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Films from the country "italie", sorted by revenue

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Guendalina (1957)
, 1h43
Directed by Alberto Lattuada
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Jacqueline Sassard, Raf Vallone, Sylva Koscina, Leda Gloria, Geronimo Meynier, Enzo Cerusico

À Viareggio, station balnéaire sur la mer Tyrrhénienne, l'été touche à sa fin : Guendalina, jeune adolescente de quinze ans, flirte avec Oberdan, le fils du maître-baigneur, sans grande conviction et surtout pour dissiper son ennui. Ses parents milliardaires s'apprêtent, quant à eux, à divorcer... Cette situation préoccupe beaucoup Guendalina, qui s'efforce de rapprocher ses parents. Elle finit également par aimer Oberdan, qui fait preuve de bonté et de constance. Le père de Guendalina revient bientôt et, malgré ses infidélités, se réconcilie avec Francesca, son épouse. Mais ses fonctions l'appellent aussi à Londres, et Guendalina constate amèrement la fin de son idylle amoureuse avec Oberdan, qui vient pourtant d'apprendre une heureuse nouvelle : il est reçu à son examen.
The Wide Blue Road, 1h43
Directed by Giuliano Montaldo, Gillo Pontecorvo
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Crime, Romance
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Yves Montand, Alida Valli, Francisco Rabal, Umberto Spadaro, Peter Carsten, Terence Hill

The story follows the harsh rugged life of a poor fisherman on a small island off the Dalmatian coast of Italy. In a desperate effort to improve the lives of his family he begins to fish illegally using bombs instead of relying on nets. However this method invokes the hatred of the other fishermen and finally results in tragedy.
Fathers and Sons, 1h37
Directed by Mario Monicelli
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Vittorio De Sica, Lorella De Luca, Riccardo Garrone, Marcello Mastroianni, Fiorelle Mari, Franco Interlenghi

En Italie, dans les années 1950, les vies de 5 familles s'entrecroisent et se ressemblent.
Defend My Love
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Actors Gabriele Ferzetti, Martine Carol, Vittorio Gassman, Arnoldo Foà, Charles Vanel, Giorgia Moll

Pour sauver un journal en difficulté un rédacteur a l'idée de rechercher les personnages mêlés aux affaires scandaleuses tombées dans l'oubli et de publier des reportages sur la vie privée de ces personnes. La première victime de cette campagne est une jeune femme, Elisa, dont le nom a été largement mis en vedette au cours d'un procès criminel. Elisa, dont l'innocence dans cette affaire avait été mise en doute, a épousé Pietro qui a reconnu sa fille, la petite Angela, dont le père a été tué pendant la guerre.
Poor Girl, Pretty Girl, 1h39
Directed by Dino Risi
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Romance
Actors Maurizio Arena, Renato Salvatori, Lorella De Luca, Alessandra Panaro, Marisa Allasio, Riccardo Garrone

Romolo et Salvatore sont fiancés à Anna Maria et Marisa et comptent bien les épouser. Mais l'amour ne suffit pas pour se marier, ils doivent également pouvoir subvenir aux besoins de la famille. Mais ni l'un ni l'autre ne travaille, ils se sont alors inscrits à une école, mais seul Romolo réussit.
Toto, Peppino, and the Hussy, 1h42
Directed by Camillo Mastrocinque
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Romance
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Buddy films
Actors Totò, Peppino De Filippo, Dorian Gray, Teddy Reno, Mario Castellani, Nino Manfredi

The brothers Antonio (Totò) and Peppino (Peppino De Filippo) Caponi are boorish landowners living in southern Italy. Antonio is lavish and steals his stingy brother's money.
The Roof
The Roof (1956)
, 1h36
Directed by Vittorio De Sica
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Actors Gabriella Pallotta, Luciano Pigozzi

Natale, an apprentice bricklayer, and Luisa, who has no marketable skill, marry and try to live with Natale's parents and other relatives in one apartment, what might happen in the poorest classes in Rome about 1950. After a quarrel Natale and Luisa precipitately leave without a place to live. The remainder of the film is devoted to their finding housing. The solution is building a one room brick dwelling as a squat on unused railway land on the outskirts of Rome. As it was illegal, Natale arranges his workmates to assist him during the night. According to the rules, if a dwelling has a door and a roof the householder cannot be evicted. At dawn when the police arrive to remove them the dwelling is complete except for part of the roof, but a humane policeman looks the other way. The happy ending is not without realism. In financial straits, and facing imprisonment later, Natale and Luisa, now pregnant, will encounter difficulties ahead.
The Railroad Man, 1h58
Directed by Pietro Germi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Transport films, Rail transport films
Actors Saro Urzì, Pietro Germi, Sylva Koscina, Luisa Della Noce, Carlo Giuffrè, Riccardo Garrone

