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Films with the genre "Romance", sorted by revenue

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Maybe It's Love, 1h14
Directed by William A. Wellman
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Romance
Themes Sports films, American football films, Musical films, Films based on plays
Actors Joan Bennett, Joe E. Brown, James Hall, Sumner Getchell, George Irving, Anders Randolf

George Irving, the president of Upton college is in serious danger of losing his job. For the last twelve years Upton has lost the football match against Parsons college. The trustees of Upton insist that Irving must resign if Upton fails to win the upcoming football match. Joan Bennett, who is Irving's daughter, overhears the threat of the trustees and tells her friend Joe E. Brown, who is a star football player. Together they come up with a scheme to get some of the best football players around to sign up to play for Upton. Bennett completely changes her appearance to vamp the various men into thinking she will be interested in them if they attend Upton in the following season and play for the football team. One by one they all fall for the scheme and sign up for Upton. Irving, however, refuses to admit James Hall into the college because of his poor performance in academics. Because of the coach's insistence on needing him to win the game, Bennett helps Hall sign up under a fictitious name and credentials. All is well until Hall finds out about Bennett scheme and tells the rest of the team. Just before the game, the Upton team pretends to be drunk in order to teach Bennett a lesson. Just as the game is about to begin, the team decides to forgive Bennett and they win the game for Upton.
A Notorious Affair, 1h9
Directed by Lloyd Bacon
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Billie Dove, Basil Rathbone, Kay Francis, Kenneth Thomson, Montagu Love, Malcolm Waite

Billie Dove plays Lady Patricia, a socialite who, despite being engaged to an aristocrat, shocks her friends and social class by marrying a poor Italian violinist Paul Gherardi (Rathbone). Through her wealth and influence, Patricia makes Paul famous and wealthy. In spite of this, Paul falls for the charms of a vamp, Countess Olga Balakireff (Francis) who likes to fool around with rich men. Eventually Paul has a nervous breakdown due to overwork and collapses.
Limite (1931)
, 2h
Directed by Mário Peixoto
Origin Bresil
Genres Drama, Adventure, Romance
Actors Carmen Santos, Edgar Brasil, Mário Peixoto

Un homme et deux femmes dérivent en mer sur un canot. Épuisés, ils ont cessé de ramer laissant le destin faire son œuvre. L'une des femmes raconte qu'elle s'est échappée de prison mais qu'elle n'a pas, par la suite, retrouvé l'équilibre souhaité. La presse annonce maintenant son évasion, la forçant ainsi à reprendre sa fuite. Au cours de son récit, l'homme a pu ranimer l'autre femme, jusque-là évanouie au fond de l'embarcation. L'existence de celle-ci n'a pas été non plus très exaltante : mariée à un pianiste alcoolique, la jeune femme a fini par quitter son foyer. De son côté, l'homme, veuf, confie qu'il s'est épris d'une femme mariée. Or, lorsqu'il se rend sur le tombeau de sa défunte épouse, le mari de sa maîtresse lui apprend que sa femme est lépreuse. Sur le bateau, l'eau manque. L'homme se jette à la mer pour récupérer un baril flottant à la surface. Puis, il ne réapparaît plus. À bord, une des femmes, fortement irritée, agresse l'autre.
The Unholy Garden, 1h14
Directed by George Fitzmaurice
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Films set in Africa, Heist films
Actors Ronald Colman, Fay Wray, Estelle Taylor, Warren Hymer, Tully Marshall, Lawrence Grant

Suave English thief Barrington Hunt (Ronald Colman) rendezvous with his uncouth American accomplice, Smiley Corbin (Warren Hymer), at a rundown hotel in the Sahara Desert beyond the reach of French authority. Hunt is annoyed to learn that Smiley, who has a weakness for women, lost the proceeds from the latest robbery when he met a "dame".
Lawyer Man
Lawyer Man (1933)
, 1h12
Directed by William Dieterle
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors William Powell, Joan Blondell, David Landau, Helen Vinson, Claire Dodd, Alan Dinehart, Sr.

Anton Adam is a lawyer who has just got a client acquitted against the uptown New York lawyer Granville Bentley. Granville offers the poor lawyer partnership and he accepts. Anton's faithful secretary Olga Michaels isn't delighted to see Anton disrespecting the law. His downfall comes when he meets the beautiful Virginia, an actress who is introduced as a woman whose doctor has abandoned her and now seeks help.
Music Is Magic, 1h6
Directed by George Marshall
Origin USA
Genres Drama, Comedy, Musical theatre, Musical, Romance
Themes Musical films
Actors Alice Faye, Bebe Daniels, Ray Walker, Frank Mitchell, Rosina Lawrence, Andrew Tombes

Diane De Valle (Bebe Daniels) is an aging theatre actress who can't deal with getting older. Trying to hide it, she has to come to terms she is being replaced by a younger actress. She has to defeat the much younger Peggy Harper (Alice Faye) for a role of a young woman in an upcoming stage production.
We're in the Money, 1h6
Directed by Ray Enright
Origin USA
Genres Comedy, Romantic comedy, Musical, Romance
Actors Joan Blondell, Hugh Herbert, Glenda Farrell, Ross Alexander, Hobart Cavanaugh, Henry O'Neill

Ginger Stewart (Joan Blondell) and Dixie Tilton (Glenda Farrell) are offered $1000 by ditsy lawyer Homer Bronson (Hugh Herbert) to serve subpoenas on reluctant witnesses for a breach of promise lawsuit brought by Claire LeClaire (Anita Kerry) against wealthy C. Richard Courtney (Ross Alexander). They have a deadline, as a new state law will take effect in a few weeks banning such suits. Unbeknownst to Ginger, she already knows the defendant; she and Courtney, masquerading as a chauffeur named Carter, have fallen in love. Courtney himself does not know that Ginger is a process server.
The Lower Depths, 1h35
Directed by Jean Renoir, Jacques Becker
Origin France
Genres Drama, Crime, Romance
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Jean Gabin, Louis Jouvet, Suzy Prim, Vladimir Nikolayevich Sokoloff, Jany Holt, Robert Le Vigan

Pépel est un voleur qui vit dans une pension des bas-fonds tenue par Kostileff, un recéleur. Il est aimé par deux femmes, deux sœurs, Vassilissa, épouse du receleur, une jalouse dont il est l'amant, et la pure Natacha, sœur de Vassilissa, qui l'aime secrètement. Lors d'un cambriolage, Pépel est surpris par le propriétaire des lieux, un baron ruiné, chez qui les huissiers doivent saisir, le lendemain, tous les meubles. Les deux hommes sympathisent et deviennent amis.