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Michael Sopkiw is a Actor American born on 12 january 1954 at Connecticut (USA)

Michael Sopkiw

Michael Sopkiw
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Nationality USA
Birth 12 january 1954 (70 years) at Connecticut (USA)

Michael Sopkiw is a B-movie American actor who has starred in only four Italian movies in two years. He was born in 1954 in Connecticut. Following a navigation career, he was arrested and imprisoned by the DEA for shipping marijuana.

Sopkiw took modeling jobs, and he was employed in Italy by filmmaker Sergio Martino to star in 2019, After the Fall of New York. Lamberto Bava (the son of famous movie-maker Mario Bava) then recruited Sopkiw in order to shoot two movies in the United States, Blastfighter and Monster Shark. He finally ended his film career in Massacre in Dinosaur Valley by Michele Massimo Tarantini.

Michael's finest hour was his performance as Jake "Tiger" Sharp in Blastfighter where he plays a tough ex-cop who single handedly takes out an army of thigh slapping rednecks with his flying jacket and supersonic rifle - known as the "Blastfighter". Tiger soon learns that these rednecks mean business and he embarks on a one man mission to finish them all off.

His movie career being unsuccessful, Michael gave up acting and went to study medicinal plant science. He launched a company, Miron Glass, in California where he imports and distributes special glass bottles designed to protect the contents from the sun.

Usually with

Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Michael Sopkiw (4 films)

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Massacre in Dinosaur Valley, 1h28
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure, Horror
Themes Films about slavery
Actors Michael Sopkiw, Joffre Soares
Roles Kevin Hall
Rating51% 2.552592.552592.552592.552592.55259
Un avion s'écrase en pleine jungle amazonienne. Les survivants vont devoir combattre cannibales, marchands d'esclaves, animaux sauvages et piranhas pour s'en sortir.
Blastfighter, 1h33
Directed by Lamberto Bava
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Action, Crime
Actors Michael Sopkiw, George Eastman, Michele Soavi, Massimo Vanni, Del Russel
Roles Jake 'Tiger' Sharp
Rating57% 2.897622.897622.897622.897622.89762
Jake "Tiger" Sharp (Michael Sopkiw) is a former policeman who seeks revenge after his wife is murdered. After killing the murderer, Sharp is sentenced to seven years in prison. Upon release Jake is given a Spas-12 Shotgun by his old friend Jerry in order to wreak vengeance upon the crooked attorney responsible for sending him away. However, Jake instead at the last minute decides to return to his secluded cabin in the Appalachian wilderness and bury his gun in the floorboards. Matters become complicated when a group of poachers run afoul of him and kill his baby deer. Jake goes to the Chinese herbal medicinist's office that the hunters have been selling to and smashes up the place.
Devil Fish
Devil Fish (1984)
, 1h36
Directed by Lamberto Bava, Bruno Mattei
Origin Italie
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, Films about music and musicians, Transport films, Films about sharks, Natural horror films, Films about cephalopods, Mise en scène d'un poisson, Giant monster films, Musical films, Disaster films
Actors Michael Sopkiw, Gianni Garko, Valentine Monnier, William Berger, Cinzia De Ponti, Paulo Branco
Roles Peter
Rating27% 1.3618751.3618751.3618751.3618751.361875
The film takes place along a stretch of coastline somewhere in Florida in the United States, where a local tourist spot has become plagued by a mysterious marine creature. Little do they know, the monster is the product of a secret military experiment — a genetic hybrid mutated from a common octopus and the prehistoric super-predator Dunkleosteus. Unfortunately, the creature has broken loose, and is now feeding on swimmers and tourists swimming or sailing along the coast. Also, the monster is only an infant, and will continue to grow if it is left to hunt much longer.
2019: After the Fall of New York, 1h31
Directed by Sergio Martino
Origin Italie
Genres Science fiction, Action, Horror
Themes Post-apocalyptic films, Films about religion, Films set in the future, Political films, Dystopian films, Disaster films
Actors Michael Sopkiw, Valentine Monnier, George Eastman, Anna Kanakis, Romano Puppo, Edmund Purdom
Roles Parsifal
Rating55% 2.750442.750442.750442.750442.75044
In 2019 the world is devastated by an infection that prevents men from procreating. A group of survivors find that in New York there is a community of humans who for some reason has remained immune to contamination. So the soldier Parsifal is sent on a reconnaissance to send out the mission of saving the entire human race.