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Ciccio Ingrassia is a Actor, Director and Story Italien born on 5 october 1922 at Palermo (Italie)

Ciccio Ingrassia

Ciccio Ingrassia
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Nationality Italie
Birth 5 october 1922 at Palermo (Italie)
Death 28 april 2003 (at 80 years) at Rome (Italie)

Ciccio Ingrassia (né le 5 octobre 1922 à Palerme et mort le 28 avril 2003 à Rome) est un acteur et réalisateur italien. Il forma avec son complice Franco Franchi un duo comique entré dans l'histoire du cinéma italien sous le nom de scène Franco et Ciccio.


Ciccio Ingrassia nait à Palerme au sein d'une famille modeste de cinq enfants. Il termina l'école primaire mais ne poursuivit pas ses études. Il travailla dans de nombreux petits métiers, coiffeur, menuisier, boucher et cordonnier. Il fit en parallèle des animations lors de soirées privées notamment par des imitations de personnalités comme celle de Totò.

À la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, il fréquenta le « Bar des Artistes » de Palerme qui était un foyer de jeunes artistes en herbe. À la fin de la guerre, il s'installe à Turin, où il rencontra le comédien Gino Bramieri, qui s'imposait dans le genre de la parodie, qui jouissait alors des faveurs du public.

Au début des années 1950, la vie de Ciccio marqua un tournant. Il rencontra Franco Franchi, qui était un comique et chanteur de rues. Presque par accident les deux hommes se rencontrèrent dans les rues de Palerme et de là commença une longue et fructueuse collaboration, qui fut un grand succès public. Ils réalisèrent ensemble 132 films, essentiellement tournés dans les années soixante. Dans les années 1970 et les 1980, ils se tournèrent vers la télévision. Le duo prit fin en 1992 avec la mort de Franco Franchi. Quelque temps plus tard, Ciccio perdit son épouse. Le cœur n'y était plus et il s'éloigna de la profession. En 2001, il commença à avoir des problèmes respiratoires qui s'aggravèrent avec le temps. Il fut hospitalisé en 2003 et mourut le 28 avril de cette même année.

Best films

Amarcord (1973)

Usually with

Enzo Andronico
Enzo Andronico
(31 films)
Lucio Fulci
Lucio Fulci
(15 films)
Umberto D'Orsi
Umberto D'Orsi
(24 films)
Lino Banfi
Lino Banfi
(16 films)
Nino Terzo
Nino Terzo
(17 films)
Source : Wikidata

Filmography of Ciccio Ingrassia (94 films)