Train operator Andrea Marcocci has to witness the suicide of a desperate man who jumps in front of his train. Under the influence of this shock he starts making mistakes. A check up by a doctor reveals that he's at the brink of becoming an alcoholic. Due to this evaluation he is degraded and must accept a salary cut.
What a Woman!, 1h40
Directed by Alessandro Blasetti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Sophia Loren, Charles Boyer, Marcello Mastroianni, Elisa Cegani, Nino Besozzi, Titina De Filippo

Antonietta, photographiée dans la rue relevant sa jupe pour rajuster ses bas, se retrouve en couverture d'un magazine à gros tirage. Son fiancé, avocat, veut justement exiger des dommages et intérêts. Mais découvrant que le photographe, Corrado, a ainsi lancé la carrière de plusieurs actrices, Antonietta décide d'emprunter cette voie elle aussi. Elle prend des cours de maintien avec le comte Sennetti et rencontre des producteurs, mais c'est finalement avec Corrado qu'elle se mariera.
Donatella (1956)
, 1h43
Directed by Mario Monicelli
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Elsa Martinelli, Gabriele Ferzetti, Walter Chiari, Alan Furlan, Aldo Fabrizi, Liliana Bonfatti

Une jeune fille qui gère la propriété d'une riche américaine tombe amoureuse d'un proche de la dame. Celui-ci soupçonne la jeune fille d'être une arriviste à la chasse d'hommes fortunés, mais lorsque celle-ci refuse la demande en mariage le doute est levé...
The Bigamist, 1h50
Directed by Luciano Emmer, Francesco Rosi
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Marcello Mastroianni, Vittorio De Sica, Franca Valeri, Memmo Carotenuto, Marisa Merlini, Anita Durante

Mario De Santis est un représentant de commerce qui vend du dentifrice et des brosses à dents, c'est aussi un grand séducteur, il est marié avec Valeria et il est le père de trois enfants. Convoqué au commissariat du quartier il a la surprise de se voir accusé de bigamie, Il est confronté à un certaine Isolina Fornaciari qu'il aurait épousé à Forlimpopoli quelques années plus tôt et qui dit le reconnaître, elle est accompagnée de son avocat et de son père, un individu extrêmement violent et colérique. Mario, furieux de l'accusation en vient aux mains avec le père d'Isolina et se retrouve en état d’arrestation. Personne ne semble croire à l’innocence de Mario et sa famille se déchaîne contre lui.
The Band of Honest Men, 1h46
Directed by Camillo Mastrocinque
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Totò, Peppino De Filippo, Giacomo Furia, Gabriele Tinti, Giulia Rubini, Nando Bruno

Antonio Buonocore, keeper of a stable Rome with a wife German, is to attend the event to Mr. Andrew, an elderly tenant who, before dying, tells him to be in possession of a suitcase inside with a few clichés of the original Bank of Italy, of which he had long been dependent, and the watermarked paper to print the notes 10,000 pounds. Mr. Andrea had stolen this material with the intention of "revenge" of his dismissal and make fake money, but never had the courage to succeed in its intention, therefore, Buonocore asked to throw the bag into the river so destroying the contents. Buonocore, however, is going through a bad time: basically honest person, has refused to become an accomplice of the accountant Casoria, the new administrator of the condominium, which had proposed to make a series of fraudulent transactions against the same building, and for this reason is under threat of dismissal. He thus decides not to destroy the bag, but ignoring the banknote printing techniques, to produce 10,000 pieces is forced to ask the cooperation of the typographer Joseph The Turkish and, later, the painter Cardone, both as variously indebted him. Building on the economic needs of his cronies, organizes meetings of stealth and hilarious night to give life to a gang of counterfeiters. The three manage to print banknotes and "split" in a bar one night, but things get complicated when Buonocore discovers that his eldest son Michael, a brilliant financier in his career recently moved to Rome, is following its own investigation of the delicate creation of a batch of counterfeit notes.
Wild Love
Wild Love (1955)
, 1h30
Directed by Mauro Bolognini
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Antonella Lualdi, Cosetta Greco, Franco Interlenghi, Valeria Moriconi, Gino Cervi, Nino Manfredi

Les chassé-croisés amoureux de jeunes gens dans un quartier populaire de Rome.
The Widow
The Widow (1955)
, 1h35
Directed by Lewis Milestone
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Romance
Themes Sports films, Transport films, Films about automobiles, Auto racing films, Road movies
Actors Patricia Roc, Massimo Serato, Anna Maria Ferrero, Akim Tamiroff

Countess Diana Gaston (Patricia Roc) meets Vittorio Serra (Massimo Serato), the grandson of Carlo Serra, a prominent businessman. Convinced that she has met the man for her, she does all she can to keep him in her life. Unfortunately both of them are self-centered and this leads to repeated conflict. Vittorio's passion for auto racing leads to continued diagreements between him and the countess.