Suggestions of similar film to Alps
There are 11 films with the same actors, 5 films with the same director, 61823 with the same cinematographic genres, to have finally
70 suggestions of similar films.
If you liked
Alps, you will probably like those similar films :

, 1h36
Directed by Yórgos LánthimosOrigin GreceGenres DramaThemes Films about families,
Films about sexuality,
BDSM in films,
LGBT-related films,
LGBT-related films,
LGBT-related film,
Lesbian-related filmsActors Chrístos Stérgioglou,
Mary Tsóni,
Angelikí PapoúliaRating70%

A married couple and their three young adult children, a son and two daughters, live in a large compound with a garden and swimming pool. A tall fence surrounds the property and the children have never been on the other side of it, for their parents have kept them unaware of the outside world, even of the existence of the telephone. They are taught different meanings for everyday words. The parents promise that each child will be ready to venture outside the compound once she or he has lost a dogtooth. Although the children are told they have a brother just on the other side of the barrier, he never appears.
Directed by Yórgos LánthimosOrigin GreceGenres Drama,
HorrorThemes Films about families,
Films about magic and magiciansActors Colin Farrell,
Nicole Kidman,
Alicia Silverstone,
Raffey Cassidy,
Bill CampRating70%

Après une opération chirurgicale à cœur ouvert, un cardiologue, Steven Murphy, parle de montres avec son collègue anesthésiste, Matthew.
, 1h58
Directed by Yórgos LánthimosOrigin GreceGenres Drama,
Science fiction,
Romantic comedy,
RomanceThemes Political films,
Dystopian filmsActors Colin Farrell,
Rachel Weisz,
Ben Whishaw,
Léa Seydoux,
John C. Reilly,
Ashley JensenRating70%

In a dystopian near future, single people, according to the rules of The City, are taken to The Hotel, a restrictive regime where they are obliged to find a matching mate in forty-five days. If an occupant manages to find a partner among others, the new couple is given a month to try to live together in a special section of the facility, after which they are freed; failing results in being killed and reincarnated in an animal of own choice, and sent off into The Woods surrounding the structure.
, 2h
Directed by Yórgos LánthimosOrigin United-kingdomGenres Drama,
HistoricalThemes Films about sexuality,
LGBT-related film,
Lesbian-related filmsActors Emma Stone,
Rachel Weisz,
Olivia Colman,
Nicholas Hoult,
Mark Gatiss,
James SmithRating75%

Début du XVIII siècle. L’Angleterre et la France sont en guerre. Toutefois, à la cour, la mode est aux courses de canards et à la dégustation d’ananas. La reine Anne (Olivia Colman), à la santé fragile et au caractère instable, occupe le trône et joue avec ses 17 lapins, un pour chaque enfant qu'elle a perdu, tandis que son amie Sarah Churchill (Rachel Weisz), duchesse de Marlborough, gouverne le pays à sa place. Les plans de Sarah pour contrôler Anne sont ébranlés par Robert Harley (Nicholas Hoult), chef de l'opposition, qui, étant propriétaire de terres, est contre le doublement de taxes qui servirait à financer la guerre, au risque d'émeutes dans les campagnes.
, 1h56
Directed by Justin KurzelOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
Science fiction,
HistoricalThemes Films about computing,
Sports films,
Films about video games,
Films based on video gamesActors Michael Fassbender,
Marion Cotillard,
Michael K.Williams,
Ariane Labed,
Brendan Gleeson,
Charlotte RamplingRating55%

Assassin's Creed se déroule dans un univers fictif dans lequel le monde a été créé par Ceux qui étaient là avant, des individus disposant d'une puissance technologique très avancée. À leur disparition, ils laissent sur Terre des artefacts (du nom de fragments d'Éden) permettant d'assurer le progrès de l'Humanité. Opposés par leurs idéaux, les Assassins et les Templiers ne considèrent pas de la même façon comment l'Homme doit évoluer, ainsi, les Assassins recherchent la liberté individuelle tandis que les Templiers veulent contrôler les populations et les guider.
, 2h
Directed by Garth DavisOrigin USAGenres Drama,
HistoricalThemes Feminist films,
Films about religion,
Political films,
Films based on the Bible,
Portrayals of Jesus in filmActors Rooney Mara,
Joaquin Phoenix,
Chiwetel Ejiofor,
Tahar Rahim,
Ariane Labed,
Denis MénochetRating59%

Malgré les traditions de sa famille, Marie Madeleine décide d'accompagner un mouvement social qui se construit autour de Jésus de Nazareth.
, 1h35
Directed by Lucie BorleteauOrigin FranceGenres Drama,
RomanceThemes Seafaring films,
Films about sexuality,
Transport filmsActors Ariane Labed,
Melvil Poupaud,
Anders Danielsen Lie,
Jean-Louis Coulloc'h,
Laure Calamy,
Vimala PonsRating63%

Alice travaille sur de grands bateaux, elle quitte momentanément son amant pour un mandat de quelques mois en mer, elle y fera d'autres rencontres qui la conforteront dans sa recherche de liberté et d'amour.