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Films with theme "Wuxia films", sorted by revenue

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Butterfly and Sword, 1h27
Origin Hong kong
Genres Martial arts, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Tony Leung Chiu-wai, Michelle Yeoh, Jimmy Lin, Joey Wong, Donnie Yen, Elvis Tsui

Butterfly has nothing to do with the martial arts world. Her father was once a renowned member of the martial arts world, but she is just another young girl deeply in love with Meng Sing Wan. They live happily in a small hut next to a river, where he spends time trying to catch fish, and writing poetry. From time to time, Sing has to go away on business to earn money, that's what he tells her anyway, but the horrifying truth is that he is an assassin.
The Maidens of Heavenly Mountains, 1h37
Origin Hong kong
Genres Fantasy, Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Gong Li, Sharla Cheung, Frankie Lam, Liu Kai-chi

La légende veut que dans un endroit lointain au-delà du bord de la terre, il existe un homme au cœur brisé avec un pouvoir infini. Abandonné par ses proches, l'héritage des pouvoirs du vieil homme devient un champ de bataille pour les étrangers maléfiques. Il y a 3 jeunes filles sur la montagne, qui n'ont jamais vieilli et n'ont pas été touchées par l'âge. Ils avaient l'habitude d'être amis mais leur frère se méfie d'une ou deux d'entre elles, et c'est à ce moment que tous les 3 ont commencé la querelle. Bien sûr, deux (jouées par Lin) des trois jeunes filles sont des jumelles, un mal un bon. L'autre, joué par Gong Li, est follement amoureux / obsédé (mais pas d'une manière lesbienne) de la bonne demoiselle des jumelles, et souhaite se réunir avec elle, mais le frère ne voulait pas la laisser.
The White Dragon, 1h33
Directed by Wilson Yip
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Romance
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Francis Ng, Cecilia Cheung, Andy On, Patrick Tang, Hui Shiu-hung

In a twist departing from the standard superhero formula, White Dragon is a narcissist, forever worried about her good looks, even as she's fighting with Feather, a blind assassin nicknamed "Chicken Feathers" because of his propensity for using chicken feathers as his calling card.
Treasure Inn, 1h37
Directed by Corey Yuen, Wong Jing
Origin Hong kong
Genres Comedy, Action
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films, Wuxia films
Actors Nicholas Tse, Charlene Choi, Nick Cheung, Kenny Ho, Philip Wan-Lung Ng

Master Kung and Lo Pa are two police officers of White Horse City, who have high skills but are underused. An opportunity to prove themselves arises when a robbery takes place at the home of the city's richest man, Ho Pak Man, in which his whole family is killed and the family treasure, the "White Jade Goddess of Mercy," is stolen. Their chance for glory is cut short, however, when the "Police God" Tit Mo Ching is called in to investigate the case. He bars Kung and Lo Pa from further participation in the investigation because of their low status.
The Duel
The Duel (2000)
, 1h46
Directed by Andrew Lau
Origin Hong kong
Genres Comedy, Fantasy, Action, Adventure, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films, Wuxia films
Actors Andy Lau, Ekin Cheng, Nick Cheung, Zhao Wei, Patrick Tam, Elvis Tsui

Dragon Nine, an imperial detective, is on his way back after concluding the case of the Thief Ghost. He encounters "Sword Saint" Yeh, who asks him to tell "Sword Deity" Simon to meet him for a duel on the night of the full moon at the highest rooftop of the Forbidden Palace. News of the upcoming duel between the two greatest swordsmen spread like wildfire and attract much attention, with people starting to place bets on the final outcome. The Emperor sends Dragon Nine and Princess Phoenix to stop the duel from taking place and investigate whether it is a mask for any sinister plots.
Legend of the Sacred Stone, 2h2
Origin Taiwan
Genres Fantasy, Action, Adventure
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films

Throughout the storyline within this movie film, 400 years within the past is where it is meant to be taking place. The story begins when a man by the name of Mo Kuei threatens the people to the extent that he will destroy all of Wulin, which had been the forest of residence for the warriors of Wulin. A certain sage by the name of Su Huan-jen had responded to this conflict by summoning three specific warriors from different schools of martial arts to assist him. These three warriors would then wait within ambush for Mo Kuei to gather his spiritual energy amongst the summit of the mountain. The story continues onward in which Lord Jian almost becomes sealed by certain protectors of Wulin. Many conflicts follow this in which Jian loses all of his powers and lusts to find the Sacred Stone to regain his powers.
Raining in the Mountain, 2h
Directed by King Hu
Origin Taiwan
Genres Drama, Martial arts, Action, Adventure, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Xu Feng, Paul Chun, Tien Feng, Hsiao Ho

Dans la Chine de la dynastie Ming, le Supérieur du monastère bouddhique de San Pao (Trois Joyaux) doit se choisir un successeur. Parmi les hauts dignitaires invités pour l’assister dans cette lourde tâche, certains convoitent ardemment le parchemin inestimable abrité par le Temple : les soutras du Mahayana écrits par Xuan Zang. Mensonges, trahisons, tentatives de vols et meurtres accompagnent les cérémonies d’intronisation. Mais finalement seule la voie du Bouddha prévaudra.
Killer Clans, 1h31
Directed by Chu Yuan
Genres Drama, Martial arts, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films, Wuxia films
Actors Ku Feng, Yueh Hua, Lo Lieh, Ching Li

