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Films with theme "Wuxia films", sorted by revenue

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The Four
The Four (2012)
, 1h58
Directed by Gordon Chan
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Fantastic, Fantasy, Action, Crime
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Superhero films, Kung fu films, Wuxia films
Actors Liu Yifei, Deng Chao, Collin Chou, Anthony Wong, Wu Xiubo, Jiang Yiyan

The movie is set during the reign of Emperor Huizong in the late Northern Song Dynasty. The government department known as the "Department Six" customarily has full jurisdiction over all criminal investigations in the imperial capital. Department Six is well-staffed and operates in a highly disciplined manner. Their chief, Commandant Liu, ranks the investigators by clearance rate and dangles the prospect of an operator to be named one of the "Great Four".
The Magnificent Trio, 1h43
Directed by Chang Cheh
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Martial arts, Action, Romance, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Chin Ping, Jimmy Wang Yu, Lo Lieh, Tien Feng, Wu Ma, Liu Chia-liang

Un escrimeur errant nommé Lu Fang (Jimmy Wang Yu) qui revient de la bataille découvre que plusieurs agriculteurs ont enlevé la fille du magistrat local. Il les côtés avec eux après avoir appris que c'est un acte de désespoir pour améliorer leur niveau de vie bas. Le magistrat embauche des bandits et un autre combattant du nom de Huang Liang (Cheng Lui) pour obtenir sa fille. Huang Lu reconnaît comme un compagnon d'armes et le rejoint à repousser les bandits. Le bras de fer se termine brusquement lorsque le magistrat utilise l'une des filles de l'agriculteur comme levier pour obtenir sa propre fille. Lu convainc le juge d'instruction de le punir en place des agriculteurs, mais il a menti. La fille du juge d'instruction (Chin Ping) et un combattant à son emploi (Lo Lieh), avec Huang Lu aide à échapper. Une fois récupéré.
Duel for Gold, 1h40
Directed by Chu Yuan
Origin Hong kong
Genres Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Chin Han, Ivy Ling Po, Lo Lieh, Sammo Hung, Tsang Choh-lam, Chin Tsi-ang

Six swordsmen, including two sisters and their husbands, a ranger and a security man, are after millions of taels of gold stored in a secure vault in Datong Prefecture, and betray and outwit each other during their quest.
Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny
Directed by Yuen Woo-ping
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Donnie Yen, Michelle Yeoh, Harry Shum Jr., Jason Scott Lee, Eugenia Yuan, Chris Pang

Tigre et Dragon 2 reprend les thèmes du premier opus et développe son intrigue autour d’une histoire d’amour perdu, d’une épée légendaire et d'une quête de rédemption. Et ce sur fond de combats d’arts martiaux entre le bien et le mal.
The Man with the Iron Fists 2, 1h29
Directed by Roel Reiné
Origin USA
Genres Martial arts, Kung fu, Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films, Wuxia films
Actors Grace Huang, RZA, Andrew Lin Hoi, Carl Ng, Dustin Nguyen, Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa

Thaddeus the blacksmith is on his way to the monks at Wu Chi Temple on a quest on inner peace when he is attacked by the brother of Silver Lion and his henchmen. Thaddeus manages to defeat them all but receives a near fatal wound from Silver Lion's brother's claw. He succumbs to his wounds and is seen drifting on a log down a river.
Lady with a Sword
Directed by Kao Pao-shu
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Martial arts, Romantic comedy, Action, Martial arts
Themes Films about sexuality, Sports films, Transgender in film, Martial arts films, Wuxia films, LGBT-related film, Cross-dressing in film
Actors Wang Hsieh, Lily Ho, Ouyang Sha-fei, Chin Tsi-ang, Tsang Choh-lam, Lam Ching Ying

Alors qu'il est en train de réprimander un petit voleur de lapin, le séduisant seigneur Jin Lian-bai, expert en arts martiaux, fait la connaissance de la mère de ce dernier, une jeune veuve qu'il cherche à consoler. Celle-ci adopte cependant à son égard une attitude arrogante et vindicative, si bien que le jeune homme est obligé de la tuer accidentellement.
The Final Master
Origin Chine
Genres Drama, Comedy, Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Song Jia, Liao Fan, Jiang Wenli, Leon Dai, Xiong Xin-xin, Chen Kuan-tai

Un maitre de Wing Chun originaire du Sud, arrive à Tianjin au début du 20ème siècle afin d’y ouvrir sa propre école de kung-fu. Pour cela, il doit obéir à certaines règles : se marier, entraîner un protégé, et passer un pacte avec le maître Zhen. Mais le pouvoir de ce dernier est usurpé par une certaine Madame Zou alliée à un seigneur de guerre.
Killer Constable, 1h38
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Action, Adventure
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Chen Kuan-tai, Ku Feng, Dick Wei, Yuen Wah

