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Films with theme "Documentary films about environmental issues", sorted by production date

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Tomorrow (2015)

Directed by Mélanie Laurent, Cyril Dion
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Environmental films, La mondialisation, Documentaire sur l'altermondialisme, Documentary films about environmental issues
Actors Cyril Dion, Mélanie Laurent

En 2012, dans la revue Nature, Anthony Barnosky, Elizabeth Hadly et 20 autres scientifiques annoncent qu'une partie de l'humanité pourrait disparaître avant 2100, du fait de l'impact de l'espèce humaine sur les écosystèmes, entraînant la fin des conditions de vie stables sur Terre. La surpopulation, le manque d'eau, le manque d'énergies fossiles, le dérèglement climatique vont lancer des millions de pauvres désespérés à l'assaut des pays nantis.
L'Or du golfe, 1h31
Origin Canada
Genres Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues
Actors Kevin Parent

Kevin Parent vit sur les rives de la Baie-des-Chaleurs, la terre de ses ancêtres, son havre de paix. Pourtant, sa tranquillité risque d’être troublée par la levée du moratoire québécois sur l’exploitation d’hydrocarbures dans les eaux du Golfe du Saint-Laurent : une porte grande ouverte pour envahir la baie de plateformes pétrolières et gazières. La peur d’une marée noire, des retombées économiques incertaines, des conflits d’intérêts apparents, Kevin Parent s’inquiète de l’avenir de son golfe. Afin de mieux comprendre des enjeux qui souvent le dépassent, il décide de partir à la rencontre des acteurs d’un conflit qui semble inévitable entre gouvernements, pétrolières, premières nations, environnementalistes et simples citoyens. Une version moderne de David et Goliath.
The True Cost
Genres Drama, Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Films about the labor movement, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentaire sur le monde du travail
Actors Stephen Colbert, John Oliver

Dans The True Cost, Andrew Morgan examine l'industrie du vêtement — en particulier l'économie de la fast fashion — et la relie à la société de consommation, au capitalisme, à la pauvreté structurelle et à l'oppression.
Daughter of the Lake
Genres Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues

Nélida est une jeune fille de la campagne de Cajamarca qui communique avec la Nature. Elle se sent comme la fille des lagunes dont dépend la vie de sa communauté. Mais juste en dessous de la lagune de Conga, Yanacocha , la corporation minière la plus importante d'Amérique latine, a découvert un filon d'or dont la valeur s'estime en milliards de dollars. L'entreprise compte avec l'appui du gouvernement du Pérou, malgré le fait que ce projet détruira les lagunes.
Bears (2014)
, 1h17
Directed by Alastair Fothergill
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Pregnancy films, Films about sexuality, Documentary films about environmental issues, Mise en scène d'un ours, Documentary films about nature, Children's films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère
Actors John C. Reilly

A brown bear mother named Sky gives birth to two cubs named Amber and Scout in her den on a mountain slope. When April comes the bears will be ready to leave the den. As the bears leave the oncoming summer brings with it a threat of avalanches. Fortunately the bears are able to avoid disaster. Upon reaching the lush valley below, the cubs meet the other bears, some of which pose a threat to the cubs; among these bears are Magnus, a big healthy male, and Chinook, an older male. The family works together to survive the spring, with Sky keeping the cubs safe from Tikaani, a pesky gray wolf. The cubs get to know how to defend themselves in encounters with Tikaani. Also the family must stay clear of the frequent dominance fights between Magnus and Chinook.
Marmato (2014)
, 1h27
Genres Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about environmental issues

The film narrates 6-years long struggle of townspeople of Marmato, Caldas with Canadian mining company that wants the $20 billion in gold beneath their homes.
The Overnighters, 1h30
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentary films about technology

The film depicts the lives of people chasing the dream of high salaries in the North Dakota oil boom, only to discover that affordable housing is almost impossible to find. Much of the focus is on the efforts of local pastor Jay Reinke, who allowed over 1,000 different people to stay at his Williston, North Dakota church over a period of about two years.
Farmland (2014)
, 1h17
Directed by James Moll
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about environmental issues

The goal of the film is to bridge the gap between food growers and food consumers by presenting farmers' and ranchers' perspectives on producing food. The film aims to do this by focusing on the lives of six farmers in their 20s who describe their experiences of and views on modern farming and ranching in the United States.
Virunga (2014)
, 1h40
Directed by Orlando von Einsiedel
Origin United-kingdom
Genres War, Documentary
Themes Films set in Africa, Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentary films about technology

The documentary tells the story of four characters fighting to protect Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo, home to the world's last mountain gorillas, against war, poaching, and the threat of oil exploration. Following gorilla caregiver André Bauma, head park ranger Rodrigue Mugaruka Katembo, chief warden Emmanuel de Merode, and the French investigative journalist, Mélanie Gouby, the film focuses on the natural beauty and biodiversity of Virunga, as well as the complex political and economic issues surrounding oil exploration and armed conflict in the region.
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret, 1h31
Origin USA
Genres Documentary
Themes Films about animals, Environmental films, Politique, Films about the labor movement, Documentary films about business, Documentary films about animal rights, Documentaire animalier, Documentary films about law, Documentary films about environmental issues, Documentaire sur le monde du travail, Political films, Documentary films about nature

Cowspiracy est un documentaire d'importance majeure. Controversé, il se penche sur l'impact de l'élevage sur l'environnement. Kip Andersen, producteur et directeur du film, révèle des informations exclusives portant sur les politiques de groupes environnementaux comme Greenpeace, Sierra Club, Surfrider Foundation, and Rainforest Action Network en plus de statistiques alarmantes sur les impacts que génèrent la consommation de viande.
South to North, 1h50
Directed by Antoine Boutet
Origin France
Genres Documentary
Themes Environmental films, Documentary films about environmental issues, Ecologie

Sur une idée du président Mao Zedong, le gouvernement chinois lance le plus gros chantier de transfert d'eau au monde : « Nan Shui Bei Diao », littéralement « Sud Eau Nord Déplacer ». L'objectif : acheminer l'eau du sud vers le nord du pays, et notamment du fleuve Yangzi Jiang vers la capitale Beijing. Les conséquences : les déplacements de population et le bouleversement des écosystèmes.