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Films with the genre "Romance", sorted by revenue

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Why Girls Go Back Home, 1h
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Romance
Actors Patsy Ruth Miller, Clive Brook, Jane Winton, Myrna Loy, George O'Hara, Joseph J. Dowling

Marie Downey (Patsy Ruth Miller), a trusting country girl falls in love with a touring stage-actor, Clifford Dudley (Clive Brook) as his touring troupe takes up residence in the hotel run by Marie's father. Both lovestruck and stagestruck, Marie follows Clifford to old Broadway, where she ends up getting a job as a chorus girl. She tries desperately to get in touch with Clifford, but he acts as if he does not even know she's alive as he becomes a matinée idol on Broadway. Thanks to a lucky break, Marie becomes the star of the show in which she is appearing, whereupon Clifford finally acknowledges her existence. This time, however, she gives Clifford the cold shoulder then turns her back on New York and heads home (hence the title). Clifford follows her on the train, setting the stage for a tender reconciliation.
The Climbers
Directed by Paul L. Stein
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Films based on plays
Actors Irene Rich, Clyde Wilfred Cook, Forrest Stanley, Myrna Loy, Anders Randolf, Dot Farley

The action takes place in Spain and Puerto Rico during the early 19th-century reign of Ferdinand VII. The Duchess of Arrogan (Irene Rich) is the victim of the machinations of court "climber" Countess Veya (Myrna Loy). The Countess arranges to hide the king's enemy, Duke Cordova (Forrest Stanley) in the Duchess's room where he is discovered resulting in the banishment of both to the colony of Puerto Rico, and the Duchess's estrangement from her powerful husband. In exile the Duchess successfully but cruelly manages her extensive land holdings, nursing bitterness against all men, while Cordova becomes the bandit El Blanco. The two are thrown together and begin an affair. The Duchess's daughter Laska (Florence Fair) arrives, fleeing an unwelcome marriage to which the death of her father has left her vulnerable. Laska is kidnapped and rescued. The Duchess has a happy resolution, reunited with her daughter and Cordova.