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Films with theme "Giant monster films", sorted by revenue

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Snakehead Terror, 1h32
Origin Canada
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Horror
Themes Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Bruce Boxleitner, Carol Alt, William B. Davis, Chelan Simmons, Chad Krowchuk, Alistair Abell

A small town, desperate to recover from hard economic times, is under threat when the voracious snakehead fish mutate, surviving previous chemical attacks. The fish transform from pests to predators when human growth hormones are dumped into the local lake in the hopes of reviving the local fishing industry. Thriving on the hormones, the Snakehead fish grow to monstrous proportions, devouring everything within reach. Capable of moving and eating on land, they are forced to leave the now barren lake in a desperate search for food - animal, vegetable or human. In a race against time, the local Sheriff and biologist Lori Dale, try to save the Sheriff's teenage daughter and her friends, along with the town itself, from being eaten alive.
Tremors II: Aftershocks, 1h40
Directed by S. S. Wilson
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Action, Horror
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Comedy science fiction films, Giant monster films, Comedy horror films
Actors Fred Ward, Christopher Gartin, Helen Shaver, Michael Gross, Marcelo Tubert, Thomas Rosales Jr.

Some years have passed since the events of the first film. Val has moved away and married Rhonda, while Earl has squandered his fortune on a failing ostrich ranch. He is approached by Carlos Ortega, who informs him that graboids are killing his workers at his oil field in Sonora, Mexico. Earl initially refuses his assistance, but Ortega's taxi driver, Grady Hoover, convinces Earl to change his mind and joins Earl in the hunt, with the oil company paying Grady full fees for his services, as well. Upon arrival in Sonora, Earl meets geologist Kate Reilly, and her assistant Julio, who are scientifically investigating the graboids.
Rebirth of Mothra III, 1h39
Origin Japon
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Films about animals, Dinosaur films, La fin du monde, Kaiju films, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, La préhistoire, Transport films, Time travel films, Animaux préhistoriques, Films about insects, Films about dragons, Les fées, Giant monster films, Films about extraterrestrial life, Disaster films
Actors Megumi Kobayashi

Moll, Lora, and Belvera, the Elias sisters, are at odds again. Belvera seeks the secret power of their ancestors, tiny triangular power units that transform the sisters' small daggers into powerful swords. She steals the three units from Infant Island but is thwarted by Fairy Mothra, Moll and Lora's pet, and fails to retrieve the proper triangle for her sword (each power unit will only work for a specific sword). Moll and Lora end up with a unit that transforms Moll's sword.
Reigo: King of the Sea Monsters, 1h21
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy
Themes Kaiju films, Seafaring films, Transport films, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Taiyō Sugiura, Saori Hara, Yukijirō Hotaru, Yumika Hayashi, Mickey Curtis, Susumu Kurobe

In September 1942, Captain Yamagami (Susumu Kurobe) is ordered to rendezvous the Yamato with the Combined Fleet that is gathering at the Truk Islands (aka Chuuk Islands) in Micronesia, a key strategic point in the South Pacific. With beautiful clear blue skies above and surrounded by coral reefs below, this South Seas paradise became a strong base for the Combined Fleet and the front lines of the naval war; a place where many fierce battles were fought. Decades later, the sea bed surrounding the Truk Islands is still littered with the remains of more than 60 warships and airplanes.
Mee-Shee: The Water Giant, 1h39
Directed by John Henderson
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Fantasy, Adventure
Themes Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Bruce Greenwood, Daniel Magder, Tom Jackson, Rena Owen, Jacinta Wawatai, Phyllida Law

A United States oil company loses a drill, intended to do work in the Arctic, while flying over a Canadian lake. Company employee Sean is contacted to go to Canada to find it; however, he has to cancel plans to take his son to Walt Disney World. Although his son, Mac, is disappointed, he agrees to go with his father to Canada. Once in Canada, they meet a local native named Custer who helps Sean and another employee on their mission.
Big Man Japan, 1h53
Directed by Hitoshi Matsumoto
Genres Science fiction, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Animation, Comic science fiction
Themes La fin du monde, Kaiju films, Films about magic and magicians, Comedy science fiction films, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Hitoshi Matsumoto, Riki Takeuchi, UA, Ryūnosuke Kamiki, Hiroyuki Miyasako, Itsuji Itao

