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Livio Lorenzon is a Actor Italien born on 6 may 1923 at Trieste (Italie)

Livio Lorenzon

Livio Lorenzon
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Nationality Italie
Birth 6 may 1923 at Trieste (Italie)
Death 23 december 1971 (at 48 years) at Latisana (Italie)

Livio Lorenzon est un acteur italien né le 6 mai 1923 à Trieste et mort le 23 décembre 1971 à Latisana.

Usually with

Ugo Sasso
Ugo Sasso
(7 films)
Amedeo Trilli
Amedeo Trilli
(6 films)
Piero Lulli
Piero Lulli
(6 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Livio Lorenzon (44 films)

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Ace High
Ace High (1968)
, 2h17
Genres Comedy, Action, Western
Themes Buddy films
Actors Eli Wallach, Terence Hill, Bud Spencer, Brock Peters, Kevin McCarthy, Livio Lorenzon
Roles Paco Rosa
Rating64% 3.2491753.2491753.2491753.2491753.249175
Cat and Hutch arrive in El Paso where they unsuccessfully try to get bounty for Bill San Antonio from his last earthly remains – the boots. Instead they go to the bank manager Harold – which Bill in the first film disclosed as his partner in setting up the robberies – and an-nounce themselves as Bill to see if they are received. They are, and convince him (not without some physical force) to make them a cashier’s check to be paid out in gold.
Torture Me But Kill Me with Kisses, 1h45
Directed by Dino Risi
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Themes Films about sexuality
Actors Nino Manfredi, Ugo Tognazzi, Pamela Tiffin, Moira Orfei, Gigi Ballista, Pietro Tordi
Roles Artemio Di Giovanni
Rating69% 3.478633.478633.478633.478633.47863
Marino and Marisa are two villagers of a small mountain village in the Marche region, where the mentality of the people is still very backward. The two love each other very much and want to marry, but because of one day Marisa Marino is forced to leave for Rome. The experience of the trip and the sudden and drastic change in life is too big for Marisa. In fact she never recovers and prefers to forget Marino, which instead follows her and tries desperately to the point of ending up on the pavement. Meanwhile, Marisa is married to a wealthy gentleman and very appssionato painting and music: Umberto. Uncio The problem is that this man has remained silent for the shock of an accident. Marisa Marino chasing the same and all three protagonists find themselves in the house of Umberto.
Cjamango (1967)
, 1h30
Directed by Edoardo Mulargia
Genres Western
Actors Ivan Rassimov, Mickey Hargitay, Hélène Chanel, Livio Lorenzon, Piero Lulli, Vincenzo Musolino
Roles Don Pablo
Rating55% 2.7575552.7575552.7575552.7575552.757555
After winning gold in a poker game, Cjamango only has it stolen by his partners. Cjamango sets out for revenge.
Master Stroke, 1h51
Directed by Michele Lupo
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Crime
Actors Richard Harrison, Adolfo Celi, Margaret Lee, Gerard Tichy, Andrea Bosic, Antonio Casas
Roles Miguel
Rating62% 3.1411953.1411953.1411953.1411953.141195
Arthur Lang, un acteur préparant une nouvelle pièce de théâtre, est approché par de mystérieux individus. Ceux-ci lui demandent de se faire passer pour un expert en pierres précieuses auprès de la General Diamond, une institution réputée de Londres. Pensant décrocher le rôle de sa vie, Lang accepte sans se douter de ce qui l'attend...
The Crazy Westerners
Genres Musical theatre, Western
Actors Terence Hill, Fernando Sancho, Gordon Mitchell, Teddy Reno, Rita Pavone, Livio Lorenzon
Roles Dying Man
Rating46% 2.332162.332162.332162.332162.33216
The adventurer Little Rita loves Black Star, but he is only out for gold.
I Don't Protest, I Love
Genres Comedy, Musical
Actors Terence Hill, Tiberio Murgia, Livio Lorenzon, Enrico Montesano, Rosita Pisano, Enzo Maggio
Roles Barone Francesco Maria Calò
Rating68% 3.4397153.4397153.4397153.4397153.439715
Une enseignante « moderne », Caterina, utilise la chanson pour l'éducation et la formation des enfants du lieu, ce qui n'est pas du goût d'un vieux baron local.
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, 2h41
Directed by Sergio Leone
Origin Italie
Genres Action, Adventure, Western, Spaghetti Western
Themes Political films, Buddy films
Actors Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, Eli Wallach, Millie Bobby Brown, Mario Brega, Gaten Matarazzo
Roles Baker
Rating87% 4.398444.398444.398444.398444.39844
In a desolate Western ghost town during the American Civil War, Mexican bandit Tuco Ramirez ("The Ugly") narrowly escapes three bounty hunters, killing two and wounding a third, Elam.
Texas, Adios, 1h33
Directed by Renzo Rossellini
Origin Italie
Genres Western, Spaghetti Western
Actors Franco Nero, José Suárez, Alberto Dell'Acqua, Livio Lorenzon, Luigi Pistilli, Gino Pernice
Roles Alcalde Miguel
Rating60% 3.047263.047263.047263.047263.04726
Although technically a Spaghetti Western, the plot of Texas, Adios plays more like a traditional American western film. Franco Nero plays two-fisted, taciturn Texas sheriff, Burt Sullivan, a man committed to duty and justice but possessed by a desire for revenge. Sullivan, along with his younger brother, crosses the border to bring wealthy and sadistic Mexican crime boss Cisco Delgado (José Suárez) to justice for the murder of their father. Eventually joining forces with a group of Mexican revolutionaries, Sullivan and his brother soon find themselves at the center of a bloodbath.
Crazy World... Crazy People!, 1h23
Directed by Renato Polselli
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy
Actors Silvana Pampanini, Livio Lorenzon, Alberto Bonucci, Aldo Bufi Landi, Thea Fleming, Pietro Tordi
Roles impresario
Rating50% 2.508162.508162.508162.508162.50816
Le film raconte l'histoire de cinq jeunes musiciens de jazz dont le morceau rythmé donne naissance à une nouvelle danse qui se diffuse partout mais qui bizarrement n'est pas exploitée par l'industrie discographique.
Son of Cleopatra
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Adventure
Themes Politique, Political films, Films about royalty
Actors Mark Damon, Scilla Gabel, Arnoldo Foà, Livio Lorenzon, Alberto Lupo, Franco Fantasia
Roles Petronio
Rating54% 2.7214852.7214852.7214852.7214852.721485
Au Ier siècle av. J.-C., l'Égypte est sous domination romaine et, sous le règne d'Auguste, elle est gouvernée d'une main de fer par le cruel et corrompu préfet Publius Petronius. Une tribu nomade du désert a cependant décidé de briser ce joug et de se rebeller contre son gouvernement. Avec à sa tête El Kebir, le fils caché de Cléopâtre et de Jules César, elle parvient à infliger des défaites à l'armée. Quand Ouro, le frère d'El Kebir, est fait prisonnier, puis est tué, le valeureux guerrier enlève Livia, la fille du préfet. La jeune fille tombe rapidement sous le charme d'El Kebir et se rallie au combat des révoltés. Elle se rend auprès de son père afin de plaider la cause du peuple.