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Films from the country "italie", sorted by revenue

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The Sign of Venus, 1h41
Directed by Dino Risi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama, Romantic comedy, Romance
Actors Franca Valeri, Sophia Loren, Raf Vallone, Vittorio De Sica, Tina Pica, Peppino De Filippo

Les péripéties amoureuses de deux cousines vivant sous le même toit à Rome. Une tante et le père de l'une d'entre elles surveillent leurs faits et gestes. Agnese, d'une beauté sculpturale, attire les regards de tous les garçons et semble promise à Ignazio, un jeune sapeur-pompier. Cesira, moins séduisante et plus intériorisée, tarde, de son côté, à trouver l'homme de sa vie. Une astrologue, logée dans son immeuble, lui a pourtant prédit une configuration personnelle favorable: celle placée sous le signe de Vénus...
The Miller's Beautiful Wife, 1h38
Directed by Mario Camerini
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Romance
Actors Vittorio De Sica, Sophia Loren, Marcello Mastroianni, Paolo Stoppa, Yvonne Sanson, Virgilio Riento

Au XVIIe siècle, le gouverneur Don Théophile convoite la belle meunière Carmella, femme fidèle de Lucas. Il fait arrêter ce dernier et se rend chez la belle qui le berne. Lucas s'échappe et, se croyant trompé, se rend chez la femme de Théophile...
A Hero of Our Times, 1h25
Directed by Mario Monicelli
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Alberto Sordi, Franca Valeri, Giovanna Ralli, Tina Pica, Mario Carotenuto, Leopoldo Trieste

Alberto is an employee who is the Italian average of society of the Fifties. Alberto is a go-getter, attached only to his work, and believes that everyone meets him wants to bring Alberto bad luck. Alberto refuses every contact with other people, but soon finds himself caught in misunderstandings and so the people, to take revenge on him and his meanness, force him to change his identity.
Beautiful But Dangerous, 1h47
Directed by Robert Z. Leonard
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Musical, Romance
Actors Gina Lollobrigida, Vittorio Gassman, Robert Alda, Anne Vernon, Tamara Lees, Mario Del Monaco

Lina (Gina Lollo) was an orphan, brought up by her adopted mother getting trained for music. Her mother became sick due to heart attack on the stage, and Lina will go to the stage in place of her mother. But a group of teaser will tease her, by connecting her mother name too and will not allow to perform. From the balcony a person, the prince of Russia, Sergio (Vittorio Gassman) will come down and make the teaser group go out of the theater and asks Lina to perform. It was a very good performance, but at the end she will come to know that mother had another attack, so been send to the long distance hospital. By the night she wanted to go, but there was no way to. Sergio will offer her lift to the hospital, and on the way he will come to know each other. The prince will not tell his real identity, but will say only that he came there for horse competition in the local club, and he stays regularly Paris and he is from Russia. By reaching the hospital, she will left her hand bag in the coach, Sergio by seeing that will put enough money and his golden ring in that, and give the bag to Lina. In hurry she will enter the hospital, and will find her mother is no more.
The Bachelor, 1h29
Directed by Franco Zeffirelli, Antonio Pietrangeli
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Alberto Sordi, Nino Manfredi, Fernando Fernán Gómez, Virna Lisi, Rossana Podestà, María Asquerino

The accountant Paolo Anselmi is a confirmed bachelor who finds himself having to do the best man for a friend's business partner. Paul left the old apartment to his friend and his wife moved to a small guesthouse where he met a woman, a young hostess. The relationship between the two begins to get serious, but he does not want commitment, then the girl gets moved to another city. Paul regain his freedom, but loneliness grips him. The company of the other bachelors bored, if the night feels bad and is only the mother continues to insist on getting married. The bachelor is convinced and begins to seek a wife. Among the "candidates" have many defects insurmountable, jealousy, family, bulky, but finally manages to convince him is Miss Carla who becomes his companion despite their initial meetings have always ended in fights furious.
The White Angel, 1h40
Directed by Silvio Amadio
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Melodrama
Actors Gino Buzzanca, Yvonne Sanson, Alberto Farnese, Philippe Hersent, Nerio Bernardi, Virgilio Riento

Déçu par le comportement de son épouse Elena, Guido demande le divorce et obtient la garde de sa fille. Elena réagit défavorablement et ravit l'enfant à son père. Elle embarque celle-ci sur un hors-bord qui affronte la tempête. Quelque temps après, le canot est retrouvé vide sur la côte, au grand accablement de Guido. Afin de surmonter cette épreuve, le comte reprend ses fonctions à la tête de son exploitation, une carrière de marbre située à Carrare. Or, à la faveur d'un de ses déplacements en train, il rencontre, à sa grande stupéfaction, une femme qui offre une ressemblance étrange avec sa première fiancée malheureuse, Luisa, devenue désormais Sœur Addolorata...
Le Amiche
Le Amiche (1955)
, 1h44
Directed by Michelangelo Antonioni
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Romance
Actors Eleonora Rossi Drago, Gabriele Ferzetti, Franco Fabrizi, Valentina Cortese, Yvonne Furneaux, Madeleine Fischer

