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Films with theme "Films about aviation accidents or incidents", sorted by revenue

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The Hunt for Eagle One, 1h28
Directed by Brian Clyde
Genres Drama, War, Thriller, Action, Adventure
Themes Transport films, Aviation films, Disaster films, Films about aviation accidents or incidents
Actors Marc Dacascos, Theresa Randle, Rutger Hauer, Zach McGowan, Monsour del Rosario

After a successful amphibious insertion, the Marines begin to prepare for combat against the local rebels in the Philippines. While making a routine fly-by, a UH-1 Huey helicopter, carrying some Philippine troops and Marines, is shot down by the rebels. Of the occupants is Captain Amy Jennings (USMC) and Major Aguinaldo (Ricardo Cepeda). Jennings and Aguinaldo escape the wreckage, and try to flee from the pursuing rebels.
The One That Got Away, 1h46
Directed by Roy Ward Baker
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, War, Historical
Themes Prison films, Transport films, Aviation films, Political films, Disaster films, Films about aviation accidents or incidents
Actors Hardy Krüger, Michael Goodliffe, Colin Gordon, Alec McCowen, Terence Alexander, Jack Gwillim

Luftwaffe fighter pilot Franz von Werra (Hardy Krüger) is shot down during the Battle of Britain and captured. He wagers with his RAF interrogator (Michael Goodliffe) at the POW reception centre, Air Defence Intelligence, Cockfosters, near Barnet in Hertfordshire, that he will escape within six months.
Sands of the Kalahari, 2h
Directed by Cy Endfield
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Action, Adventure
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about animals, Transport films, Aviation films, Films about apes, Disaster films, Films about aviation accidents or incidents
Actors Stuart Whitman, Stanley Baker, Susannah York, Harry Andrews, Theodore Bikel, Nigel Davenport

The plot involves a disparate and desperate group of plane crash survivors thrust into a savage mountainous desert region somewhere within present-day Namibia. Brian O'Brien - played by Stuart Whitman - is a big game hunter and the best survivalist of the group. Shortly after his plane crashes, stranding its passengers, he risks his life by re-entering the burning wreck and recovering vital supplies, including a hunting rifle; however, O'Brien's motives are far from noble. Thinking his own chances will be improved by the absence of competition, he ruthlessly eliminates his fellow survivors, one by one, intending to leave only Grace Munkton (Susannah York) alive, an "Eve" for his "Adam."
Situation Hopeless -- But Not Serious, 1h37
Directed by Gottfried Reinhardt
Origin USA
Genres War, Comedy
Themes Military humor in film, Transport films, Aviation films, Political films, Disaster films, Films about aviation accidents or incidents
Actors Alec Guinness, Mike Connors, Robert Redford, Frank Wolff, Paul Dahlke, Mady Rahl

In World War II, two American fliers, Captain Hank Wilson (Robert Redford) and Sergeant Lucky Finder (Mike Connors), are forced to bail out over Germany. They encounter Wilhelm Frick (Alec Guinness), who hides them from the authorities in his cellar. He enjoys their company so much that he does not inform them when the war ends. Instead, he maintains a masquerade to convince his "guests" that Germany is still fighting. Eventually, after seven years, the Americans escape into a peaceful West Germany and find out the truth.
Flight 93
Flight 93 (2006)
, 1h29
Directed by Peter Markle
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Films based on the September 11 attacks, Films about terrorism, Transport films, Aviation films, Dans un avion, Disaster films, Films about aviation accidents or incidents, Films about hijackings
Actors Jeffrey Nordling, Ty Olsson, Gwynyth Walsh, Jerry Wasserman, Brennan Elliott, Kirsten Williamson

First officer LeRoy Homer Jr. gets dressed in his F.A.A. official uniform, kisses his wife and leaves for work. The terrorist ringleader Ziad Jarrah shaves in his hotel room and then leaves for Newark International Airport.
Flight of Fury, 1h38
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about sexuality, Films about terrorism, Transport films, Aviation films, Dans un avion, Disaster films, Films about aviation accidents or incidents, LGBT-related film, Lesbian-related films
Actors Steven Seagal, Angus MacInnes, Alki David, Tim Woodward, Karen David, Vasile Albineț

Air Force pilot John Sands (Steven Seagal) has been wrongfully imprisoned in a military detention center where his memory is to be chemically wiped out. His superiors feel threatened by the knowledge he gained from his assignments to operations that were deemed too sensitive for regular intelligence services.
Stranded: I've Come from a Plane that Crashed in the Mountains, 2h6
Origin France
Genres Documentary, Historical
Themes Transport films, Aviation films, Documentary films about historical events, Documentary films about technology, Disaster films, Films about aviation accidents or incidents

Octobre 1972, les jeunes membres d'une équipe de rugby uruguayenne et leurs proches se rendent au Chili pour un match amical. Il n'aura jamais lieu : leur avion s'écrase à plus de 4 000 mètres d'altitude au coeur des Andes. Les recherches sont vite abandonnées mais 16 rescapés du crash survivent au froid et à la faim, en prenant des décisions allant à l'encontre de nos plus grands tabous.
Murder on Flight 502, 1h37
Directed by George McCowan
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Thriller, Action
Themes Transport films, Aviation films, Dans un avion, Disaster films, American disaster films, Films about aviation accidents or incidents
Actors Ralph Bellamy, Polly Bergen, Theodore Bikel, Sonny Bono, Dane Clark, Laraine Day

Flight 502 takes off from New York City to London. At the airport, a fake bomb threat leads to Head of Security Robert Davenport (George Maharis) finding a letter he would not have received until the next morning. The letter explains a series of murders will take place on Flight 502 before it lands. He and his team go over the backgrounds of all the passengers to find possible suspects. In the air, Captain Larkin (Robert Stack), off duty Police Officer Daniel Myerson (Hugh O'Brian), and flight attendant Karen White (Farrah Fawcett-Majors) look for suspicious passengers. Relationships develop on board between elderly singles Charlie Parkins (Walter Pidgeon) and Ida Goldman (Molly Picon), rock star Jack Marshall (Sonny Bono) and Dorothy Saunders (Rosemarie Stack), and mystery writer Mona Briarly (Polly Bergen) and suave passenger Paul Barons (Fernando Lamas). Briarly suspects Barons is actually a criminal who got away with stealing seven million dollars from a bank, but Barons denies it.
Evening in Byzantium, 4h
Directed by Jerry London
Origin USA
Genres Drama
Themes Transport films, Aviation films, Disaster films, Films about aviation accidents or incidents
Actors Glenn Ford, Eddie Albert, Edward James Olmos, Vince Edwards, Shirley Jones, Erin Gray

Famous motion picture producer and writer Jesse Craig (Glenn Ford) attends a film festival on the French Riviera. He has not been actively making films for a few years and some in the film industry think he has retired, but he comes to the Riviera with a new screenplay to show it to his friend and film/literary agent Brian Murphy (Eddie Albert) who is attending the festival. The screenplay is a cautionary tale about terrorists attacking major cities in the United States using hijacked commercial airliners containing nuclear bombs as the attack vehicles. No one knows the content of the script or its author who Craig claims is a new writer by the name of Malcolm Hart.