Display filmography as list


How We Got the Italian Movie Business Into Trouble: The True Story of Franco and Ciccio
Directed by Daniele Ciprì, Franco Maresco
Origin Italie
Genres Documentary
Actors Ciccio Ingrassia, Lino Banfi, Bernardo Bertolucci, Mario Merola, Lando Buzzanca, Vittorio De Sica
Roles Self (archive footage)
Rating73% 3.6873153.6873153.6873153.6873153.687315
Le film évoque la carrière du duo comique sicilien qui compta parmi les plus célèbres des acteurs dans leur pays, Franco Franchi et Ciccio Ingrassia ; en utilisant des archives de leur répertoire et des témoignages originaux — par-dessus tout, ceux de la famille et des amis des réalisateurs — il imprime en quelque sorte à la pellicule son propre et authentique récit cinématographique.
Giovani e belli, 1h30
Directed by Dino Risi
Genres Comedy
Actors Anna Falchi, Carlo Croccolo, Ciccio Ingrassia, Venantino Venantini, Carla Cassola, Lola Pagnani
Roles Re degli Zingari
Rating41% 2.075842.075842.075842.075842.07584
Gino and Luke are two Roman boys: one's rich, the other is a proletarian. Both the two are in love for a gypsy named Zorilla. But the two young men have to deal with the leader of the band of gypsies where lives Zorilla, who is not willing to entrust the girl with two young men. When Zorilla gets the consent of the boss, she goes to live with Luke and Gino, creating havoc in their families.
Camerieri (1995)
, 1h36
Directed by Leone Pompucci
Genres Comedy, Comedy-drama
Actors Paolo Villaggio, Diego Abatantuono, Marco Messeri, Antonio Catania, Antonello Fassari, Regina Bianchi
Roles Loppi
Rating63% 3.1652453.1652453.1652453.1652453.165245
In a restaurant six waiters are abandoned by their senior boss (Ciccio Ingrassia) who goes to the hospital for an illness. Salvatore Azzaro: the new owner, an old Roman hick, is going to give a cut to the staff and to renew the restaurant's decor; however he decides to make a bet. If the six waiters can serve him well during the evening celebration of his wedding anniversary, Salvatore Azzaro don't lay off them. But the task is difficult because the waiters hate each other and their customers to be served rather than human beings are utterly evil and bad manners.
The Voyage of Captain Fracassa, 2h12
Directed by Ettore Scola
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Adventure, Historical
Actors Massimo Troisi, Vincent Pérez, Ornella Muti, Emmanuelle Béart, Toni Ucci, Jean-François Perrier
Roles Pietro, Sigognac's servant
Rating72% 3.6246853.6246853.6246853.6246853.624685
The story takes place in France during 1600. A ramshackle theater company of Commedia dell'arte (Comedy of Art) is to roam vast and boundless territories to reach the court of Louis XIV. However, it remains stationary for days on a single place. In fact, a member of the company is seriously ill and so the actor who plays Punch (Troisi) tells how it all took place in a traveler who sees the bandwagon. The theater company recently was already going to visit the King of France that he might have better luck presenting their games and shows, but they ran into a storm. There, the members have seen a ruined castle and entered it, as we are in a servant (Ciccio Ingrassia) and his young master fallen: Baron Sigognac. The servant understands well that the young man would spend a useless life if he continued to live with him, and throws him out the next day with the company so that it can find the fortune. The young man struggles to acclimate to the new conditions imposed on him, but gradually get used to and make friends with almost all the funny members of the company who all have an interesting story to tell about their past.
It's Happening Tomorrow, 1h27
Directed by Daniele Luchetti
Origin Italie
Genres Comedy, Adventure, Historical
Actors Paolo Hendel, Margherita Buy, Angela Finocchiaro, Claudio Bigagli, Quinto Parmeggiani, Gianfranco Barra
Roles Gianloreto Bonacci
Rating62% 3.1355253.1355253.1355253.1355253.135525
En 1848, dans la région de la Toscane, Edo (Giovanni Guidelli ) et Lupo (Paolo Hendel) sont deux bergers qui gardent des troupeaux dans la Maremme de la province de Grosseto. Afin d'aider la veuve d'un ancien ami mort du paludisme, il détrousse le messager Terminio (Antonio Petrocelli ) qui ramène au riche propriétaire Cesare del Ghiana (Giacomo Piperno ) la recette de la foire. Mais Terminio les dupe en leur donnant une petite partie de la recette, puis en gardant pour lui le reste, tout en dénonçant les deux amis à son maître, qui ordonne alors à son fils, Diego (Claudio Bigagli), de partir à leurs recherches en compagnie d'une bande de mercenaires. Les deux amis fuient vers le Nord et se perdent dans les anciennes Via Cave de la région, avant d'être capturé par la bande de brigands de Gianloreto Bonacci (Ciccio Ingrassia). Ce dernier les enferme avec Lady Rowena (Angela Finocchiaro), une duchesse étrangère. Le trio est finalement secouru par Diego et ses mercenaires, mais Edo et Lupo en profitent pour s'échapper une nouvelle fois. Ils arrivent finalement sur les rives du lac Burano, où ils sont recueillis par le marquis Lucifer Ombraviva (Ugo Gregoretti). Par amusement, ce dernier accepte le pari de l'abbé Flamart (Dario Cantarelli ), qui prétend pouvoir instruire l'un des deux bergers afin d'en faire un aristocrate, et ce malgré sa modeste condition. Edo reste alors avec l'abbé, tandis que Lupo s'en va. Mais le destin va bientôt rapprocher une nouvelle fois les deux amis .
La Bohème
La Bohème (1988)
, 1h46
Directed by Luigi Comencini, Frédéric Auburtin
Origin United-kingdom
Genres Drama, Musical
Themes Films about music and musicians, Musical films, Films based on operas
Actors Mario Maranzana, Massimo Girotti, Ciccio Ingrassia
Roles Parpignol
Rating70% 3.5462253.5462253.5462253.5462253.546225
A Paris, dans le Quartier latin, au début du XXe siècle. Trois amis, Rodolphe le poète, Marcel le peintre et Colline le philosophe, vivent ensemble misérablement dans une chambre de bonne. Mimi, une jeune voisine, se joint à eux. Rodolphe tombe amoureux d'elle. Bientôt, la jeune fille, malade, se plaint de la jalousie de Rodolphe. Celui-ci avoue à ses amis qu'il veut quitter Mimi car il ne peut la soigner. Ils se séparent mais Mimi revient bientôt mourir dans leur petite chambre. C'est l'adaptation de l'opéra La Bohème de Giacomo Puccini, lui-même adapté d'un roman d'Henri Murger.
