movies, illuminating a difficult and extraordinary time.