Returning to her native Turin for the opening of a branch of a Rome fashion salon, the elegant Clelia (Eleonora Rossi Drago) discovers a young woman named Rosetta Savoni (Madeleine Fischer) near death in the next room of her hotel. Rosetta took an overdose of sleeping pills in an attempt to commit suicide. Clelia, who is alone in her hometown, befriends Rosetta and her three wealthy friends. Momina De Stefani (Yvonne Furneaux) is separated from her husband and easily replaces lovers. Nene (Valentina Cortese) is a talented artist becoming successful in her career; she is living with a frustrated painter named Lorenzo (Gabriele Ferzetti) who envies the success of his wife. Mariella (Anna Maria Pancani) is futile. Clelia is attracted by Carlo (Ettore Manni), the assistant of the salon's architect, Cesare Pedoni (Franco Fabrizi), but he belongs to the working class living in a different social reality. When Momina and Clelia discover that the reason Rosetta tried to commit suicide was because she felt in love for Lorenzo, the cynical Momina encourages Rosetta to stay with him, even though he and Nene were supposed to marry soon. The advice leads to tragic consequences.
Too Bad She's Bad, 1h35
Directed by Alessandro Blasetti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Romance
Themes Transport films, Films about the labor movement, Films about automobiles
Actors Marcello Mastroianni, Sophia Loren, Vittorio De Sica, Umberto Melnati, Margherita Bagni, Memmo Carotenuto

Paolo, jeune chauffeur de taxi honnête et sans famille, manque de se faire voler son taxi par deux jeunes vauriens qu'il mène à la mer. Il se rend compte que Lina, la jeune fille qui détournait son attention, est sans doute leur complice. Il la retrouve, veut la dénoncer ainsi que son père et leurs acolytes, mais progressivement tombe amoureux.
The Anatomy of Love, 2h14
Directed by Alessandro Blasetti, Paul Paviot
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Musical
Actors Vittorio De Sica, Yves Montand, Guido Celano, Danièle Delorme, Lea Padovani, Marcello Mastroianni

From a story by Vasco Pratolini, written by the author. Vasco and Mara get to know in a restaurant, go to the cinema, and spent the evening intimately, fall in love. She tells him that, being short of money, will try to work the next morning in a brothel, but he convinces her to desist from this connection, to begin to live with him, who has a job as a teacher, even if their economic situation may be difficult.
Senso (1955)
, 1h55
Directed by Luchino Visconti
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, War, Historical, Romance
Actors Alida Valli, Farley Granger, Massimo Girotti, Rina Morelli, Christian Marquand, Sergio Fantoni

Senso is set in Italy around 1866, when the Italian-Austrian war of unification was coming to an end. The story opens in the La Fenice opera house in Venice during a performance of Il Trovatore. At the close of Manrico's rousing aria Di quella pira, the opera is interrupted by a boisterous protest by Italian Nationalists against the occupying Austrian troops present in the theater. Livia Serpieri, an Italian countess, unhappily married to a stuffy older aristocrat, bears witness to this and tries to conceal the fact that her cousin Marquis Roberto Ussoni has organized the protest. During the commotion, she meets a dashing young Austrian Officer named Franz Mahler, and is instantly smitten with him. The two begin a secretive love affair. Despite the fact that Franz was responsible for sending Roberto into exile for his radical behavior, Livia vainly pretends not to be aware of it.
Woman of the River, 1h45
Directed by Mario Soldati
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Actors Sophia Loren, Gérard Oury, Rik Battaglia, Lise Bourdin, Guido Celano, Nino Marchetti

After discovering that she is pregnant, a peasant girl is deserted by her lover. In revenge she reports him to the police and customs officers for smuggling.
Forbidden (1955)
, 1h44
Directed by Mario Monicelli, Francesco Rosi
Origin Italie
Genres Drama
Themes Seafaring films, Transport films
Actors Mel Ferrer, Gino Buzzanca, Lea Massari, Henri Vilbert, Eduardo Ciannelli, Germaine Kerjean

Don Paolo, un jeune ecclésiastique amoureux d'Agnese, tente de faire régner la paix et la fraternité dans un petit village de Sardaigne où deux familles se font la guerre...
Poverty and Nobility, 1h35
Directed by Mario Mattoli
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Themes Théâtre, Films based on plays
Actors Totò, Dolores Palumbo, Enzo Turco, Sophia Loren, Carlo Croccolo, Giuseppe Porelli

The story is taken from the Eduardo Scarpetta's play: Naples, 1800. The poor Felice Sciosciamocca tries to work being a scribe for ignorant people, while his friend Don Pasquale tries to make photographs for rich couples. Meanwhile in the house where the two live, their wives start to fight because the apartment is mortgaged, and the women don't have money to pay the rent. Luckily rich Count Luigino, in love with the beautiful dancer Gemma, asks Pasquale and Felice to stage a farce for him. In fact the parents of Gemma want to meet Luigino's family, but he knows that his real father does not approve his love affair with the dancer. So Luigino transforms Don Felice Sciosciamocca into his uncle: Prince of Casadores, and Don Pasquale has to play the true father of Luigino. The young count entrusts a false part to play to all members of the two families, except the second wife of Felice: Concetta. Unfortunately Count Luigino cannot find a role for her, and Concetta gets very angry. While Felice Sciosciammocca and Pasquale're argue in the beautiful villa of Don Gaetano, Gemma's father, Concetta bursts in the home, and tries to compromise the plan organized by Luigino. Fortunately Don Felice manages to fix the situation and in the end, all is happily resolved.