Chaos (1984)
, 3h8
Directed by Frères Taviani
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Fantasy, Romance
Themes Films about animals, Films about magic and magicians, Seafaring films, Transport films, La précarité, Wolves in film, Werewolves in film, Mise en scène d'un mammifère, L'émigration
Actors Margarita Lozano, Omero Antonutti, Claudio Bigagli, Massimo Bonetti, Ciccio Ingrassia, Regina Bianchi
Roles Don Lollò (segment "La giara")
Rating77% 3.8917353.8917353.8917353.8917353.891735
The film depicts four short stories from Pirandello's 15-volume series Novelle per un anno, which play around his birthplace in the 19th century. A raven, which in the introduction is shown to get a bell around his neck from locals, leads one from one story to the next.
Traffic Jam, 2h1
Directed by Juan Luis Buñuel, Luigi Comencini
Origin France
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about sexuality, Transport films, Rape in fiction, Films about automobiles
Actors Annie Girardot, Ugo Tognazzi, Alberto Sordi, Marcello Mastroianni, Stefania Sandrelli, Miou-Miou
Roles Sick Man in Ambulance
Rating68% 3.44263.44263.44263.44263.4426
In a main thoroughfare on the outskirts of Rome, thousands of motorists are stuck in terrible traffic jam for twenty-four hours. In a stretch of road there is a variety of characters whose behaviour becomes strange. There is a selfish and hypocritical entrepreneur in a luxury car; a young hippie girl harassed and then raped by some dandies and a family from Naples on the way to Rome to abort their daughter. There is also an old couple that argues constantly; a patient that dies in the ambulance; an old actor staying in a small country house near the road; a female globetrotter who is hitch-hiking to the stopped cars and some young members of Far Left Wing among others. The day the traffic jam clears, the entrepreneur hires the girl from Naples for a record company in exchange for a sexual service. The girl is raped and then comforted by a man who wants to avenge her but then gives up. The rapists leave quietly once more.
One Way or Another, 2h
Directed by Elio Petri
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Thriller
Themes Political films
Actors Gian Maria Volonté, Marcello Mastroianni, Mariangela Melato, Renato Salvatori, Ciccio Ingrassia, Michel Piccoli
Roles Voltrano
Rating74% 3.749773.749773.749773.749773.74977
De nombreuses personnalités de la Démocratie chrétienne se retrouvent dans un séminaire organisé dans les salles souterraines d'un hôtel. Ce huis clos va se transformer rapidement en règlement de comptes définitifs.
The Exorciccio, 1h30
Directed by Ciccio Ingrassia
Genres Comedy, Horror comedy, Horror
Themes Films about religion, Demons in film, Comedy horror films
Actors Ciccio Ingrassia, Lino Banfi, Didi Perego, Luigi Bonos, Tano Cimarosa, Salvatore Baccaro
Roles Esorciccio
Rating57% 2.8820152.8820152.8820152.8820152.882015
In Iran at an archaeological site was discovered a small head of Beelzebub. That little sculpture is found by a young boy in a small town near Rome. The boy is the son of the candidate for mayor of the city and not just simply keeps with him the object begins to have strange quirks. He has ten years although violent girls in the country and his father Pasquale does not know what to do. Given that other supernatural events occur in the house of a mayoral candidate, he decides to summon a priest. It is a necromancer called the "Exorciccio" that, with its methods full of concoctions and potions against the evil eye will be able to save the boy. However, he himself will become a monster because he is possessed by Satan.
The Demonic Womanizer Costante Nicosia, or: Dracula in Brianza
Directed by Lucio Fulci
Genres Comedy, Horror comedy, Horror
Themes Vampires in film, Comedy horror films
Actors Lando Buzzanca, John Steiner, Moira Orfei, Christa Linder, Sylva Koscina, Ciccio Ingrassia
Roles Salvatore, the "Wizard of Noto"
Rating57% 2.861792.861792.861792.861792.86179
Costante Nicosia (Lando Buzzanca), a businessman of Sicilian origins, is a boorish, irascible, man having married for wealth. He is the new boss of a recently inherited toothpaste factory and the owner of a local Rome basketball team. Nicosia is abusive to his employees and to his hunchbacked side-kick Peppino (Antonio Aliocca). Nicosia is also extremely superstitious. Peppino is less of a friend than a good luck charm as far as the insnsstitive Nicosia is concerned. He believes that it brings good luck to rub a hunchback's hump. In one day, a black cat crosses Nicosia's path, and he breaks a mirror in his apartment. Superstition demands that he persuade a virgin to urinate over the broken shards of glass in order to halt the tide of bad luck. Abusively, he passes a decrepit old spinster who lives next door to him mistakenly assuming that she has never done the "deed". Nicosia's relationship with his wife Mariu (Sylva Koscina) is scarcely more convivial for he is also antagonstic towards her.
Amarcord (1973)
, 2h7
Directed by Federico Fellini
Origin Italie
Genres Drama, Comedy, Comedy-drama
Themes Films about families, Films about sexuality, Erotic films, Films about prostitution, Political films
Actors Magali Noël, Bruno Zanin, Pupella Maggio, Ciccio Ingrassia, Maria Antonietta Beluzzi, Antonino Faà di Bruno
Roles Teo
Rating78% 3.900783.900783.900783.900783.90078
A young woman hanging clothes on a line happily points out the arrival of "manine" or puffballs floating on the wind. The old man pottering beside her replies, "When puffballs come, cold winter’s done." In the village square, schoolboys jump around trying to pluck puffballs out of the air. Giudizio (Aristide Caporale), the town idiot, looks into the camera and recites a poem to spring and the swirling, drifting "manine."