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The Day I Saw Your Heart is a french film of genre Drama directed by Jennifer Devoldère released in france in DVD on 21 september 2011 with Mélanie Laurent

The Day I Saw Your Heart (2011)

The Day I Saw Your Heart
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Release in DVD in france 21 september 2011
Length 1h34
Genres Drama,    Comedy
Rating64% 3.23163.23163.23163.23163.2316

The Day I Saw Your Heart (original title: Et soudain, tout le monde me manque) is a 2011 family drama film directed by Jennifer Devoldère and starring Mélanie Laurent, Florence Loiret Caille and Guillaume Gouix.


An unexpected pregnancy threatens to tear a family apart, but just might bring them closer together than ever before in this emotional family drama.


Mélanie Laurent

(Justine Dhrey)
Michel Blanc

(Eli Dhrey)
Claude Perron

(Suzanne Dhrey)
Florence Loiret-Caille

(Dominique, la fille aînée d'Eli, demi-sœur de Justine)
Guillaume Gouix

Trailer of The Day I Saw Your Heart

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