Sur les ordres d'un employeur à l'identité secrète, Meng Sheng-hun, un tueur renommé, est engagé pour éliminer Sun Yu. Une tâche beaucoup moins aisée qu'il n'y paraît, sa cible étant constamment entourée de gardes du corps redoutables. L’assassin doit donc s'infiltrer au sein du clan Lung Men sous une fausse identité pour tenter de gagner la confiance de sa future victime. Mais la détermination habituelle du tueur solitaire est remise en question lorsqu'il croise par hasard une charmante et mystérieuse femme dans la Forêt aux Papillons...
Seven Swords, 2h28
Directed by Tsui Hark
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Martial arts, Fantastic, Action, Adventure, Martial arts
Themes Films about magic and magicians, Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Donnie Yen, Leon Lai, Liu Chia-liang, Charlie Yeung, Kim So-yeon, Lu Yi

In the mid-17th century, the Manchus conquer the territories of the former Ming Empire and establish the Qing Empire. While nationalistic sentiments start brewing within the wulin (martial artists' community), the Qing government immediately imposes a ban forbidding the common people from practising martial arts. The warlord Fire-Wind sees the new law as an opportunity to make a fortune so he offers to help the government execute the new rule. Greedy, cruel and immoral, Fire-Wind ravages northwest China with his army and kills thousands of resistance fighters and innocent civilians. His next goal is to attack Martial Village, which houses a large number of martial artists.
Storm Rider: Clash of the Evils
Directed by Dante Lam
Genres Action, Animation
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Nicholas Tse, Richie Ren, Raymond Lam, Ti Lung, Cecilia Han

The film is a spinoff of the original story and the two protagonists Wind and Cloud. The residents of Sword-Worshipping Manor, which houses the best sword-smiths in the world, are brutally massacred after they are alleged to be plotting a rebellion against the government. The young master of the manor, Ngou Kuet, is the only survivor. Ngou Kuet vows to finish forging the "Kuet" Sword, a task passed down by generations of his family which has yet to be completed. Ngou Kuet attacks Tin Ha Wui and battles with Wind and Cloud to obtain the blood of the Fire Kirin which can unleash the power of the sword. As the blood of the Fire Kirin runs in Wind's veins, he becomes Ngou Kuet's primary target.
Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre II, 1h41
Directed by Chu Yuan
Origin Hong kong
Genres Drama, Fantasy, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Lo Lieh, Candice Yu, Derek Yee, Ching Li, Kara Hui

Le suspense continue dans cette suite. Seule l'union des armes appelées "Heaven Sword" et "Dragon Blade" peut sauver les six derniers clans d'arts martiaux qui sont en rivalité pour dominer les autres.
The Magic Blade, 1h26
Directed by Chu Yuan
Origin Hong kong
Genres Martial arts, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Ti Lung, Lo Lieh, Ching Li, Ku Feng, Fan Mei-sheng, Yuen Woo-ping

Fu-Hung-hsue et un autre chevalier expert en arts martiaux, Yen Nan-fei, doivent protéger des plumes de paon magiques des menées criminelles d'un mystérieux seigneur de clan, et protéger aussi une jeune fille. 5 êtres magiques (Poésie, Échecs, Peinture, Luth, etc.) au service du mystérieux maître d'arts martiaux Gongsun Yu, seront 5 occasions de combats pour les deux héros jusqu'à la révélation finale.
The Silver Fox, 1h30
Origin Hong kong
Genres Martial arts, Action, Adventure
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Kung fu films, Wuxia films
Actors Chang Yi, Lily Ho, Tien Feng, Helen Ma

Lily Ho joue le rôle de Silver Fox, une redoutée spécialiste de l'épée qui, lorsqu'elle était enfant, a vu son père se faire blesser d'une façon insensée et sa mère se faire violer. 18 ans plus tard, c'est l'heure de la revanche.
Jade Tiger
Jade Tiger (1977)

Directed by Chu Yuan
Genres Martial arts, Action, Adventure, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films
Actors Ti Lung, Ku Feng, Lo Lieh, Yueh Hua, Derek Yee, Yuen Biao

Afin de venger la mort de son père, décapité par un traître, Zhao Wu-Ji décide d'infiltrer le clan ennemi, commanditaire de cet assassinat et maître dans l'art de manier les poisons. Au cours de son périple, il côtoiera la mort et se liera avec de curieux personnages.
Red Heroine, 1h34
Origin Chine
Genres Martial arts, Action, Martial arts
Themes Sports films, Martial arts films, Wuxia films

Des soldats enlèvent une jeune fille et tuent sa grand-mère. Elle est sauvée par un mystérieux ermite qui la forme aux arts martiaux pour qu’elle puisse se venger.