Chef de la police impériale de la capitale Mandchou, Ling Tian Ying est connu pour son taux de succès remarquable en matière de lutte contre les crimes violents, cependant, Ling est aussi un agent de police impitoyable qui n'a jamais fait de prisonniers, cela lui vaut d'être blâmer par son propre frère pour cette détermination farouche. Lorsque deux millions de taels sont volés dans les coffres impériaux, Ling est demander de retrouver les voleurs dans les dix jours et de leur administrer sa propre justice. Au file de ca traque, Ling découvrira un complot, et se rendra compte que la vérité n'est peut-être pas où il le pense.
Have Sword, Will Travel, 1h42
Directed by Chang Cheh
Origin Hong kong
Genres Martial arts, Action, Adventure, Crime, Romance, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films, Wuxia films
Actors Ti Lung, David Chiang, Yuen Cheung-Yan, Chan Sing, Ku Feng, Tsang Choh-lam

The upright and invincible leader of the Wulin clan Lord Yin Ke Feng (Cheng Miu) helps the Luoyang government to escort two hundred million worth of gold annually and has never made a mistake. However, he accidentally loses his martial arts skills and the gold is stolen by Chao Hong (Ku Feng), leader of the Flying Tigers thieves. Lone swordsman Lo Yi (David Chiang) meets Yun Piao Piao (Lee Ching) and her fiance Siang Ding (Ti Lung), who are bodyguards for the gold. First, they fight each other before joining forces to help Yin to defeat Chao. Originally down and out, Lu is taken in by the gentle Yun and volunteers to be a bodyguard. He becomes acquainted with her through his warm-blooded actions.
The 13 Cold-Blooded Eagles, 1h33
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films, Wuxia films
Actors Cynthia Khan, Chung Fat

During a cold day, the disciples of the Shinshu Religion madly robs a village and hides in the forest. Suddenly, a group of martial arts experts named the "13 Cold-Blooded Eagles" dash in and kill the disciples. After killing them, the 13 Cold-Blooded Eagles return to the Flying Eagle Fort and report to their foster father Yue Xihong (Yen Shi-kwan). Yue then commands them to kill to Monster (Chung Fat), leader of Shinshu and take his "Seven Stars Reserpine Technique" manual. The 13 Cold-Blooded Eagles ride up to peak of Hua Mountain where Monster resides. There, the eagles corner Monster at the edge of the cliff while Monster grabs Silver Eagle Qi Yingming (Lau Chi-wai) and falls off the cliff together. Monster dies afterwards while Qi was heavily injured but was rescued by Quihua (Cynthia Khan) and takes him back to her estate. There Quihua nurses Qi back to health and Qi returns to the Flying Eagle Fort while not Quihua his true identity. Yue discovers that the manual is in the hands of Ao Tianheng and he orders his disciples to assassinate Ao and take the manual. Qin thinks that Ao had never committed any evil deeds in the jianghu community and should not victimize an innocent man but he had to obey his mentor. In a hut, the sickly Ao was meditating before three of the eagles come in from the window. Ao's daughter Quihua draws her sword to protect her father and battle the three eagles. Red Eagle (Waise Lee) and White Eagle (Wan Seung-lam) comes to assist. Just as Quihua was losing support, a taoist priest comes to rescue her and strikes Red Eagle into a hole in the ground. While inside the hole, Red Eagle find his father who was struck in by Yue twenty-years ago. Red Eagle's father passes him his inner qigong before dying. The angered Red Eagle runs back to the Flying Eagle Fort where he exposes Yue's evil deeds in front of everyone. However, he was blinded by a condor trained by Yue. Seeing how Red Eagle cannot die in peace, Qi feels very conflicting. Later, Yuen orders Qi to go to Sunflower Island to kill its leader and take the manual away. However, Qi discovers that Quihua is the leader of the island and was reluctant to kill her and decided to let her go but was stop by his fellow eagles. Together with Quihua, Qi kills all the eagles and leaves Sunflower Island with her while being chased by Yue. Desperate to escape, Quihua throws the manual into a rapid river where Yue jumps in. A few days later, Qi and Quihua arrive at the Flying Eagle Fort to seek vengeance on Yue. Qi was heavily wounded after the battle while Quihua uses all of inner qigong to push a boutique of lilies that stab into Yue and kills him. The distressed Qi then holds Quihua's corpse and slowly walks up the hill while facing the sun.
The Knight of Knights
Origin Hong kong
Genres Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Lily Ho, Ku Feng, Lily Li Li-li, Chen Hung-lieh, Yuen Woo-ping, Wu Ma

Le scénario s’inscrit dans la veine traditionnelle de films de wuxia tels que L'Incendie du monastère du Lotus rouge ou L'Héroïne rouge, mettant en scène un héros martial aux prises avec des moines lubriques et séditieux, retranchés dans un monastère garni de pièges et de passages secrets.
Killers Five
Origin Hong kong
Genres Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Yang Chih-ching, Ku Feng, Tien Feng, Sammo Hung

Un héros (Tang Ching) est chargé par un éminent fonctionnaire (Yang Chih-ching) de délivrer sa fille (Carrie Ku Mei) capturée par des bandits et détenue dans leur repaire, un endroit quasi-inaccessible qui rend cette mission suicidaire. Pour ce faire, il recrute une équipe de spécialistes des arts martiaux aux profils contrastés et aux surnoms évocateurs : le « Rat-qui-Nage » (Ku Feng), le « Tigre-qui-Grimpe » (Ching Miao) et la « Maîtresse-de-l’Arc » (Li Ching). En chemin ils font la connaissance d’un étrange personnage.