Pas facile tous les jours d’être un super héros. Surtout au Japon. Pour tenter de regagner un peu de popularité, Dai Sato, héros japonais dont le pouvoir est de grandir a volonté décide d’organiser un reality show le mettant lui-même en scène afin de sensibiliser l’opinion sur la difficulté de sa tâche.
Yonggary (1999)
, 1h39
Directed by Shim Hyung-rae
Origin Coree du sud
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, La préhistoire, Animaux préhistoriques, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Dan Cashman, Harrison Young

An archaeological party explore some caverns underground. Dr. Campbell and Dr. Hughes are the two leaders of the archaeological expedition, and get separated. While Dr. Hughes finds an alien corpse with a fossilized diamond, Dr. Campbell finds hieroglyphics at the cost of the party except for Hughes and himself. Two years later, Campbell and his assistant Holly are digging up the bones of Yonggary, a gargantuan dinosaur 50 times the size of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Out of nowhere, people slowly are being killed around the site. While Holly is working, Dr. Hughes, who has been legally dead for 2 years, goes to Holly and tells her to stop the dig. Dr. Campbell comes into the tent and sends Dr. Hughes off. Holly quits the expedition when another "Accident" occurs. In the town bar, Dr. Hughes finds Holly and takes her back to her Hotel room to tell her why he thinks the bones of the Dinosaur, which he calls Yonggary, are going to bring the end of the world. After explaining, Holly and Hughes go to the site to stop Campbell but it is too late and Aliens resurrect Yonggary. After Yonggary's first appearance, the Army comes in and takes Holly and Campbell to an army base when Yonggary is dispatched by the aliens again. The army sends choppers after Yonggary, but he destroys them. Yonggary is then sent to the city (which was thought to be New York by fans, but is actually an all CGI Los Angeles near Korea Town) and does some damage, where some jets attack him. Then Yonggary is transported to a power plant where he is attacked by rocket pack soldiers. During the fight, Hughes and Holly find out that the diamond on Yonggary's forehead is the device giving the aliens control of Yonggary. Yonggary is transported back into the city, where the remainder of the soldiers destroy the diamond on his head. Enraged, the aliens send down their own monster, Cycor. Yonggary and Cycor battle, with Yonggary winning. The following morning, Yonggary went to sleep and sent to an uninhabited island where Yonggary can adjust to normal life and become a hero.
Supergator (2007)
, 1h36
Directed by Brian Clyde
Origin USA
Genres Horror
Themes Films about animals, La préhistoire, Giant monster films, Disaster films
Actors Brad Johnson, Kelly McGillis, Bianca Lawson, Josh Kelly, Holly Weber, Greg Cipes

Professor Scott Kinney is an American geologist monitoring a local volcano when the Supergator, a Phobosuchus recreated from fossilized, preserved DNA escapes from a secret bio-engineering research center/laboratory. Along the way, it eats thirteen people, including two lovers, three drunken teens, three models, two tourists and a fisherman. It also eats Alexandra Stevens and Ryan Houston.
Monster (2008)
, 1h30
Directed by Eric Forsberg
Genres Science fiction, Action, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, Transport films, Natural horror films, Films about cephalopods, Giant monster films, Disaster films, American disaster films

The film takes place in Tokyo in 2003, where two reporters, Hana Izumi and Hyuga Kanata, have arrived to document unusual seismic disturbances that have been picked up around Tokyo. The disturbances are originally thought to be aftershocks left over from a supposed massive earthquake on the Kanto Fault that occurred two years previously, causing hundreds of thousands of casualties and several hundred billion dollars in damage(possibly referencing the real-life Fukuoka earthquake or the Miyagi earthquake), although careful analysis of the evidence suggests otherwise.
Hydra (2009)
, 1h31
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Fantasy, Action, Horror
Themes Films based on mythology, Giant monster films, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology, Disaster films, Films based on Greco-Roman mythology
Actors George Stults, Dawn Olivieri, Polly Shannon, Alex McArthur, Texas Battle, James Wlcek

Young archaeologist Dr. Valerie Cammon (Polly Shannon) and her colleague Dr. Kim (Philip Moon) go by ship to a volcanic island in the Mediterranean sea. While she seeks relics in a cave, a seaquake sinks their ship without survivors. At about the same time all archaeologists except for Dr. Cammon get eaten by the re-awakened ancient Lernaean Hydra.
Mega Shark vs. Crocosaurus, 1h30
Directed by Christopher Ray
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Disaster, Horror comedy, Action, Adventure, Horror
Themes Films set in Africa, Films about animals, La fin du monde, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, Transport films, Films about sharks, Natural horror films, Mise en scène d'un poisson, Giant monster films, Comedy horror films, Reptile, Disaster films, American disaster films, Film de catastrophe animalière
Actors Jaleel White, Robert Picardo, Dylan Vox, Gina Torres, Robert R. Shafer, Jose Rosete

Le Méga Shark revient mais il va devoir faire face à un crocodile géant : le Crocosaurus. Attaquant beaucoup d'humains, les deux monstres se battent en duel. L'amiral Calvin et l'agent Hutchinson décident alors d'envoyer le lieutenant Terry McKormick et le chasseur Nigel Putman mettre un terme aux attaques des deux monstres.
Crocodile (2000)
, 1h33
Directed by Tobe Hooper
Origin USA
Genres Thriller, Action, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Natural horror films, Giant monster films, Reptile, Disaster films
Actors Marti Pellow, Harrison Young, Terrence Evans, Adam Gierasch, Christina Jean Innis

Eight teenagers, including Brady (Mark McLachlan), Claire (Caitlin Martin), Duncan (Chris Solari), Kit (D. W. Reiser), Annabelle (Julie Mintz), Sunny (Summer Knight), Foster (Rhett Jordan) and Hubs (Greg Wayne) are going on a weekend boat trip on a remote lake in Southern California for spring break. As the group are about to depart on their boat, they are warned by Sheriff Bowman (Harrison Young) to be sensible and keep out of danger. After a day of partying, the group have a bonfire, where Kit tells them a local story about how in the early 1900s, 96 years ago, a hotel owner named Harlan featured a crocodile named Flat Dog at his hotel. He goes on to say that Harlan eventually sets up a shrine to Flat Dog, believing her to be an avatar to the ancient Egyptian crocodile god (Sobek), creating a cult that worshiped the crocodile. The town eventually ran Harlan away because of his heathenism and torched his hotel years later when Kit was a kid. Close by, two local fishermen destroy a crocodile nest, only for them both to be attacked by Flat Dog, who devours them both.
Tremors 3: Back to Perfection, 1h44
Directed by Brent Maddock
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Comedy, Action, Horror
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Comedy science fiction films, Giant monster films, Comedy horror films
Actors Michael Gross, Shawn Christian, Charlotte Stewart, Ariana Richards, Barry Livingston, Tony Genaro

Local resident and adventurer Burt Gummer returns to his hometown of Perfection, Nevada after an excursion-turned-Graboid/Shrieker hunt in Argentina. Eleven years have passed since the original Graboid infestation, and the town's preventative equipment for tracking Graboid activities has for the most part fallen into disrepair thanks to native residents Miguel, Nancy, and Mindy Sterngood. Walter Chang's market has been taken over by his niece Jodi, and the town has gained a new resident, Jack, who creates mock-attack tours for visiting tourists. One afternoon, during one of Jack's tours, his assistant is eaten by an actual Graboid. Jack, Mindy and Jack's customers barely manage to escape to warn the town, and Burt determines there are three Graboids in the area.
Lake Placid 2, 1h28
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Thriller, Action, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Natural horror films, Giant monster films, Comedy horror films, Disaster films
Actors John Schneider, Sam McMurray, Sarah Lafleur, Cloris Leachman, Chad Michael Collins, Terence H. Winkless

The film begins with two researchers, Frank and Tillman on a rubber tube raft until Tillman is dragged into the water and killed by a crocodile. In Aroostook County, Maine, Frank shows Sheriff James Riley the severed body parts of Tillman. James, Frank and Fish and Wildlife officer Emma Warner venture to Black Lake to investigate. After stopping the boat, Emma jumps into the lake to see if there’s anything, eventually to find Tillman’s severed head.
Attack of the Sabretooth, 1h32
Directed by George Trumbull Miller
Origin USA
Genres Science fiction, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Horror
Themes Films about animals, Seafaring films, La préhistoire, Transport films, Animaux préhistoriques, Natural horror films, Mise en scène d'un tigre, Giant monster films, Mise en scène d'un mammifère, Disaster films
Actors Robert Carradine, Nicholas Bell, Stacy Haiduk, Brian Wimmer, Rawiri Paratene, Cleopatra Coleman

On a remote island, a Primal Park security guard enters a locked restricted area, where a sabre-tooth cat kills him. As Alan performs an inspection, Niles takes his ex-brother-in-law Grant and Autumn to a hotel where other investors are waiting. Security guards Savannah and Sundip ignore an alert on a gate, but Alan insists on checking it. College students Kirk, Alaina, Robbie, Alys, and Collette arrive to complete a scavenger hunt, and Niles takes them to the hotel.